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art gimmicks

Last posted Jul 09, 2020 at 03:08AM EDT. Added Jul 07, 2020 at 02:52PM EDT
4 posts from 3 users

On the topic of art gimmicks, someone once told me that to get far in the art industry or at least get a mass following on social media, you must have a shtick. This could be art style or a sort of niche you can fill but the primary thing is consistency.

How do you find a gimmick without getting burnt out? How can one still try new things without getting punished for it?

I would think just draw a lot, and try something new as often as you can.
As far as a shtick for social media, you can do that through choice of subject. People like Bigdead and Sakimichan focus on drawing waifus, giving a certain expectation to their art. Or someone like Carapace777, who not only has a really unique artstyle, but almost exclusively draws monsters like kaiju, Alien, predator, etc. Which, makes their art stand way out from waifu-focused artists.
Also, dunno what you mean with "getting punished", you mean like losing followers?

Master Pain wrote:

I would think just draw a lot, and try something new as often as you can.
As far as a shtick for social media, you can do that through choice of subject. People like Bigdead and Sakimichan focus on drawing waifus, giving a certain expectation to their art. Or someone like Carapace777, who not only has a really unique artstyle, but almost exclusively draws monsters like kaiju, Alien, predator, etc. Which, makes their art stand way out from waifu-focused artists.
Also, dunno what you mean with "getting punished", you mean like losing followers?

Yea. Iā€™m too reluctant on doing full on lewds since literal kids follow me.

A gimmick will always be nice for a variety of reasons not limited to appearing valuable, unique or even talented. It is not necessarily the most important aspect of being an artist but it is noteworthy. However, aiming for that solely for e-peen will instead will burn you out and slash your consistency. It must be as natural as possible.

Rather on the topic of attaining a following, you must instead put a lot of effort of showcasing yourself to other artists. Working and being in close proximity with others, learning off them, faster to get there. Reaching out to smaller artists of similar level, and working your way up. Making connections along the way. Maybe developing your gimmick through that.

t. it's my hobby, I'm sort of there


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