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Nullness User Guide (draft)

In Java code, whether an expression may evaluate to null is often documented only in natural language, if at all. The goal of JSpecify is to permit programmers to express specifications (initially, just nullness properties) in a machine-readable way.

JSpecify defines annotations that describe whether a Java type contains the value null. Such annotations are useful to (for example):

  • programmers reading the code,
  • tools that help developers avoid NullPointerExceptions,
  • tools that perform run-time checking and test generation, and
  • documentation systems.

Java variables are references

In Java, all non-primitive variables are references. We often think of String x as meaning "x is a String", but actually it means "x is a reference, either null or a reference to a string object".

JSpecify includes a @NullMarked annotation. In code covered by that annotation, String x means "x is a reference to a string object", and @Nullable String x means "x is either null or a reference to a string object"

Types and nullness

Each reference can have one of three possible properties regarding nullness:

  1. JSpecify annotations indicate that it can be null.
  2. JSpecify annotations indicate that it can't be null.
  3. JSpecify annotations don't indicate whether it can be null.

For a given reference x, if x can be null then x.getClass() is unsafe because it could produce a NullPointerException. If x can't be null, x.getClass() can never produce a NullPointerException. If JSpecify annotations haven't said whether x can be null or not, we don't know whether x.getClass() is safe (at least as far as JSpecify is concerned).

There are two JSpecify annotations that indicate these properties:

  • @Nullable applied to a type means a reference of that type can be null.

  • @NullMarked applied to a module, package, or class means that a reference in that scope can't be null unless its type is explicitly marked @Nullable. (Below we will see that there are some exceptions to this for local variables and type variables.)

The notion of "can't be null" should really be read with a footnote that says "if all the code in question is @NullMarked". For example, if you have some code that is not @NullMarked and that calls a @NullMarked method, then tools might allow it to pass a possibly-null value to a method that is expecting a "can't be null" parameter.


The @Nullable annotation applied to a type means that that use of the type includes references that can be null. Code that deals with those references must be able to deal with the null case.

static void print(@Nullable String x) {

In this example, the parameter x can be null, so print(null) is a valid method call. The body of the print method does not do anything with x that would provoke a NullPointerException so this method is safe.

static @Nullable String emptyToNull(@Nullable String x) {
return (x == null || x.isEmpty()) ? null : x;

In this example, the parameter x can still be null, but now the return value can be too. You might use this method like this:

void doSomething(@Nullable String x) {
// OK: print accepts a @Nullable String

String z = emptyToNull(x).toString();
// Not OK: emptyToNull(x) can be null

Tools could then use the @Nullable information to determine that the first use is safe but the second is not.

As far as JSpecify is concerned, String and @Nullable String are different types. A variable of type String can reference any string object. A variable of type @Nullable String can too, but it can also be null. This means that String is a subtype of @Nullable String, in the same way that Integer is a subtype of Number. One way to look at this is that a subtype narrows the range of possibilities. A Number variable can be assigned from an Integer but it can also be assigned from a Long. Meanwhile an Integer variable can't be assigned from a Number (since that Number might be a Long or some other subtype). Likewise, a @Nullable String can be assigned from a String but a String can't be assigned from a @Nullable String (since that might be null).

class Example {
void useNullable(@Nullable String x) {...}
void useNonNull(String x) {...}
void example(@Nullable String nullable, String nonNull) {
useNullable(nonNull); // JSpecify allows this
useNonNull(nullable); // JSpecify doesn't allow this


The @NullMarked annotation indicates that references can't be null in its scope, unless their types are explicitly marked @Nullable. If applied to a module then its scope is all the code in the module. If applied to a package then its scope is all the code in the package. (Note that packages are not hierarchical; applying @NullMarked to package com.foo does not make package com.foo.bar @NullMarked.) If applied to a class or interface then its scope is all the code in that class or interface.

Outside @NullMarked, @Nullable String still means a reference that can be null, but JSpecify doesn't have anything to say about whether plain String can be null.

public class Strings {
public static String nullToEmpty(@Nullable String x) {
return (x == null) ? "" : x;

public static int spaceIndex(String x) {
return x.indexOf(' ');

In this example, both methods are in the scope of @NullMarked, so plain String means "a reference to a string object, not null". @Nullable String continues to mean "a reference to a string object, or null". Tools should warn you if you try to pass a "reference to a string object, or null" to spaceIndex, since its argument can't be null, and indeed it will throw NullPointerException if given a null argument.

As mentioned above, there are some exceptions to this interpretation for local variables (as we'll see next) and type variables.

