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Copyright 2020 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
found in the LICENSE file.
This file is used to generate a comprehensive list of Content histograms
along with a detailed description for each histogram.
For best practices on writing histogram descriptions, see
Please send CLs to chromium-metrics-reviews@google.com rather than to specific
individuals. These CLs will be automatically reassigned to a reviewer within
about 5 minutes. This approach helps the metrics team to load-balance incoming
reviews. Googlers can read more about this at go/gwsq-gerrit.
<histogram name="ContentCapture.CaptureContentDelayTime" units="ms"
The time between a change in content and when the new capture is sent to the
browser process.
A specific content change is hard to track. This is roughly calculated as
the interval from the first content change after a prior capturing content
to the first content being sent after the next capture of content.
<histogram name="ContentCapture.CaptureContentTime" units="microseconds"
Replaced by ContentCapture.CaptureContentTime2 since M87, the new histogram
records the grouping time additionally.
The time taken to capture the on-screen content.
Note that this metrics is only recorded on clients on which a
high-resolution clock is available.
<histogram name="ContentCapture.CaptureContentTime2" units="microseconds"
The time taken to capture the on-screen content and group them by document.
Note that this metrics is only recorded on clients on which a
high-resolution clock is available.
<histogram name="ContentCapture.GetBoundingBox" units="microseconds"
The time taken to get the bounding box of the batch of captured content.
Note that this metrics is only recorded on clients on which a
high-resolution clock is available.
<histogram name="ContentCapture.SendContentTime" units="microseconds"
The time taken to send the content to the browser process in batch.
Note that this metrics is only recorded on clients on which a
high-resolution clock is available.
<histogram name="ContentCapture.SentContentCount" units="count"
Replaced by ContentCapture.SentContentCount2 in M89, which uses standard
buckets for 10k counts rather than exact linear buckets.
<summary>The total number of content captures sent for a document.</summary>
<histogram name="ContentCapture.SentContentCount2" units="count"
<summary>The total number of content captures sent for a document.</summary>
<histogram name="ContentCapture.TaskDelayTimeInMs" units="ms"
The time taken for the task to start after it's scheduled.
Note: The time of task that was scheduled for the retry wasn't measured
because it is always 500ms.
<histogram name="ContentCapture.TaskRunsPerCapture" units="runs"
The number of the times the task runs for a content capture session.
A content capture session begins with capturing on-screen content and ends
in sending all changes.
<histogram name="ContentIndex.ContentAdded" enum="ContentIndexCategory"
<summary>Records the category of the content when registered.</summary>
<histogram base="true" name="ContentIndex.ContentDeleteEvent"
enum="ServiceWorkerStatusCode" expires_after="M95">
<!-- Name completed by histogram_suffixes name="ContentIndexDispatchPhase" -->
Records the status of dispatching the `contentdelete` event in every phase
of dispatch.
<histogram name="ContentIndex.ContentOpened" enum="ContentIndexCategory"
<summary>Records the category of the entry clicked on by a user.</summary>
<histogram base="true" name="ContentIndex.Database"
enum="ServiceWorkerStatusCode" expires_after="M99">
<!-- Name completed by histogram_suffixes name="ContentIndexDatabaseTask" -->
<summary>Records the result of the database operation.</summary>
<histogram name="ContentIndex.NumEntriesAvailable" units="entries"
Records how many entries were found when loaded by the browser.
<histogram name="ContentIndex.RegistrationBlocked" enum="ContentIndexCategory"
Records the category of an attempted registration that was blocked.
<histogram name="ContentSettings.AllowStorageAccessSync" units="ms"
Measures how long a sync call to ContentSettingsManager::AllowStorageAccess
takes. Logged each time a sync call is made that is not cached.
<histogram name="ContentSettings.DefaultAutoDarkWebContetntSetting"
enum="ContentSetting" expires_after="2022-06-19">
The default auto dark web content setting at profile open. Recorded for
Android only.
<histogram name="ContentSettings.DefaultAutoplaySetting" enum="ContentSetting"
<summary>The default autoplay setting at profile open.</summary>
<histogram name="ContentSettings.DefaultCookiesSetting" enum="ContentSetting"
<summary>The default cookies setting at profile open.</summary>
<histogram name="ContentSettings.DefaultIdleDetectionSetting"
enum="ContentSetting" expires_after="2022-06-19">
The default permission setting for idle detection at profile open.
