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Cookie Policy

This cookie policy ("Cookie Policy") of Sevio Digital Limited (alone or together with other Sevio affiliates - "Coinzilla", "we", "us" or "our") aims to inform you about the use of cookies and other automated means of data collection on any digital property of Coinzilla, including the following websites: czilladx.com, czillax.com, coinzillatag.com, coinzilla.io (referred to as the "Sites"), along with any other content discovery platform (referred to as the "Services") which you may see on third-party websites belonging to our publishers and/or other customers that allow us to place our content on their websites in order to redistribute their own content or the content of our advertisers and/or customers (collectively known as the "Customers").

Regarding the term "cookies" from this Cookie Policy, we refer to both cookies and any other automated means of data collection, as defined later below. By visiting, interacting, or using the Sites, you expressly agree to the use of cookies as explained henceforth. We can't access nor control the use of cookies and other automated means of data collection on our Customers' Sites; therefore, we request them to obtain consent on our behalf whenever it's required by applicable data protection laws.

This Cookie Policy does not control the use of the Sites nor the processing of the Users' Personal Information (as defined in our Privacy Policy). For more details regarding the use of the Sites, please consult our Terms & Conditions. Please read our Privacy Policy for more information on how we handle your data whenever you're using or interacting with our Sites or Services. You can refer to the Sites or platforms of our Customers where we place our widgets to know more about how they might collect cookies or process your Personal Information.

Table of contents

1. Cookies and Other Automated Means of Data Collection

This section will help you learn more about cookies, other automated means of data collection, and how they all work.

1.1 Cookies

A cookie is a small text file, usually composed of letters and numbers, which is stored on your computer, tablet, mobile phone, or any other device that you might use when entering a certain site. It's mostly used by the owners of different sites in order to make them function, improve their performance, or collect analytical information.

The cookie is installed upon request by a web server to a browser (e.g., Firefox, Chrome, etc.) and is completely “passive” (it does not contain software, viruses, or spyware and cannot access the information on the user’s hard drive). The cookie stores certain information (for example, your preferred language or settings of the web page), which your browser can retransfer to us when you access the web page again (depending on the lifetime of the Cookie).

Cookies themselves do not require personal information to be used and, in most cases, do not personally identify Internet users.

With the help of cookies, your use of our Sites and Services will be more efficient and also more enjoyable. We may also use cookies to personalize your experience, improve customer support, and provide you with customized content and relevant information whenever you’re interacting with our Services. For further details regarding the delivery of targeted advertisements by our Services, please check the Interest-Based Advertisements section in our Privacy Policy.

1.2 Types of Cookies

What types of cookies are there?

There are several types of cookies. Their classification is made according to their lifespan, role, and source, as follows:

a. Types of cookies depending on the lifespan

  • Session cookies: they are temporarily stored in the cookie folder of the web browser until the user exits that site or closes the browser window (e.g., when logging in / logging out on a webmail account or on social networks).
  • Persistent cookies: they are stored on the hard drive of a computer or equipment (depending on the default lifetime of the cookie). Persistent cookies also include those placed by a website other than the one the user is currently visiting - known as 'third-party cookies' (cookies placed by third parties) - which can be used anonymously to memorize the interests of a user so that advertising is delivered as relevant as possible to users.

b. Types of cookies depending on their role

  • Strictly necessary cookies: these cookies are necessary for websites to function properly. Strictly necessary cookies allow you to navigate through the site and benefit from its features. Without these cookies, we will not be able to offer certain features, such as automatically redirecting to the least busy server or retaining your list of preferences.M
  • Functional cookies: these cookies record information about the choices that users make and also allow site operators to customize the site according to the user’s requirements. For example, cookies can be used to save preferences related to a category/segment.M
  • Performance and analysis cookies: these types of cookies offer the possibility to the operators of the internet sites to monitor the visits and traffic sources and the way in which the users interact with the website or certain sections of the website. The information provided by the analysis cookies helps operators understand how visitors use the sites and then use this information to improve the way the content offered to users is presented.M
  • Targeting and advertising cookies: these cookies may provide the ability to monitor the users' online activities and establish user profiles, which can then be used for marketing purposes. For example, based on cookies, the products and services agreed upon by a user can be identified, this information subsequently serving to send appropriate advertising messages to that user.M

c. First-party cookies vs. third-party cookies

Each cookie has a "responsible" (i.e., website / Internet domain) that places that cookie.

