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Joined Aug 24, 2017 at 07:58PM EDT


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Commented on Juneteenth

Regardless of your ideals, June 19, 1865 is important to recognize because it was the complete end of a rebellion which used military might to assert that States were allowed to keep People of the United States enslaved. While no doubt the nation would be farther along in fairness and equality had all States abolished slavery long before even letting it turn to Civil War, the confederate forces declared war, and the border States decided that diplomacy was preferable to bloodshed. That these events or any other events occurred does not take away from the significance of Juneteenth, but rather they compliment and fill out the history which defines the United States, giving further meaning to the lives spent and lost along the road to guaranteeing the Peoples’ unalienable rights.

Jun 19, 2021 at 07:07PM EDT

Commented on Juneteenth

South Carolina militia began the war on April 12, 1861 attacking Fort Sumter, and by February 4 1861 the confederacy formed and asserted States had the right to permit slavery and secede from the union. Naturally it rejected the Emancipation Proclamation, the executive order Lincoln made on September 22, 1862 that as of January 1, 1863, all slaves within the confederate States would be freed. The Emancipation Proclamation did not alone free all slaves within the confederacy, as it wouldn't be recognized or enforced within all rebellious States until June 19, 1865 when General Order No. 3 was issued in Texas by union forces. Notably, the Civil War ended on April 9, 1865 when Robert E. Lee surrendered to the union, 72 days prior to when General Order No. 3 was issued. Months after the Civil War ended, the 13th Amendment would be ratified on December 6, 1865 which eliminated any remaining legality of slavery within the border States, and helped closer align the United States to the promises it made to all People of the US. . . (cont.)

Jun 19, 2021 at 07:07PM EDT

Commented on Juneteenth

At this point, many People in the United States had quite a few of their unalienable rights unrecognized. It wouldn't be until Andrew Jackson's arguments for more universal manhood suffrage that by 1856, all States had removed the requirement of land ownership. At this point, many northern States had already outlawed slavery, with Pennsylvania doing so as early as 1780. Come the Civil War, the Confederacy had around 3.5 million enslaved People. In the border States there were roughly 500,000 People enslaved, which would be amended over the course of the Civil War by the States, with the exception of Delaware and Kentucky. . . (cont.)

Jun 19, 2021 at 07:05PM EDT

Commented on Juneteenth

An Amateur & Informal Brief of Some Context Surrounding Juneteenth & US History, in four parts:
On July 4, 1776, during the Second Continental Congress, the Continental Congress adopted a document titled 'The unanimous Declaration of the thirteen united States of America', and otherwise referred to as the 'United States Declaration of Independence'. It outlined the concept of united but sovereign States composed of the People who consent to governance, that all men are created equal. It is crucial to recognize that the scope of the People and men was contextually seen as describing the white land owning men of the former colonies. . . (cont.)

Jun 19, 2021 at 07:05PM EDT

Posted in NatRP: The Return (Sign-up Thread)

Shares of Acuminatia (Acuminatia for short)
Oligarchic Federation

  • The ancient foundations of this civilization lead back to a legend of a merchant establishing a system of trade between an agricultural town, and a mining town of old. It was during a societal collapse leading to the disappearance of vital workers that the two towns realized that neither could specialize without the other. They pooled their land in the form of Shares to ensure that there would always be diversity in the available skilled specialists to produce resources, and to distribute those resources between Shares, or trade them for necessary goods, be it resources missing in local supplies, tools which can benefit the workers, or perhaps writings filling in the gaps of knowledge between regions.
  • Since then, mining traditions have fallen to the wayside to make room for the extensive agricultural competitions held between Shares. The Shareholders are devoted mostly to bragging about the production of staple foods in excess, at the expense of other aspects of the nation, and the fertility of the land they rely on. The Shares of Acuminatia have used the profits of their monocultured endeavors as a crutch, and as such rely greatly on trading with their neighbors for goods and services to maintain basic aspects of civilization, even to the extent that they primarily use Mercenaries to ward off outside threats, and to police issues within the Shares.

The Government is an Oligarchic Federation that operates as such:
=Shares of Acuminatia=

  • Land is owned formally by the entity that is the Government, dubbed Acuminatia, not any individuals within the nation.
  • The Government is operated by an Oligarchic Council pooled from the Citizen population.