<histogram name="ContentSettings.DefaultImagesSetting" enum="ContentSetting"
<summary>The default image setting at profile open.</summary>
<histogram name="ContentSettings.DefaultJavaScriptSetting"
enum="ContentSetting" expires_after="2022-06-19">
<summary>The default JavaScript setting at profile open.</summary>
<histogram name="ContentSettings.DefaultLocationSetting" enum="ContentSetting"
<summary>The default location setting at profile open.</summary>
<histogram name="ContentSettings.DefaultMediaStreamCameraSetting"
enum="ContentSetting" expires_after="2022-06-19">
<summary>The default camera setting at profile open.</summary>
<histogram name="ContentSettings.DefaultMediaStreamMicSetting"
enum="ContentSetting" expires_after="2022-06-19">
<summary>The default microphone setting at profile open.</summary>
<histogram name="ContentSettings.DefaultMIDISysExSetting" enum="ContentSetting"
The default MIDI permission setting on sysex (system exclusive) messages at
profile open.
<histogram name="ContentSettings.DefaultNotificationsSetting"
enum="ContentSetting" expires_after="2022-06-19">
<summary>The default notification setting at profile open.</summary>
<histogram name="ContentSettings.DefaultPluginsSetting" enum="ContentSetting"
Removed as of 09/2020. Flash / Plugins is deprecated.
<summary>The default plugins setting at profile open.</summary>
<histogram name="ContentSettings.DefaultPopupsSetting" enum="ContentSetting"
<summary>The default popups setting at profile open.</summary>
<histogram name="ContentSettings.DefaultRequestDesktopSiteSetting"
enum="ContentSetting" expires_after="2022-04-01">
The request desktop site content setting at profile open. Recorded for
Android only.
<histogram name="ContentSettings.DefaultSoundSetting" enum="ContentSetting"
<summary>The default sound setting at profile open.</summary>
<histogram name="ContentSettings.DefaultSubresourceFilterSetting"
enum="ContentSetting" expires_after="2022-06-19">
<summary>The default subresource filter setting at profile open</summary>
<histogram name="ContentSettings.DefaultUsbGuardSetting" enum="ContentSetting"
<summary>The default permission setting for WebUSB at profile open.</summary>
<histogram name="ContentSettings.DefaultWebBluetoothGuardSetting"
enum="ContentSetting" expires_after="2022-06-19">
The default permission setting for Web Bluetooth at profile open.
<histogram name="ContentSettings.EphemeralFlashPermission"
enum="ContentSettings.EphemeralFlashPermission" expires_after="M89">
Flash / Plugins is deprecated since M87 and removed in M89.
Records the number of times Flash permission is granted for a host.
<histogram name="ContentSettings.Exceptions" units="units"
<!-- expires-never: tracked as an important privacy metric. -->
The number of user defined content setting exceptions at browser start.
Suffixed with the name of content setting types.
<histogram name="ContentSettings.ExceptionScheme" enum="ContentSettingScheme"
Records the schemes of content setting exceptions at browser start. Each
exception provides one sample.
<histogram name="ContentSettings.ExceptionSchemeFile.HasPath"
enum="BooleanHasPath" expires_after="M94">
Records how often a content settings exception for the file: scheme has a
non-empty path. Recorded once per exception at browser start.
<histogram name="ContentSettings.ExceptionSchemeFile.Type.WithoutPath"
enum="ContentType" expires_after="M94">
Count of how often a specific content type has a content settings exception
defined for a file: scheme with no path (i.e., wildcard path). Recorded once
per exception at browser start.
Note: The values of this metric collected for Chrome 49 (early 2016) are
innacurate and should not be trusted. crbug.com/589255.
<histogram name="ContentSettings.ExceptionSchemeFile.Type.WithPath"
enum="ContentType" expires_after="M94">
Count of how often a specific content type has a content settings exception
defined for a file: scheme with a valid, non-empty path. Recorded once per
exception at browser start.
Note: The values of this metric collected for Chrome 49 (early 2016) are
innacurate and should not be trusted. crbug.com/589255.
<histogram name="ContentSettings.ExtensionEmbeddedSettingSet"
enum="ContentType" expires_after="M100">
Count of how often a specific content setting is set for an embedded URL by
an extension. Only counts settings when the secondary pattern is different
to the primary pattern. Exactly one of this or
ContentSettings.ExtensionNonEmbeddedSettingSet will be emitted per call to
contentSettings.set(), if the arguments to the call are valid.
<histogram name="ContentSettings.ExtensionNonEmbeddedSettingSet"
enum="ContentType" expires_after="2022-05-01">
Count of how often a specific content setting is set when only a single
pattern is specified. Exactly one of this or
ContentSettings.ExtensionEmbeddedSettingSet will be emitted per call to
contentSettings.set(), if the arguments to the call are valid.
<histogram name="ContentSettings.ImagePressed" enum="ContentSettingImageType"
Counts which content setting buttons are pressed by the user.
<histogram name="ContentSettings.NumberOfExceptions" units="units"
The number of user defined hostname patterns for content settings at browser
<histogram name="ContentSettings.PermissionRequested" enum="PermissionType"
Number of times a given permission was requested by a website and the user
has the permission set to prompt (i.e. not blocked or allowed).