First-party cookies are placed by the Internet domain/website accessed by the user (whose address appears in the address bar of the browser). For example, if the user visits the www.coinzilla.com site and the domain of the cookie placed on his computer is www.coinzilla.com, then it is a first-party cookie.

A third-party cookie is placed by another Internet domain/website than the one accessed by the user; this means that the website accessed also contains information from a third-party website - for example, an advertising banner that appears on the accessed site. Thus, if the user visits the www.coinzilla.com site but the cookie placed on his computer has as domain rubiconproject.com, then it is a third-party cookie.

d. Embedded content (buttons, applications, and social widgets)

Web pages allow the implementation of social buttons or widgets from a third-party, which allow users to interact with the sites whose social buttons or widgets are implemented. The user's interaction with the social buttons or widgets from a third-party allows the third-party to collect some information about that user, including the IP address, information in the page header, and information about the browser.

e. How do targeting and advertising cookies work?

In general, data about internet browsing activity is collected and analyzed anonymously. If a specific interest emerges from this analysis, a cookie is placed on the user's computer, and this cookie determines what advertisement the user will receive, which is called interest-based advertising.

Interest-based advertising is a way of delivering advertisements on the websites you visit and making them more relevant to your interests. The common interests are grouped according to the navigation activity previously carried out, and the users are served only the advertising that suits their interests. In this way, advertising is relevant and as useful as possible.

1.3 Other Automated Means of Data Collection

Once we have their consent, we may place a pixel tag on our advertiser Customers' websites. Pixel tags are transparent graphic images displayed on a site, also known as clear GIFs or web beacons. In association with cookies, these pixels are used to analyze visitors' behavior on the site once they arrive via our Services. For instance, we may place pixel tags to track conversions or to create a custom audience for our advertiser Customers to target on our network (i.e., retargeting). For additional details regarding our abovementioned operations, please access the Interest-Based Advertising section of our Privacy Policy.

The types of cookies that our service providers and we may use on the Sites and/or when delivering our Services are listed in Section 3 below.

2. Information We Collect

2.1 Cookies Used on Our Sites

The data we obtain from our trusted business partners that place third-party cookies on our Sites may include, but is not limited to, details about the User's geographic location (i.e., country, city), data regarding the device and operating system of the User, the webpages accessed by the User while browsing our Sites, the links that redirected the visitor to our Sites, the accessing dates and times, and other diagnostic data.

We may also collaborate with third parties that employ their proprietary cookies, web beacons, and other technologies which record Site Visitors' online activities, either on our Sites and/or other websites, so that we can provide personalized advertisements that are suited to your interests.

For more details about how we may use third parties to deliver you advertisements that are tailored to your interests, please consult our Third-Party Online Advertising section (Privacy Policy).

Our Privacy Policy shall apply to the processing of any of the above Information, along or together with other data, if this constitutes Personal Data under applicable laws.

2.2 Cookies Used via Services

Cookies help us receive information about your operating system, browser type, the pages you've visited when you accessed our Customer's sites, the links that led you to our Customer's sites, the time and date of your visit, the geographic location of you internet service provider (i.e., country, city), and other diagnostic data.

3. The Cookies We Use and Their Purpose

The information we collected through third-party cookies on the Sites may be used by us to keep track of your Information and avoid re-entering said data the next time you access our Sites, to observe which pages and sections you have visited on the Sites, to keep track of the number of visitors on our Sites and the webpages that have been accessed, and to improve our Sites' management and functionality. The use of third parties may also be employed by us for the monitoring and/or analysis of your online browsing on our Sites or to provide you with personalized advertisements based on your browsing history via third-party websites.

