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Tofu and Green Beans With Chile Crisp

Tofu and Green Beans With Chile Crisp
Christopher Testani for The New York Times. Food Stylist: Chris Lanier. Prop Stylist: Carla Gonzalez-Hart.
Total Time
30 minutes
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I love to cook with chile crisp, a fiery hot-pepper condiment born in the Sichuan Province of China that generally relies on fried shallots and garlic for texture, and on any number of umami-rich special ingredients for distinction and oomph. It’s magical: a boon to noodle soups and kitchen-sink stir-fries, to eggs and cucumbers, to plain steamed fish. Here, I use it as the base of a marinade and topping for baked tofu and green beans, with black vinegar, a little sesame oil, a wisp of honey, minced garlic and ginger, along with scallions and cilantro. But you could use the mixture on a mitten and have a very nice meal.

Featured in: Your Coronavirus Cooking Needs Condiments

Learn: How to Make a Sheet-Pan Dinner

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Yield:4 servings
  • 3tablespoons chile-crisp condiment, plus more for serving
  • 3tablespoons soy sauce
  • tablespoons Chinese black vinegar
  • teaspoons sesame oil
  • 1teaspoon honey
  • 2garlic cloves, peeled and minced
  • 2tablespoons chopped scallions
  • 2tablespoons chopped cilantro
  • 1(14-ounce) package extra-firm tofu, drained and sliced crosswise into 8 (½-inch-thick) slabs
  • ¾pound green beans
  • 1tablespoon neutral oil, like canola or grapeseed
  • White rice, for serving
  • 1tablespoon minced fresh ginger
Ingredient Substitution Guide
Nutritional analysis per serving (4 servings)

170 calories; 10 grams fat; 1 gram saturated fat; 0 grams trans fat; 4 grams monounsaturated fat; 3 grams polyunsaturated fat; 12 grams carbohydrates; 4 grams dietary fiber; 5 grams sugars; 12 grams protein; 678 milligrams sodium

Note: The information shown is Edamam’s estimate based on available ingredients and preparation. It should not be considered a substitute for a professional nutritionist’s advice.

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  1. Step 1

    Heat oven to 450 degrees. In a baking dish or casserole, whisk together the chile crisp, soy sauce, vinegar, sesame oil, honey, garlic, ginger, scallions and cilantro.

  2. Step 2

    Add the tofu slices to the dish, and coat them with the sauce, then allow to marinate for as long as it takes to heat the oven and trim the green beans.

  3. Step 3

    Add the green beans to a large sheet pan, then drizzle the neutral oil on top and toss to coat. Slide the green beans to the sides of the pan, and arrange the slices of tofu in an even layer in the center of the pan. Pour remaining marinade over the tofu, and place in oven.

  4. Step 4

    Roast until the green beans start to blister, 20 to 25 minutes. Serve immediately with rice and extra chile crisp on the side.


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I've been using jars and jars of Trader Joe's "Chili Onion Crunch" that I now realize is a knockoff of the chile-crisp described here. There's nothing better on eggs, tofu, shrimp, rice....

“Best tofu I’ve ever had!” declared hubby, and I agree: it’s perfection! Instead of fussing with towels and plates and weights to drain the tofu, I took another reader’s tip (from a Japanese cooking show) and microwaved the sliced tofu in a bowl for three minutes on high. Amazing how much water drained out, leaving the tofu with perfect texture to soak up the delicious marinade.

Bon Appetit has a great recipe for chile crisp, you can make it at home yourself without any special equipment and it's not behind a paywall. It takes around 30 minutes to make and lasts for months.

Sifton mentions in the accompanying article (which you should read if you don't know about the chili crisp), that he includes ginger, but it's not listed in the recipe on 4/17/20. I almost left the ginger out, but as I was assembling the marinade, decided to mince about 2 tablespoons and included it. I'm so glad I did. It adds a sweet floral and necessary dimension. Also, be sure to pile the chunky marinade on top of the tofu as it will just burn on the baking sheet. Amazing and simple recipe!

As a long-time user of Lao Gan Ma chili crisp, I was curious to try the Trader Joe version. For anyone who knows the full, rich, umami-laden flavor of LGM, the TJ stuff is far inferior and not worth buying.

Not at all. I've been using Lao Gan Ma chili crisp as my COVID coping food (I'm actually pretty distraught to see it here! It's already hard enough to find family size jars on Amazon!!!) and I consider it milder than all my other hot sauces. I put it on stir fried veggies (esp asparagus), freezer dumplings, and --best of all-- on top of a sunny-side-up egg on sprouted grain toast.

This might work for you? For years I've used a clean, dry cotton kitchen towel to wrap up my tofu and leave it on the drain board. Then into the wash and no waste, no trash.