  • Councilmembers are referred to as Shareholders, a life position tied to a specific region, or a Share, appointed via simple majority Council vote when a Shareholder dies, and is treated as above Citizenship.
  • A Shareholders basic duty is to ensure that their Share is profitable, secure, and able to recoup from disaster.
  • Shareholders create the Laws and Regulations of the Shares they hold, though they can bring up concerns regarding other Shares with the Council.


  • Shareholders are responsible for establishing Citizen Contracts which endow individuals with a place to live, access to supplies and tools to do work outlined by the Contract, and Citizenship for the duration of the Contract.
  • Citizens are given the right to petition for specific Laws and Regulations regarding the Share they reside in, provided there is a super majority Citizen vote in favor of it.
  • A simple majority Citizen vote across all Shares can bring up an issue before the Shareholder Council for due discussion and review as to a reasonable solution.


  • Contracts can be taken up by any individual regardless of birthplace, but there is a special privilege given to locals guaranteeing Shareholders will provide opportunities to maintain Citizen Contracts for life.
  • Citizens can create Helper Contracts with individuals from anywhere to ensure they have the necessary manpower to uphold Citizen Contracts, but Helper Contracts do not grant Citizenship.



  • Cherri
  • Liamon
  • Vanyla
  • Zassaprila
  • Creem
  • Rutbere
May 08, 2021 at 05:02PM EDT

Posted in Nations RP: Prepare to Die Edition (new players welcome.....IF YUO DARE!!!!1)

Nation Name: Muscovy (Kiev Works for this era but reforming into Muscovy won't take long)
Language Base: Slavic
History: The East Slavic Peoples of the Scandinavian Peninsula had been expanding into the Russian frontier during this time, and in a few years, Moscow would become a small Trading Post connecting Greece & Anatolia with Scandinavia. With the hardy Slavic peoples gathering, this region saw a steady transition into the Tzars which would Unify the region, and into the Peoples which would boast one of the largest and most fearsome militaries in the world, opening Moscow into the world stage.
Location: Moscovite region

Dec 26, 2017 at 11:10AM EST

Posted in Natrp: If I Ruled The World

Seeking protection against the Warmongering Li Horde, Cherri seeks an Alliance with the nearby city-state Astica.
Knossos is embargoed from Trade until the Plague is tamed in their lands.

Nov 13, 2017 at 03:22AM EST

Posted in Natrp: If I Ruled The World

River Boats arrive in the ports of Astica, bringing goods from Cherri. The Traders appear to be wearing the latest in Cherri fashion, sun hats.

Nov 11, 2017 at 05:00PM EST

Posted in Natrp: If I Ruled The World

A Cherrian diplomat is sent to Gergoria to improve relations, and talk of Trade Agreements.

A Cherrian diplomat is sent to Juanpeng, instructed to respect their traditions, and attempt to improve relations.

Nov 10, 2017 at 09:38PM EST

Posted in Natrp: If I Ruled The World

The Cherrian commander, Cryste Fizz, issues the Sue for Peace with the City-State of Berri, the Demands being that Berri become a March under Cherri, and hostages be exchanged, Cherri offering a Volunteer Hostage, a Scholar who is positive towards Berri, noted for being charismatic in the Diplomatic Court. The Hostage in return will be greeted with a warm welcome, and given insight to the Cherri way of life.

Nov 10, 2017 at 09:25PM EST

Posted in Natrp: If I Ruled The World


City Name: Cherri
Government: Administrative Republic
History: Cherri, having once been a Kingdom, overthrew the despotic ways of old generations ago, and Republic Tradition has ingrained itself into each aspect of administration. Cherrians have since focused on figuring out ways to track goods, and calculate the needed materials for the construction of buildings, as well as developing early Universities to further the education of the especially talented. Furthermore, Cherri has since adopted a rather open trade policy with nearby city states, also seeking trade of materials made only in far away lands. Wars with other City States, having been defensive, have proven costly for any that dare test the mettle of the First and Last lines of Defense, the Cherarii. Cherri strives to enforce its Trade Network, and hopefully expand beyond the Southern Delta.
Culture: Cherri people enjoy Chariot Races, which also carry political influence, based on which of the Chemes wins an event. This tradition carries to the battlefield, where the most elite soldiers take to Chariot to strike fear into the enemy, and outmaneuver wavering troops. Cherri people carry with them a craftsman spirit, and aim to understand the world, demanding for understanding backed by truth in accurate observation, ultimately in the goal of improving the City's ability to produce. Cherri is based on cooperative communities, with representation for most classes in both the local and core administrations. They belong strongly in many Gods, but none more prominent than Athe, Protector of the City, and of Prosperity.