Local variables

Tools that understand JSpecify annotations typically don't require @Nullable to be applied to local variables. They may in fact not even allow that. The reason is that it should be possible to infer whether a variable can be null based on the values that are assigned to the variable. For example:

class MyClass {
void myMethod(@Nullable String one, String two) {
String anotherOne = one;
String anotherTwo = two;
String oneOrTwo = random() ? one : two;
String twoOrNull = Strings.emptyToNull(two);

Analysis can tell that all of these variables except anotherTwo can be null. anotherTwo can't be null since two can't be null: it is not @Nullable and it is inside the scope of @NullMarked. anotherOne can be null since it is assigned from a @Nullable parameter. oneOrTwo can be null because it may assigned from a @Nullable parameter. And twoOrNull can be null because its value comes from a method that returns @Nullable String.


When you are referencing a generic type, the rules about @Nullable and @NullMarked are as you would expect from what we have seen. For example, List<@Nullable String> means a list where each element is either a reference to a string object or it is null. In a @NullMarked context, List<String> means a list where each element is a reference to a string object and can't be null.

Defining generic types

Things are a bit more complicated when you are defining a generic type. Consider this:

public class NumberList<E extends Number> implements List<E> {...}

The extends Number defines a bound for the type variable E. It means that you can write NumberList<Integer>, since Integer can be assigned to Number, but you can't write NumberList<String>, since String can't be assigned to Number. This is standard Java behavior.

But now let's think about that bound as it relates to @NullMarked. Can we write NumberList<@Nullable Integer>? The answer is no, because we have <E extends Number> inside @NullMarked. Since it is Number and not @Nullable Number, that means it can't be null. @Nullable Integer can't be assigned to it, since that can be null. Inside @NullMarked, you must explicitly provide a @Nullable bound on your type variable if you want it to be able to represent a @Nullable type:

public class NumberList<E extends @Nullable Number> implements List<E> {...}

Now it is legal to write NumberList<@Nullable Integer>, since @Nullable Integer is assignable to the bound @Nullable Number. It's also legal to write NumberList<Integer>, since plain Integer is assignable to @Nullable Number. Inside @NullMarked, plain Integer means a reference to an actual Integer value, never null. That just means that the @Nullable Number can technically be null but in this case it never will be.

Of course this assumes that List itself is written in a way that allows null:

public interface List<E extends @Nullable Object> {...}

If it were interface List<E> rather than interface List<E extends @Nullable Object> then NumberList<E extends @Nullable Number> implements List<E> would not be legal. That's because interface List<E> is short for interface List<E extends Object>. Inside @NullMarked, plain Object means "Object reference that can't be null". The <E extends @Nullable Number> from NumberList would not be compatible with <E extends Object>.

The implication of all this is that every time you define a type variable like E you need to decide whether it can represent a @Nullable type. If it can, then it must have a @Nullable bound. Most often this will be <E extends @Nullable Object>. On the other hand, if it can't represent a @Nullable type, that is expressed by not having @Nullable in its bound (including the case of not having an explicit bound at all). Here's another example:

public class ImmutableList<E> implements List<E> {...}

Here, because it is ImmutableList<E> and not ImmutableList<E extends @Nullable Object>, it is not legal to write ImmutableList<@Nullable String>. You can only write ImmutableList<String>, which is a list of non-null String references.

Using type variables in generic types

Let's look at what the methods in the List interface might look like:

public interface List<E extends @Nullable Object> {
boolean add(E element);
E get(int index);
@Nullable E getFirst();

The parameter type E of add means a reference that is compatible with the actual type of the List elements. Just as you can't add an Integer to a List<String>, you also can't add a @Nullable String to a List<String>, but you can add it to a List<@Nullable String>.

Similarly, the return type E of get means that it returns a reference with the actual type of the list elements. If the list is a List<@Nullable String> then that reference is a @Nullable String. If the list is a List<String> then the reference is a String.

On the other hand, the return type @Nullable E of the (fictitious) getFirst method is always @Nullable. It will be @Nullable String whether called on a List<@Nullable String> or a List<String>. The idea is that the method returns the first element of the list, or null if the list is empty. Similarly, the real methods @Nullable V get(Object key) in Map and @Nullable E peek() in Queue can return null even when V and E can't be null.

The distinction here is an important one that is worth repeating. A use of a type variable like E should only be @Nullable E if it means a reference that can be null even if E itself can't be null. Otherwise, plain E means a reference that can only be null if E is a @Nullable type, like @Nullable String in this example. (And, as we've seen, E can only be a @Nullable type if the definition of E has a @Nullable bound like <E extends @Nullable Object>.)

