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Parameter Efficient Fine-Tuning (PEFT)

To run PEFT update conf/config.yaml:


defaults: - peft: mixtral/squad stages: - peft

Specify the desired model size for peft configuration with mixtral/squad for the 8x7B or mixtral/squad_8x22b for the 8x22B model.

Execute launcher pipeline: python3 main.py


For the Mixtral-8x7B model, default configurations for PEFT with squad can be found in conf/peft/mixtral/squad.yaml (or conf/peft/mixtral/squad_8x22b.yaml for the 8x22B model), we will continue our presentation using the 8x7B model since they are similar. Fine-tuning configuration is divided into four sections run, trainer, exp_manger and model.


run: name: mixtral-8x7b time_limit: "04:00:00" dependency: "singleton" convert_name: convert_nemo model_train_name: mixtral-8x7b convert_dir: ${base_results_dir}/${peft.run.model_train_name}/${peft.run.convert_name} task_name: "squad" results_dir: ${base_results_dir}/${.model_train_name}/peft_${.task_name}

Set the number of nodes and devices for fine-tuning:


trainer: num_nodes: 1 devices: 8


model: restore_from_path: ${peft.run.convert_dir}/results/megatron_mixtral.nemo tensor_model_parallel_size: 8

restore_from_path sets the path to the .nemo checkpoint to run fine-tuning.

Set tensor parallel and pipelien parallel size for different model sizes.

Set PEFT specific configruation:


model: peft: peft_scheme: "lora"

peft_scheme sets the fine-tuning scheme to be used. Supported schemes include: lora, adapter, ia3, ptuning.

Gated Model assets

Mistral’s tokenizer is hosted on Huggingface.com which requires login. In order to access the tokenizer assets, users are advised to prepend the HF_TOKEN=<token> environment variable to the nemo launcher invocation command.

In NeMo Laucher this can be achieved by appending “++env_vars.HF_TOKEN=<user-token” to the argument list.

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