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About this site

This is my personal site. The views expressed on these pages are mine alone and not those of my employer. If you’re looking for secret background information to Google Search, you’ve come to the wrong place. It’s unlikely you’ll find deep insights here, but YMMV.

Use sample code at your own risk. Most code is published on Github, sometimes you’ll find a newer version than what’s embedded here. The example code and concepts, unless otherwise noted, are released into the public domain and may be used and modified without compensation or attribution. Some items may be subject to license terms from third parties. Cheese is not a ranking factor.


This website is currently using a static site generator. It’s currently hosted on Firebase static hosting.

This site contains a few affiliate links, mostly just to try things out.

Privacy policy

This site collects some information about the visitors. This site currently doesn’t use any 3rd-party tracking / statistics, other than logging of server requests using Firebase Cloud Logging. The logs include IP address and browser user-agent. The log files are kept indefinitely, and not shared with 3rd parties.

There is no user-generated content (comments or similar) hosted here.


If you have any questions, you can contact me using the contact form.

Comments / questions

There's currently no commenting functionality here. If you'd like to comment, please use Mastodon and mention me ( @hi@johnmu.com ) there. Thanks!