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Set up GA4 on Shopify

Discover all the methods for setting up Google Analytics 4 for your Shopify store

There are various methods to set up Google Analytics 4 for your Shopify store. You will see each and every one of them in this post so you can choose one according to your needs.

There are several GA4 setup methods available on Shopify, including Shopify's native integration with the Google Sales Channel. Additionally, there are professional Shopify GA4 apps that provide more comprehensive data and offer professional support tailored to your store's specific needs.

Your GA4 setup should send all the e-commerce events to GA4, including all product-level, user-level and order-level data.

A properly set e-commerce integration should cover the tracking from the first touch to the purchase, including all events in between:

  • View product lists (collection pages, category pages, home page)
  • Select an item from the list
  • View product details (item details)
  • Add or remove products from the cart
  • Begin (initiate) checkout process
  • Complete the purchase
  • Executes a refund
  • Use promotions & coupon codes

The great news is that it is possible to track most of these events and relevant data on Shopify as well. Here are the methods

Shopify GA4 Integration using Google Channel

As of March 2023, Shopify offers a native GA4 integration through the Google Sales Channel. This is great news for merchants who utilize the Google channel, as it provides an easy and straightforward integration process.

Set up GA4 on Shopify
Set up GA4 on Shopify

Set up GA4 on Shopify with Google Tag Manager

For this method, you need Shopify data layers, a Google Tag Manager container and setting up both of them in the Shopify store.

Shopify doesn’t have a native Google Analytics 4 or Google Tag Manager integration yet. However, you can benefit from an open-source solution called: Shopify GA4 Kit.

You can use Shopify GA4 Kit which will lead you through the following steps.

Shopify Apps for Shopify Google Analytics 4

If you are looking for a more professional solution, you should be using Shopify apps for Google Analytics. The apps will provide more in-depth data layers, and metrics, and cover all the e-commerce events.

Analyzify, the most loved & reviewed Shopify Google Analytics app in the market offers a Done-For-You setup where you don’t need to do any technical step on your end but leave it to the experts.

Analyzify app provides more than only a Shopify GA4 integration.

Disclaimer: Analyzify & GA4.com belong to the same company, Solverhood. We are happy and proud to offer different solutions in the market.

Set up GA4 Using Shopify Customer Events

A Shopify & GA4 native integration has been long awaited. To make things easier, Shopify has released Shopify Customer Events & Shopify Pixels.

You can also manage all pixels from one place without using 3rd party scripts - using an open-source code block that allows Shopify & GA4 integration using Shopify Pixels.

It lets you monitor crucial e-commerce events such as:

  • Product View
  • Add-to-cart
  • Begin checkout
  • Added payment info
  • Purchase
  • Search performed

You can find the details and tutorials about how to set up GA4 on Shopify using Shopify Customer Events through this LinkedIn post.

Erman Küplü
Erman Küplü
With over 15 years of experience in digital marketing, I have developed a passion for learning about SEO, Ads, Analytics, and more. My latest interest is GA4, which has captivated my attention and enthusiasm.
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