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Additional Services

Medication Assistance

Coordinating with specialized medication programs.

The cost of prescription medications can be staggering. Grand Peaks staff provide medication assistance for our patients in finding ways to help afford their prescriptions. Our staff has access to a number of resources which can help with co-pay amounts or even receiving the medication with little to no cost from the manufacturer.

Care Coordination

Grand Peaks is dedicated to networking with other providers for the best outcomes for our patients.  If you are referred to an outside provider, our care coordinators will aide you in this referral process to ensure that our providers have the information they need to give you comprehensive care.  They also offer counseling in diabetes, exercise, nutrition, and other life skills to walk with you on your journey toward better health. 

a doctor talking to a girl and her mother - Rexburg Medical Center and Wellness Center Services

Healthcare Coverage Enrollment Options and Assistance

Navigating healthcare coverage can be overwhelming. Our Certified Enrollment Counselors are here to help! This FREE service is available not only to Grand Peaks patients but to anyone looking for assistance. Our Certified Enrollment Counselors can answer questions about healthcare coverage or assist you in getting enrolled in the Idaho health insurance exchange. 

For more information about healthcare coverage, see our Community Resources page. 

Health Insurance Coverage


Receive Affordable Quality Care

Our team is committed to establishing a personal relationship with you in a welcoming, attentive and compassionate manner.