If you want to know more regarding how our third parties may collect your Information or how you can receive personalized advertisements based on your interests, please review our Third-Party Online Advertising section (Privacy Policy).

For our third-party cookies, also refer to the relevant policies of each third-party for further details:

There are several categories of cookies used by our service providers on the Sites for accomplishing such purposes. The categories are described below as:

3.1 Cookies That Are Strictly Necessary

The purposes of these cookies may consist of (i) conducting communications via an electronic communications network or (ii) enabling information society service providers to offer such services in accordance with your specific requirements. Without these cookies, we will not be able to offer certain features, such as automatically redirecting to the least busy server or retaining your list of preferences.

Below are some examples of the necessary cookies that we use on Coinzilla.com:

Name of the Cookie(s) Purpose and content Lifespan
PHPSESSID (Coinzilla) This cookie is native to PHP applications. The cookie is used to store and identify a user's unique session ID for the purpose of managing user sessions on the website. The cookie is a session cookie and is deleted when all the browser windows are closed. Session
AnalyticsSyncHistory (LinkedIn) Used to store information about the time a sync with the lms_analytics cookie took place for users in the Designated Countries. 1 month
li_gc (LinkedIn) Used to store guest consent to the use of cookies for non-essential purposes. 2 years
Session (Coinzilla) This cookie contains information that is stored in a temporary memory location and then subsequently deleted after the session is completed or the web browser is closed. This cookie stores information that the user has inputted and tracks the movements of the user within the website. Session or 30 days if "remember me" flag
SessionData (Coinzilla) User data cached and encrypted. 30 sec

3.2 Cookies Used in Performance (Analytical)

These cookies may be deployed for the collection of visitor activities on the Site (for instance, which are the most visited pages or if any error messages are displayed when visiting the web pages). No identifying information is collected by these cookies; all data obtained by these cookies is aggregated and, thus, anonymous. The sole purpose of these cookies is to further the improvement of the Site's functionality.

Below are the analytical cookies that we use on Coinzilla.com:

Name of the Cookie(s) Provider/Domain Purpose and content Lifespan
_gcl_au Google Analytics This cookie is used by Google Analytics to understand user interaction with the website. 3 months
_ga_KTXY8RVC7B Google Analytics This cookie is installed by Google Analytics. 2 years
_ga Google Analytics This cookie is installed by Google Analytics. The cookie is used to calculate visitor, session, campaign data and keep track of site usage for the site's analytics report. The cookies store information anonymously and assign a randomly generated number to identify unique visitors. 2 years
_gid Google Analytics This cookie is installed by Google Analytics. The cookie is used to store information on how visitors use a website and helps in creating an analytics report of how the website is doing. The data collected including the number of visitors, the source where they have come from, and the pages visited in an anonymous form. 1 day
_gat_UA-121992660-1 Google Analytics This is a pattern-type cookie set by Google Analytics, where the pattern element on the name contains the unique identity number of the account or website it relates to. It appears to be a variation of the _gat cookie, which is used to limit the amount of data recorded by Google on high-traffic volume websites. 1 minute
_uetsid Microsoft Bing These cookies are used to collect analytical information about how visitors use the website. This information is used to compile a report and improve the site. 1 day
IDE Google DoubleClick This cookie is set by Doubleclick and carries out information about how the end user uses the website and any advertising that the end user may have seen before visiting the said website. 1 year
CLID Microsoft Clarity Identifies the first-time Clarity saw this user on any site using Clarity. 1 year
_clck Microsoft Clarity Persists the Clarity User ID and preferences, unique to that site, on the browser. This ensures that behavior in subsequent visits to the same site will be attributed to the same user ID. 1 year

3.3 Cookies Used for the Functioning of the Site (Functional)

Functional cookies record information about the choices that Customers make and also allow us to customize the site according to the Customer’s requirements. For example, cookies can be used to save preferences related to a category/segment.