Wonderful recipe, but a 450 degree oven is too hot! Twenty minutes at 400 is plenty. You can use firm tofu instead of extra firm. Also, replace the string beans with broccoli tossed with a mix of vegetable and sesame oil.

I cooked this and thought it was really good but could use some ginger. Then I read through it again and noticed that he mentions ginger in the introduction but it didn't get into the recipe, Add ginger!

Note: I am a huge Bittman fan and trust his advice to use what you have on hand. 1. I used Chile Crunch (Chile crunch.com). 2. I used an Indian mash-up of Ginger and Garlic paste - I noticed that many chiefs have moved to pastes. 3. Not having Chinese black vinegar, I used red wine vinegar. 4. I used Blue Agave in place of the honey. (lower glycemic). 5. Since cilantro tastes like soap to me I used a combo of parsley and basil from my aero garden. It all turned out really well. Very tasty.

I love the Fly By Jing chili crisp condiment Sam describes in his condiment review. I was given a jar of it as a sample and it's now a staple in my kitchen. I just had it on my egg & avocado toast this morning!

How fiery is fiery - does the condiment burn your mouth? Now for me then.

Cheap balsamic vinegar. Do NOT use your good stuff as it will be too sweet. If not that, then Sherry vinegar.

I made this almost exactly as written, except I didn’t have cilantro. A couple notes: 1. I used tofu that had been previously frozen, which gave it a nice spongy texture to absorb the sauce 2. The green beans needed some flavor - salt or a splash of soy sauce after they come out of the oven would be really helpful. 3. Even though the chili crisp sauce is fairly spicy when raw, the final baked product had almost no bite to it. This was great. Will probably make another version of it again.

Chili Crisp is amazing! Cooks Illustrated posted a fabulous recipe for chili crisp this Feb - as soon as I finish one jar (max ~3 weeks) I make a new one. It doesn't need MSG, and you can doctor it as you like. https://www.cooksillustrated.com/recipes/12400-chili-crisp-lao-gan-ma It's easy to make and adding it to just about anything (Alison Roman's spicy noodle soup with mushrooms and herbs, for example) takes your meal to a completely different level.

One the best (and easiest) tofu dishes on this site. Followed the recipe to the letter. Used Fly By Jing Sichuan Chili Crisp. Only modification was substituting rice wine vinegar for Chinese black vinegar, which I could not find. Served with leftover basmati rice that had been cooked in coconut water. This was more like 2.5 servings because it was SO good and we kept going back for more!

Use sesame oil on the beans Add extra chives and cilantro

Delicious all in one pan tofu & veggies! The suggestion that it marinates while the oven heats up to 450 was the perfect amount of time - the flavors were well absorbed for cooking. Served over rice, the juices from the marinade (be sure to pour the remaining liquid on the pan as Sam suggests so you don't lose any), is perfection.

Loved it & now addicted to chili crisp!

My family likes it with a greater volume of the delicious sauce.

We use Lao Gan Ma brand chili crips, and we usually make 3x the recipe so we can eat it for the next week. Its one of our favorite go-to meals. We've made it with all sorts of minor adjustments (forgot the ginger, accidentally doubled the sesame oil, forgot this, measured wrong on that) and it comes out perfect every time.

Perfect recipe! I used Lao Gan Ma brand chili crisp, with asparagus as well as the green beans. There was not a grain of rice left on anyone's plate.

Very delicious; my only change was I cubed the tofu and marinated in a bowl; easier to mix with beans and eat.

I have made this many times just as written and it is terrific! I have also made it with Brussels sprouts which were not quite as good.

I vehemently disagree that this is remotely too salty. I might add a sprinkle of kosher salt next time, a glug more honey, a bit more vinegar, and toasted chopped cashews. It was so easy to throw together and the green beans were sublime.

Have made the recipe a few times. Yesterday, I did not have chili crisp or black vinegar. Substituted 1 tbls gochuchang and a little olive oil for the chili crisp. Used balsamic vinegar instead of the black vinegar. Also tried broccoli instead of greenbeans. The same cook time worked (10 minutes and stir and another 12 minutes) and it was delicious! Also doubled the amount of tofu without doubling the marinade and it was terrific and I have leftovers : )

Got my carnivore boyfriend to enjoy this. Delicious. The marinade is insane. I’ve made it several times and recommend doubling it.

Too salty - cut soy sauce next time, water down sauce. Would be good with mushrooms or peppers

Double the sauce - it's good to have on hand for a variety of uses like eggs, tortillas and most everything. Also, you can be flexible with the vegetables. Green beans are a good foundation but I usually also add mushrooms and red bell peppers for some variety and color. Enjoy!

Started to make but don't see the ginger that's mentioned in the headnote.

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