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SignalWire SDKs for JavaScript

This monorepo contains different implementations of the SignalWire SDKs. These allow you to build applications that can run in a variety of JavaScript environments such as a browser, a node.js server or a smartphone.


@signalwire/core @signalwire/core README.md CHANGELOG.md
@signalwire/js @signalwire/js README.md CHANGELOG.md
@signalwire/node WIP README.md CHANGELOG.md
@signalwire/realtime-api @signalwire/realtime-api README.md CHANGELOG.md
@signalwire/webrtc @signalwire/webrtc README.md CHANGELOG.md

Refer to the README of each package for further details.

Development Setup


Local Environment Setup

From the root folder run:

  1. npm i
  2. npm run build

Development Workflow

The normal flow should look to something like this:

  1. Make a change in one of the existing (or new) packages
  2. Run npm run changeset. This will ask you a set of questions about the changes you've made.
  3. Create a Pull Request on GitHub.


Copyright © 2018-2023 SignalWire. It is free software, and may be redistributed under the terms specified in the MIT-LICENSE file.