Below are some examples of the functional cookies that we use on Coinzilla.com:

Name of the Cookie(s) Purpose and content Lifespan
lang (LinkedIn) This cookie is used to store the language preferences of a user to serve up content in that stored language the next time user visits the website. Session
lidc (LinkedIn) This cookie is set by LinkedIn and used for routing. 1 day
bcookie (LinkedIn) This cookie is set by LinkedIn. The purpose of the cookie is to enable LinkedIn functionalities on the page. 2 years
_uetvid (Microsoft Bing) This cookie is used to store and track visits across the website. 1 year
SRM_B (Microsoft Clarity) This is a Microsoft MSN 1st-party cookie that ensures the proper functioning of this website. 1 year
_clsk (Microsoft Clarity) Connects multiple page views by a user into a single Clarity session recording. 1 day
_GRECAPTCHA (Google reCAPTCHA) A cookie executed by Google reCAPTCHA for the purpose of providing its risk analysis. Session

3.4 Cookies Used for Advertising (Targeting)

The use of these cookies may involve creating advertisements that are of interest to you. Such cookies may also be deployed to restrict the display times of an advertisement in addition to aiding us in evaluating how effective an advertising campaign is. Advertising networks usually place these ads with our consent.

The cookies on the websites of our Customers (i.e., where our Services are provided) collect Information that we may use to improve the user experience and the functionality of our Services and to personalize the content and data we may display and provide to you.

To find out more about how our Services deliver tailored advertisements, please consult our Interest-Based Advertisements section (Privacy Policy).

Below are some examples of the targeting cookies that we use on Coinzilla.com:

Name of the Cookie(s) Purpose and content Lifespan
MUID (Microsoft Bing) Used by Microsoft as a unique identifier. The cookie is set by embedded Microsoft scripts. The purpose of this cookie is to synchronize the ID across many different Microsoft domains to enable user tracking. 1 year
SM (Microsoft Clarity) Used in synchronizing the MUID across Microsoft domains. Session
test_cookie (Google DoubleClick) This cookie is set by doubleclick.net. The purpose of the cookie is to determine if the user's browser supports cookies. 15 minutes
_rdt_uuid (Reddit) This cookie is set by Reddit and is used for remarketing on reddit.com. 3 months
UserMatchHistory (LinkedIn) This cookie is used to provide ad delivery and retargeting. 1 month

The following categories of cookies are used for the aforementioned purposes:

  • Strictly Necessary Cookies

The purposes of these cookies may consist of (i) conducting communications via an electronic communications network or (ii) enabling information society service providers to offer such services in accordance with your specific requirements.

  • Functionality Cookies

We use these cookies so that we can save and keep track of your Information or choices you have made on our Sites (e.g., your username, language, or region of residence) and to provide an overall enhanced, improved, and tailored user experience and site functionality.

  • Performance (Analytical) Cookies

The deployment of these cookies may involve keeping track of visitors' activities on the Site, such as the most visited pages and what webpages have displayed error messages upon accessing. No Information that can lead to your identification is collected by these cookies, as all the data they may collect is aggregated, making the User completely anonymous. The only purpose of these cookies is to enhance the Site's functionality.

  • Advertising (Targeting) Cookies

These cookies may be used by us in tailoring advertisements that are in accordance with your interests. Such cookies may also be deployed to restrict how many times an advertisement is displayed in addition to serving us in the evaluation of our advertising campaign and its effectiveness.

In order to differentiate a "first-party" cookie from a "third-party" cookie, you must consider the domain that places the cookie.

  • First-party cookies are the cookies implemented by the same website you are visiting at that moment (e.g., cookies set up by www.coinzilla.com).
  • Third-party cookies are the cookies set up not by the website that is visited by the User but by another domain. If a visitor enters a site that has a cookie configured on that site by another entity, then it is a third-party cookie.
  • Session cookies are used by website operators during browser sessions to link your online activities. A browser session is the sum of actions you perform from the moment you open your Internet browser window to the moment you close it. Session cookies are generated on a temporary basis and are all deleted once the browser is closed.
  • Persistent cookies are cookies that remain for a certain (specified) period of time on your device. Both session and persistent cookies may be used on our Sites or through our Services.

