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Our Reality Cover

Our Reality: A Novella

by Tadayoshi Kohno

(Please see the menu bar below for links to additional information about Tadayoshi Kohno's academic work.)

Our Reality: A Novella

Set in 2034, after The Pandemics of 2020 and 2024, Our Reality explores the challenges that a 16-year old Black high school student faces as she lives her life entirely online, in a constructed and impersonal digital world, and in a society where racism lingers in both people and technology.

Our Reality uses fiction to explore complex and deeply rooted questions, such as:

- How do individuals and society impact technology design? How do technologies affect individuals and society?

- In what ways can technology be unjust?

- What does it mean for a technology to be racist?

- How can technologies be made just if they are created by flawed human beings in an imperfect society?

Our Reality envisions one possible future world. Our real future world might resemble this story or differ completely. How do you want the future to unfold, and what will you do to make your vision a reality?

Purchasing the Book:

Free Download:

Please definitely use the above link if you can't afford a printed or Kindle copy or if the Kindle platform doesn't work for you.

Educators: Please also see the form at the bottom of this page.

Additional Resources about Our Reality and its Content:

Links to Books Referenced in the Companion Document:

Links to Additional Resources Referenced in the Companion Document:

Links to Organizations Referenced in the Companion Document:

Links to Our Work on Security and Privacy Risks with Augmented Reality Technologies:

Additional Links:

For Educators:

  • Educator Copies of the Printed Book. I have limited funds to supply free printed copies of the novella to educators in the United States. If you are an educator and are interested in receiving such copies, while funds last, please fill out this form. Please also note that a PDF of Our Reality is also available above.
  • Educator Experiences and Reflections. If you are an educator and used this book in a course, and if you are willing to share your experiences and reflections, please fill out this form. Educators are encouraged to read the full novella and the companion materials before choosing to use this book in a course.