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The urlfetch (formerly customapi) variable calls a remote url to retrieve and display a response. It's useful for building more complex commands that Nightbot does not support.


$(urlfetch url)

url is a URL that returns a body in plain text with less than 400 characters in its response


Check out the community made Custom APIs on our forum: https://community.nightdev.com/c/nightbot/custom-apis

Advanced Usage

Nightbot sends request headers that contain pertinent information of the user calling the command, the channel the command was called, and a response URL to POST a response.


Nightbot-Response-Url - A response link where responses can be sent with a POST request without prior authorization. See /channel/send in the API docs.

Nightbot-User - User data of the user who used the command that triggered the urlfetch. Note: This header is not sent when the urlfetch is called from a timer.

Nightbot-Channel - Channel data of the channel where the command was used.

Example Headers

Nightbot-Response-Url: https://api.nightbot.tv/1/channel/send/TVRRM05UazRNVGsyT1RnNE1TOWthWE5...

Nightbot-User: name=night&displayName=night&provider=twitch&providerId=11785491&userLevel=owner

Nightbot-Channel: name=night&displayName=Night&provider=twitch&providerId=11785491


This variant of urlfetch will allow the api to be greater than 400 characters, however the response must be type JSON. This is most useful when paired with eval to get more dynamic results.


$(urlfetch json url)

url is a URL that returns a body of JSON

Example Usage

Get Wikipedia Article from Query

!commands add !wiki Wikipedia Article: $(eval const api = $(urlfetch json https://en.wikipedia.org/w/api.php?format=json&action=opensearch&search=$(querystring)); api.error || !api[1][0] ? 'Please add a query to the search' : ${api[1][0]} - ${api[3][0]})

Still need help? Ask on the forums!
Last updated on 22nd Oct 2020