3.5 Other technologies

On our Sites, we also use the ReCAPTCHA software, specifically Google ReCAPTCHA “I’m not a robot”.

With this version of ReCAPTCHA, Google pays attention to how the User's mouse moves on the webpage to determine whether the User is a person or a robot. With each interaction on a Site that has the ReCAPTCHA service implemented, the software will learn more about human behavior, analysis that leads to the most accurate results. When you are reported as having a suspicious hit, you will be asked to "click" on certain photos. This test gives the user only 55 seconds to resolve, which will result in the user (bot-type) being unable to tick what is prompted in a timely manner.

The ReCAPTCHA processes the following personal data: the IP address of the device, the Site visited, the date and duration of the visit, browser, operating system information, language settings, Java script objects, the Google account if the user has such an account and is logged in at the same time as they visit the website, mouse movement over the ReCAPTCHA field.

More details on how Google processes data in the context of ReCAPTCHA use are available in Google’s Privacy Policy available here.

3.6 Cookies Used Through Our Services

Coinzilla's cookies may be placed on our Customers' websites using our Services as follows:

First-Party Cookies
Cookie category Cookie name Domain Expiry Purpose
Functionality Cookies session .coinzilla.com Session Used by Coinzilla to identify our customers.
Functionality Cookies sessionPersistence .coinzilla.com Session Used by Coinzilla to keep the Customer's details through our platforms.

4. Cookies Management

4.1 The Cookies Our Sites Use

You are able to consent to the cookies entailed on our Site via the cookie dashboard available on coinzilla.com. Furthermore, you can change the setting of your browser in order to manage or reject cookies if you do not want our trusted business partners to place their cookies on your device when you're accessing our web pages. You can also set up a notification to alert you when a cookie is being placed in your Internet browser software. Users can access these settings either in the "Options" or "Preferences" menu featured on their Internet browser.

To find out more about browser settings and how you can change them to your preferences, access your Internet browser's Help section. Most of today's Internet browsers allow you to look through your device's stored cookies and remove any unwanted cookies.

4.2 The Cookies Our Services Use

If you do not want us to place our cookies on your device when you engage with or use our Services in order to personalize the content and data we may feature or provide you with and otherwise customize our Services' user experience, you are able to (i) not give your consent via the dashboard available on our site, (ii) set your browser to reject these cookies (according to our aforementioned explanation), or (iii) click on the Opt-Out button below.

You can opt out using our form at Coinzilla opt-out page.

The opt-out function removes all the cookies we may have previously held concerning your account and replaces them with a new cookie which reminds us not to track you anymore. The removal of all your browser cookies after your opting out implies that you will also be removing the cookie that alerts us that you have opted out, meaning that you will need to perform the opt-out process again.

You will still be able to see our Services or ads even if you've opted out of receiving tailored content or ads from us.

5. Our Contact Information

Should you have inquiries regarding the privacy aspects of our Sites or Services, please feel free to reach us at the following addresses:

Sevio Digital Limited

Headquarters Address

E-mail: dpo@sevio.com.

6. Modifications to this Cookies Policy

This Cookie Policy is updated starting with the Effective Date stipulated below.

This Cookie Policy may be subjected to occasional updates or changes, so please read this policy periodically to keep abreast with the new modifications. Any changes related to this Cookie Policy on our Sites will be immediately published by us.

If any revisions to our Cookie Policy have a significant impact on our practices concerning the Information we may have about you, we will try our best to alert you of such updates in advance by emphasizing the changes on our Sites. We will request your permission in advance for any material changes, should this be compulsory, via applicable data protection laws.

By continuing to use the Sites and our Services, you express your agreement regarding this Cookie Policy and any updates.

Last modification made on 1st of June 2023.