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// Copyright 2019 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// Methods that need to be implemented by the InfobarCoordinator subclasses.
// TODO(crbug.com/945478): Assess if the InfobarDelegate can be owned by a
// mediator class once the implementation of the Password Infobar message is
// completed. This way we might not need different Coordinators for each
// Infobar, and we'll have different mediators instead.
@protocol InfobarCoordinatorImplementation
// Initializes and configures the ModalViewController that will be presented by
// the InfobarCoordinator.
- (void)configureModalViewController;
// Performs any actions related to an Infobar Banner presentation.
- (void)infobarBannerWasPresented;
// Performs any actions related to an Infobar Modal presentation.
- (void)infobarModalPresentedFromBanner:(BOOL)presentedFromBanner;
// Dismisses the InfobarBanner once there's no interaction in progress. An
// interaction is any user initiated behavior with the Banner.
- (void)dismissBannerWhenInteractionIsFinished;
// Performs the main Infobar action. e.g. "Save Password", "Restore",etc.
- (void)performInfobarAction;
// Called after the Infobar (either Modal or Banner) has been dismissed.
// Transitioning from Banner to Modal won't call this method.
- (void)infobarWasDismissed;
// The infobar modal height. Used to calculate its presentation container
// height.
- (CGFloat)infobarModalHeight;