Nov 05, 2017 at 05:35AM EST

Posted in Nations RP: Further Beyond

Simmer offers a Tropical Course through a Jungle Trail on Cocoa, where racers will have to navigate the harsh terrain, and avoid native wildlife. Racers will be briefed on the route and what to avoid, and 3 check points will be set up, providing supplies such as water, and healthcare. Each racer is to acquire a numbered page assigned to them at each checkpoint, to ensure that sections weren't skipped.

Oct 08, 2017 at 06:40PM EDT

Posted in Nations RP: Further Beyond

Dear Mai Konfederatsiya,
We humbly request that you either cease this senseless slaughter of Natives, and declare a peace, or at the very least, allow their Citizens and Prisoners of War (post-conflict) passage to Simmer Colonies, with the utmost priority being with the Citizens.

Oct 06, 2017 at 02:39PM EDT

Posted in Nations RP: Further Beyond

The Lost King

A Simmerian Archaeologist for the Cocoa Museum Project, young Belbo Oolong, stumbles upon what they believe to be the long lost burial place of the Last Vesperian King, nearby a local tribe south of Mir. They approach the natives, and through the course of a few weeks, by passing various tribe challenges to earn their trust, they are able to negotiate retrieving his body, and learn the tales of his final years. Upon confirming that it is the Vesperian King, they find a note. Unable to read Vesperian, the Archaeologist says their farewells, and aboard the M.S. Kettle, they head to Altheria to find an expert on the language. There they meet with Gondal Tera, a linguist who happened to be a teacher of Belbo. The writing is crude and smudged, the material faded and worn, but they manage to figure out the message. With the body and note in tow, Belbo says farewell to Gondol, and heads to Simmer to request a Burial of Rites for the king, to capture their culture before it is lost completely to time. They are intercepted by Aoxian Jinyiwei while docking in Caomei, who inspect the M.S. Kettle. A situation almost occurs upon the Jinyiwei discovering the Vesperian King, they first are suspicious of the group being Vesperian Remnants, but swift intervention by a trusted Merchant aboard the Archaelogist’s ship, who happens to popular among the Upper Class in Aoxia, defuses the situation. Reluctantly, the Jinyiwei allow the ship to continue on to Simmer. They dock in Cocoa, and quickly Belbo arrives at the Museum, it stands incomplete, still being built, aiming to reach three stories. The Manager of Exhibits especially finds an interest in the story of the Fallen King, and after weeks of planning, a Permanent Tomb is created, in the style of traditional Vesperian Rites within the Museum Grounds, and the story of Belbo’s Discovery and final years of the Vesperian King takes an opening Exhibit Spot, eventually to be integrated into the Tomb section once a new exhibit is in order. A Pit to Scale is created, replicating the Pit and surrounding area completely, nicknamed ‘Little Pit’, it extends down 5 ft, and is located nearby the Tomb.

Oct 05, 2017 at 06:06PM EDT

Posted in Nations RP: Further Beyond

Simmer announces during the Tea Party that it is in Support of the FORCES Faction, as it more naturally fits both ideals, and has a much lower likelihood of collapsing into War with countries we have been close allies with for hundreds of years.

Oct 04, 2017 at 10:37AM EDT

Posted in Nations RP: Further Beyond

Simmer invites all of the Revolutionary Accepting Country representatives have Tea and discuss ideals and philosophy regarding how the Revolution will procede, and also share historical accounts.
It is hosted in the new City Hall of Oolong, and a Flower Parade is thrown in honor of it. Master Chefs serve many international dishes, as well as Simmerian Specialties, performing cooking show tricks. A Painting is comissioned depicting the event.

Oct 03, 2017 at 10:07PM EDT

Posted in Nations RP: Further Beyond

Simmer, after a very short debate, declares its support for the Revolution. Long live Liberty, and Egalitarianism. Homeland Kahunas request a counsel amongst the Colonial Leaders, and begin discussion of a peaceful independence, and new chapter for Simmer Colonial development. Colonies will be able to Secede via unanimous vote amongst representatives.

Oct 02, 2017 at 07:10PM EDT

Posted in Nations RP: Further Beyond

Dear Novyy Mir,
Seeing that Novyy Mir has established itself as its own nation, we would like to offer an alliance and peaceful negotiate regarding your expansion into Native Territory.

Sep 22, 2017 at 09:03PM EDT

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