Welche Dateigrößenbeschränkungen gelten beim Herunterladen in meinem Browser?

Because MEGA is end-to-end encrypted, the decryption of your data cannot be performed by our servers – they simply do not have the keys that your files are encrypted with. Decryption happens in the browser, which means that the files that you are downloading cannot use its standard download manager. Instead, they have to be fetched, decrypted and written to disk using elaborate JavaScript code.

Fortunately, browser technology has come a long way since MEGA launched in 2013, but some limitations remain.

Desktop browsers


We recommend using a Chromium-based browser, such as Chrome, Microsoft Edge or Opera, because they support the FileSystem API, which allows MEGA to download, decrypt and write files of any size straight to your disk – provided you have sufficient space.

For users who prefer using Firefox, the lack of support for the FileSystem API means that the entirety of the downloaded file has to be held in a RAM buffer before it gets written to disk, which currently limits its size to 1 GB on 32-bit systems and 6 GB on 64-bit systems with sufficient physical memory.

Safari also downloads via RAM with a 2 GB limit and has various other limitations (Apple, please fix them).

No browser currently supports the creation of downloaded sub-folders, but you can download any folder structure as a ZIP file using the three dot or right-click menu, and then unzip it in the desired target location. Alternatively, you can use our desktop app to download multi-level folder structures.


To upload a folder structure through a web browser, you need to use a Chromium-based browser, such as Chrome, Microsoft Edge or Opera, as Firefox and Safari do not offer this functionality.

You can upload folders using Firefox if you have installed our browser extension.


You can overcome these browser limitations by installing the MEGA Desktop App, which securely talks to the MEGA website for a great user experience. It also comes with various other benefits, including sync & backup features.

Mobile browsers

Unfortunately, mobile web browsers are less friendly towards encrypted file access, and as such, we strongly recommend you install the MEGA mobile app, which will integrate smoothly with your mobile web browser (file and folder links will automatically open in the app), provide you with native file transfer power and also comes with numerous other powerful cloud storage features, such as camera uploads.

Wenn Sie den mobilen Webbrowser verwenden möchten, beachten Sie bitte die folgenden Einschränkungen:

  • Chrome auf Android unterstützt die Dateisystem-API und kann daher Dateien direkt in Ihrem Gerätespeicher ablegen (vorausgesetzt, Sie haben genügend freien Speicherplatz).
  • Safari auf iOS verwendet den Arbeitsspeicher und ist auf ca. 100 MB beschränkt. Chrome und Firefox auf iOS sind beide stark eingeschränkt und können nur Dateien bis 1 MB herunterladen (da diese Browser als Apps in der Apple-Sandbox ausgeführt werden). Wenn Sie unbedingt auf einen mobilen Webbrowser angewiesen sind, empfehlen wir, ihn im Vordergrund zu halten, bis der Download abgeschlossen ist.