
Cookies are small files saved on your phone, tablet or computer when you visit a website.

We use cookies to make this site work and collect information about how you use our service.

Essential cookies

We use some essential cookies to make our services work. They help us keep your information secure, and remember notifications you’ve seen so that we don’t show them to you again.

The following cookies are first-party cookies, which means they are set by Companies House:

Name Purpose Expires
__prefs Used to remember when you have seen important notices, so you do not see them again. 5 years
__CAS Used to remember choices you have made and to choose the correct information to show to you. 10 years
__SID A session identifier. A unique random value that allows the site to recognise your movement around the site as being from one computer. Contains no personal information and cannot be used to identify a user. When you close your browser
_FLP Used to manage the Companies House service users sign-in journey. Contains no personal information and cannot be used to identify a user. Persistent
_PIN Used to manage the Companies House service users sign-in journey. Contains no personal information and cannot be used to identify a user. When you close your browser
_ZXS Used to manage the Companies House service users sign-in journey. Contains no personal information and cannot be used to identify a user. When you close your browser
ch_cookie_consent Used to remember your analytics cookie choice. 1 year
ch_session Session identifier for Electronic Web Filing (EWF) services. A unique random value that allows the site to identify the user’s session. Also contains a randomly generated token that changes on every page. Contains no personal information and cannot be used to identify a user. When you close your browser
chcookie In built Apache tracking cookie, present on Electronic Web Filing (EWF) services. 25 months
search.web.user Used to remember user preferences when performing searches. 1 year
sft Used to manage the users preferences during their Companies House service journey. From 2 years to 10 years
transaction Used by Electronic Web Filing (EWF) to store the url the user will be redirected to if any session errors occur. 1 day
JSESSIONID A session identifier. A unique random value that allows the site to recognise your movement around the site as being from one computer. Contains no personal information and cannot be used to identify a user. When you close your browser

The following cookies are essential third-party cookies, which are set by the external suppliers that provide ‘plug ins’ for some of our services:

Name Purpose Expires
frontend_state_2 GOV.UK pay use this to secure your payment session. 3 hours
seen_cookie_message GOV.UK pay use this to let them know that you have seen their cookie message. 1 month
__cfduid The _cfduid cookie helps Cloudflare detect malicious visitors to our Customers’ websites and minimizes blocking legitimate users. It may be placed on the devices of our customers’ End Users to identify individual clients behind a shared IP address and apply security settings on a per-client basis. It is necessary for supporting Cloudflare’s security features. 30 days
__cflb This is a load balancer cookie for sticky sessions on Cloudflare's load balancers. 24 hours
ep201 Set by Survey Monkey's load balancer. User tracking for abuse and troubleshooting problems. 1 hour
ep202 Used as a unique user identifier by Survey Monkey to AB test new functions. 90 days (resets from time of last access)
ep203 Enables the Survey Monkey system to uniquely identify browsers/devices for the purpose of mitigating account sharing. Identifies devices that could be account sharing which is not allowed under our terms of use. 90 days

Analytics cookies

These cookies are optional. With your permission, we use them to find out how you use our services. For example, which pages you visit, how long you are on the site, how you got there and what you click on. This information helps us to improve our services.

Our cookies do not store or collect any personal information (such as your name or address), or anything that allows us to find out who you are. We use Google Analytics software (Universal Analytics) and LUX Real User Monitoring (RUM) software from SpeedCurve to collect anonymised information about how you use GOV.UK. We do this to help make sure the site is meeting the needs of its users and to help us make improvements to the site and to government digital services.

We use the following analytics cookies:

Name Purpose Expires
PIWIK_SESSID Used to store a unique session ID. 24 minutes
_pk_id.* Used to improve our understanding of how people use our website and services, through web analytics. 25 months
_pk_ref.* Used to improve our understanding of how people use our website and services, through web analytics. Up to 2 years
_pk_ses.* Used to improve our understanding of how people use our website and services, through web analytics. 30 minutes
_pk_cvar.* Used to improve our understanding of how people use our website and services, through web analytics. 30 minutes
_ga Used to improve our understanding of how people use our website and services, through web analytics. 2 years
_gid Used to improve our understanding of how people use our website and services, through web analytics. 24 hours

Change your cookie settings

We cannot change your cookie settings at the moment because JavaScript is not running in your browser. To fix this, try:

  • turning on JavaScript in your browser settings
  • reloading this page