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Speech Redaction Framework

This repository contains the Speech Redaction Framework, a collection of components and code from Google Cloud that you can use to redact sensitive information from audio files.

It can and:

  • Process uploaded audio files to Cloud Storage.
  • Write the findings to Google Cloud Storage.
  • Redact sensitive information from the audio file with Google Cloud Data Loss Prevention API.

Speech Redaction Framework Architecture

Speech Redaction Framework Components

Speech Redaction Framework Limitations:

  • The framework can only process .wav or .flac files. This is a limitation within the Framework code not Cloud Speech-to-Text API.

The process follows:

  1. An audio file is uploaded to Cloud Storage.
  2. The Cloud Function is triggered on object.create.
  3. The Audio Process Cloud Function sends a long running job request to Cloud Speech-to-Text.
  4. Speech-to-Text processes audio file.
  5. The Cloud Function then sends the job ID from Cloud Speech-to-Text with additional metadata to Cloud Pub/Sub.
  6. The Cloud Dataflow job identifies sensitive information and writes the findings to a JSON file on Cloud Storage.
  7. A second Cloud Function is triggered on object.create that reads the findings JSON file, redacts sensitive information from the audio file and writes the redacted audio file to Cloud Storage.

How to install the Speech Analysis Framework

  1. Install the Google Cloud SDK

  2. Create a storage bucket for Dataflow Staging Files

gsutil mb gs://[BUCKET_NAME]/
  1. Through the Google Cloud Console create a folder named tmp in the newly created bucket for the DataFlow staging files

  2. Create a storage bucket for Uploaded Audio Files

gsutil mb gs://[BUCKET_NAME]/
  1. Create a storage bucket for DLP Findings
gsutil mb gs://[BUCKET_NAME]/
  1. Create a storage bucket for Redacted Audio Files
gsutil mb gs://[BUCKET_NAME]/
  1. Create Cloud Pub/Sub Topic
gcloud pubsub topics create [YOUR_TOPIC_NAME]
  1. Enable Cloud Dataflow API
gcloud services enable dataflow
  1. Enable Cloud Speech-to-Text API
gcloud services enable speech
  1. Enable DLP
gcloud services enable dlp.googleapis.com
  1. Deploy the Audio Process Google Cloud Function
  • In the cloned repo, go to the “srf-audio-process-func” directory and deploy the following Cloud Function.
gcloud functions deploy srfAudioProcessFunc --region=us-central1 --stage-bucket=[YOUR_UPLOADED_AUDIO_FILES_BUCKET_NAME] --runtime=nodejs10 --trigger-event=google.storage.object.finalize --trigger-resource=[YOUR_UPLOADED_AUDIO_FILES_BUCKET_NAME]

⚠ NOTE: On line 29, add your TOPIC_NAME you created in step 7.

⚠ NOTE: If you run into any timeout issues with Cloud Functions, it is recommend to increase the timeout and optionally increase the Cloud Function resources.

  1. Deploy the Redact Google Cloud Function
  • In the cloned repo, go to the “srf-redaction-func” directory and deploy the following Cloud Function.
gcloud functions deploy srfRedactionFunc --region=us-central1 --stage-bucket=[YOUR_UPLOADED_AUDIO_FILES_BUCKET_NAME] --runtime=nodejs10 --trigger-event=google.storage.object.finalize --trigger-resource=[YOUR_UPLOADED_AUDIO_FILES_BUCKET_NAME]

⚠ NOTE: Before deploying the redact function, on line 19, add your Redacted Audio Files bucket name.

⚠ NOTE: For large audio files, it is recommend to change the Cloud Function memory allocation.

  1. Deploy the Cloud Dataflow Pipeline
  • python3 --version Python 3.7.8
  • In the cloned repo, go to “srf-longrun-job-dataflow” directory and deploy the Cloud Dataflow Pipeline. Run the commands below to deploy the dataflow job.
# Apple/Linux
python3 -m venv env
source env/bin/activate
pip3 install apache-beam[gcp]
  • Please wait as it might take a few minutes to complete.
python3 srflongrunjobdataflow.py --project=[YOUR_PROJECT_ID] --input_topic=projects/[YOUR_PROJECT_ID]/topics/[YOUR_TOPIC_NAME] --runner=DataflowRunner --temp_location=gs://[YOUR_DATAFLOW_STAGING_BUCKET]/tmp --output=[YOUR_DLP_FINDINGS_BUCKET] --region=[GOOGLE_CLOUD_REGION] --requirements_file="requirements.txt"

⚠ NOTE: On line 110 add the DLP InfoTypes you need to identity and redact.

Once the steps are completed above, upload your audio files to the Uploaded Audio Files storage bucket. Once the file is processed you will find the DLP findings in the DLP Findings storage bucket and the redacted audio files in the Redacted Audio Files storage bucket.

This is not an officially supported Google product


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