We saw earlier that @NullMarked usually means "references can't be null unless they are marked @Nullable", and also that that doesn't apply to local variables. Here we see that it doesn't apply to type variable uses either. When not marked @Nullable, they can still be null if they have a @Nullable bound.

Using type variables in generic methods

Essentially the same considerations that we just saw with generic types apply to generic methods too. Here's an example:

public class Methods {
public static <T> @Nullable T
firstOrNull(List<T> list) {
return list.isEmpty() ? null : list.get(0);

public static <T> T
firstOrNonNullDefault(List<T> list, T defaultValue) {
return list.isEmpty() ? defaultValue : list.get(0);

public static <T extends @Nullable Object> T
firstOrDefault(List<T> list, T defaultValue) {
return list.isEmpty() ? defaultValue : list.get(0);

public static <T extends @Nullable Object> @Nullable T
firstOrNullableDefault(List<T> list, @Nullable T defaultValue) {
return list.isEmpty() ? defaultValue : list.get(0);

The firstOrNull method will accept a List<String> but not a List<@Nullable String>. When given an argument of type List<String>, T is String, so the return type @Nullable T is @Nullable String. The input list can't contain null elements, but the return value can be null.

The firstOrNonNullDefault method again does not allow T to be a @Nullable type, so List<@Nullable String> is not allowed. Now the return value is not @Nullable either which means it will never be null.

The firstOrDefault method will accept both List<String> and List<@Nullable String>. In the first case, T is String, so the type of the defaultValue parameter and of the return value is String, meaning neither can be null. In the second case, T is @Nullable String, so the type of defaultValue and of the return value is @Nullable String, meaning both can be null.

The firstOrNullableDefault method again accepts both List<String> and List<@Nullable String>, but now the defaultValue parameter is marked @Nullable so it can be null even in the List<String> case. Likewise the return value is @Nullable T so it can be null even when T can't.

Here's another example:

public static <T> List<@Nullable T> nullOutMatches(List<T> list, T toRemove) {
List<@Nullable T> copy = new ArrayList<>(list);
for (int i = 0; i < copy.size(); i++) {
if (copy.get(i).equals(toRemove)) {
copy.set(i, null);
return copy;

This takes a List<T>, which by definition does not contain null elements, and produces a List<@Nullable T>, with null in place of every element that matched toRemove. The output is a List<@Nullable T> because it can contain null elements, even if T itself can't be null.

Some subtler details

The previous sections cover 99% of everything you need to know to be able to use JSpecify annotations effectively. Here we'll cover a few details you probably won't need to know.

Type-use annotation syntax

There are a couple of places where the syntax of type-use annotations like @Nullable may be surprising.

  1. For a nested static type like Map.Entry, if you want to say that the value can be null then the syntax is Map.@Nullable Entry. You can often avoid dealing with this by importing the nested type directly, but in this case import java.util.Map.Entry might be undesirable because Entry is such a common type name.

  2. For an array type, if you want to say that the elements of the array can be null then the syntax is @Nullable String[]. If you want to say that the array itself can be null then the syntax is String @Nullable []. And if both the elements and the array itself can be null, the syntax is @Nullable String @Nullable [].

A good way to remember this is that it is the thing right after @Nullable that can be null. It is the Entry that can be null in Map.@Nullable Entry, not the Map. It is the String that can be null in @Nullable String[] and it is the [], meaning the array, that can be null in String @Nullable [].

Wildcard bounds

Inside @NullMarked, wildcard bounds work almost exactly the same as type variable bounds. We saw that <E extends @Nullable Number> means that E can be a @Nullable type and <E extends Number> means it can't. Likewise, List<? extends @Nullable Number> means a list where the elements can be null, and List<? extends Number> means they can't.

However, there's a difference when there is no explicit bound. We saw that a type variable definition like <E> means <E extends Object> and that means it is not @Nullable. But <?> actually means <? extends B>, where B is the bound of the corresponding type variable. So if we have

interface List<E extends @Nullable Object> {...}

then List<?> means the same as List<? extends @Nullable Object>. If we have

class ImmutableList<E> implements List<E> {...}

then we saw that that means the same as

class ImmutableList<E extends Object> implements List<E>

so ImmutableList<?> means the same as ImmutableList<? extends Object>. And here, @NullMarked means that Object excludes null. The get(int) method of List<?> can return null but the same method of ImmutableList<?> can't.