Convert tensorflow transformer model into tensorflow lite model

hi, im still new to tensorflow. i tried to created translation model by following this tutorial and i want to implemented it in raspberry pi device, but first i want to convert the model to tensorflow lite model by using this code

import tensorflow as tf
import tensorflow_text as text

# Load the SavedModel
# loaded_model = tf.saved_model.load("models/translator_id-en")
converter = tf.lite.TFLiteConverter.from_saved_model(
)  # path to the SavedModel directory
converter.target_spec.supported_ops = [
converter._experimental_lower_tensor_list_ops = False
converter.allow_custom_ops = True
tflite_model = converter.convert()

# Save the model.
with open("models/model.tflite", "wb") as f:

and i got this messages at terminal

Resource ops: HashTableV2, LookupTableExportV2, LookupTableFindV2, LookupTableSizeV2, WordpieceTokenizeWithOffsets
        tf.HashTableV2() -> (tensor<!tf_type.resource>) : {container = "", device = "", key_dtype = !tf_type.string, shared_name = "hash_table_en_vocab.txt_-2_-1_load_26_656", use_node_name_sharing = true, value_dtype = i64}
        tf.HashTableV2() -> (tensor<!tf_type.resource>) : {container = "", device = "", key_dtype = !tf_type.string, shared_name = "hash_table_id_vocab.txt_-2_-1_load_26_1238", use_node_name_sharing = true, value_dtype = i64}
        tf.LookupTableExportV2(tensor<!tf_type.resource>) -> (tensor<*x!tf_type.string>, tensor<*xi64>) : {device = ""}
        tf.LookupTableFindV2(tensor<!tf_type.resource>, tensor<?x!tf_type.string>, tensor<i64>) -> (tensor<*xi64>) : {device = ""}
        tf.LookupTableSizeV2(tensor<!tf_type.resource>) -> (tensor<i64>) : {device = ""}
        tf.WordpieceTokenizeWithOffsets(tensor<0x!tf_type.string>, tensor<!tf_type.resource>) -> (tensor<?x!tf_type.string>, tensor<1xi64>, tensor<?xi64>, tensor<?xi64>) : {device = "", max_bytes_per_word = 100 : i64, max_chars_per_token = 0 : i64, output_row_partition_type = "row_splits", split_unknown_characters = false, suffix_indicator = "##", unknown_token = "[UNK]", use_unknown_token = true}
        tf.WordpieceTokenizeWithOffsets(tensor<?x!tf_type.string>, tensor<!tf_type.resource>) -> (tensor<?x!tf_type.string>, tensor<?xi64>, tensor<?xi64>, tensor<?xi64>) : {device = "", max_bytes_per_word = 100 : i64, max_chars_per_token = 0 : i64, output_row_partition_type = "row_splits", split_unknown_characters = false, suffix_indicator = "##", unknown_token = "[UNK]", use_unknown_token = true}
2024-05-08 18:49:15.387749: W tensorflow/compiler/mlir/lite/] TFLite interpreter needs to link Flex delegate in order to run the model since it contains the following Select TFop(s):
Flex ops: FlexBincount, FlexCaseFoldUTF8, FlexConcatV2, FlexEnsureShape, FlexHashTableV2, FlexLookupTableExportV2, FlexLookupTableFindV2, FlexLookupTableSizeV2, FlexMatrixBandPart, FlexNormalizeUTF8, FlexRaggedGather, FlexRaggedTensorToTensor, FlexRange, FlexRegexSplitWithOffsets, FlexStaticRegexFullMatch, FlexStaticRegexReplace, FlexStridedSlice, FlexStringSplitV2, FlexStringToHashBucketFast, FlexTensorListLength, FlexTensorListReserve, FlexTensorListResize, FlexTensorListSetItem, FlexTensorListStack, FlexUnsortedSegmentJoin, FlexUnsortedSegmentSum, FlexWordpieceTokenizeWithOffsets

did i miss something? and also i have no idea how do i perform translation in the tflite model. In my regular model i use something like this

# use cpu
import os

os.environ["CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES"] = "-1"
import tensorflow as tf
import tensorflow_text as text
import re

# load necessary modules
reloaded = tf.saved_model.load("models/translator_id-en")

def translate(ind_text):
    output = reloaded(tf.constant(ind_text)).numpy()
    output = output.decode("utf-8")
    output = re.sub(r"\s*([^\s\w\d])\s*", r"\1", output)
    return output

    "og: berapa harga tiket ini?",
    "tr: ",
    translate("berapa harga tiket ini?"),

thanks in advance

Hi @Alvalens, I have tried to convert the model to tflite in colab and I did not face any error. Please refer to this gist. Could you please let us know in which environment you are facing this issue and which version of Tensorflow you are using. Thank You.

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thanks for the reply, i was using windows 11 with python 3.10 installed, tensorflow version 2.10.1, tensorflow-text version 2.10.0 and protobuf version 3.19.6. here the dataset that i use . i was trying to recreate the error at google colab but instead i got no error or warning. I also try at my local notebook and aslo got no warning, the warning seems only appear when i run the converter in python (.py) file. Aside from that now i am trying to do the inference process with the tflite model, can you guide me?

Hi @Alvalens, The warning is due to in the tutorial they have used some custom objects like for learning rate etc, while saving the model with custom object you have to pass the custom objects while saving the model to save the model properly. But you have saved the model in the normal way. This is the reason for that warning. please refer to this document for saving and loading model with custom objects. Thank You.