Use terraform github actions without TFC

Is it possible to use github actions and terraform without supplying a cloud token?
The terraform documentation and github repository contradict in that supplying the token is optional, but when i run a github action job it fails saying that i need a token for terraform cloud.

In short, I dont want or need to use terraform cloud

I would really like to know ! I am currently using a gcs provider and want to use github actions as well


AFAIK you could do this with TF CE (caveat have not tested this). If you did opt to use TF CE you would have to use/build your own self-hosted runner with TF CE installed and use something for state management. Since you have to manage state elsewhere, why not TFC?

I used GitHub - hashicorp/setup-terraform: Sets up Terraform CLI in your GitHub Actions workflow. in conjonction with GitHub - google-github-actions/auth: A GitHub Action for authenticating to Google Cloud.

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