Note this is probably not the metric you want - it does not correspond to
the total number of times websites request a permission. Also, because
specific permissions have code that can automatically block or grant
permissions based on things like incognito, installed extensions etc., this
does also not correspond to the number of times users are prompted to allow
For a better metric to track how often users are prompted, either use
ContentSettings.PermissionsActions*, or Permissions.Prompt.*.
See https://crbug.com/638076 for more details.
<histogram name="ContentSettings.PermissionRequested_InsecureOrigin"
enum="PermissionType" expires_after="M90">
Removed as of July 2021. No permissions are supported for insecure origins.
Number of times a given permission was requested by an insecure origin and
the user has the permission set to prompt (i.e. not blocked or allowed).
Note this is probably not the metric you want - it does not correspond to
the total number of times websites request a permission. Also, because
specific permissions have code that can automatically block or grant
permissions based on things like incognito, installed extensions etc., this
does also not correspond to the number of times users are prompted to allow
For a better metric to track how often users are prompted, use
See https://crbug.com/638076 for more details.
<histogram name="ContentSettings.PermissionRequested_SecureOrigin"
enum="PermissionType" expires_after="M90">
Removed as of July 2021. No permissions are supported for insecure origins.
So we don't need to differentiate between Secure and Insecure origins.
ContentSettings.PermissionRequested histogram is enough.
Number of times a given permission was requested by a secure origin and the
user has the permission set to prompt (i.e. not blocked or allowed).
Note this is probably not the metric you want - it does not correspond to
the total number of times websites request a permission. Also, because
specific permissions have code that can automatically block or grant
permissions based on things like incognito, installed extensions etc., this
does also not correspond to the number of times users are prompted to allow
For a better metric to track how often users are prompted, use
See https://crbug.com/638076 for more details.
<histogram name="ContentSettings.Plugins" enum="ContentSettingPluginsAction"
Tracks whether the plugin content blocked puzzle piece was shown in the
Omnibox, and how the user interacted with it.
<histogram name="ContentSettings.Popups" enum="ContentSettingPopupAction"
Tracks whether the popup content blocked puzzle piece was shown in the
Omnibox, and how the user interacted with it.
<histogram name="ContentSettings.Popups.BlockerActions"
enum="PopupBlockerAction" expires_after="M101">
Counts of various events related to the popup blocker. Including blocked
popups and overridden (clicked through) popups. This is similar to the
ContentSettings.Popups but is at the per-popup layer rather than at the UI
<histogram name="ContentSettings.Popups.ClickThroughPosition"
enum="ListItemPosition" expires_after="2020-08-30">
The blocked popup list contains a list of links that Chrome has blocked via
the popup blocker. If a user clicks on the link, the popup is opened. This
metric records the position of the popup in the list that a user clicks
through. Currently it should only be recorded on desktop platforms, because
the mobile UI for popup blocking does not currently allow for specific
<histogram name="ContentSettings.Popups.EngagementTime" units="ms"
Measures the total duration a popup WebContents is visible / foregrounded,
until it is closed.
<histogram name="ContentSettings.Popups.EngagementTime.GestureClose" units="ms"
Measures the total duration a popup WebContents is visible / foregrounded,
until it is closed via some user gesture (like Ctrl-W).
<histogram name="ContentSettings.Popups.FirstDocumentEngagementTime2"
units="ms" expires_after="M77">
Measures the total duration a popup WebContents is visible / foregrounded
for the duration of its first document load. This time is measured from the
first navigation commit to the time either the WebContents is destroyed or
when a new navigation commits.
<histogram name="ContentSettings.Popups.StrongBlocker.NumBlocked"
units="popups" expires_after="M77">
The total number of popups blocked by the strong blocker for a given page
load. Logged when the page is navigated away from, or the tab is closed.
Only logged for pages which are triggered for strong popup blocking, aka
abusive experience enforcement.
<histogram name="ContentSettings.Popups.StrongBlockerActions"
enum="StrongPopupBlockerAction" expires_after="2022-04-24">
Counts of various events related to the strong popup blocker (aka abusive
experience enforcement), that is triggered via safe browsing.
<histogram name="ContentSuggestions.Feed.ActivityLoggingEnabled" enum="Boolean"
Whether the feed was fetched with activity logging enabled. This is logged
on every feed fetch.
<histogram name="ContentSuggestions.Feed.AppLifecycle.Events"
enum="AppLifecycleEvent" expires_after="M89">
Removed along with FeedV1 in M89
Android: count of app lifecycle events reported to the Feed library.
Recorded as these events occur; e.g. when Chrome is foregrounded,
backgrounded, or the user clears cached browsing data.
<histogram name="ContentSuggestions.Feed.AppLifecycle.NumRowsForDeletion"
units="count" expires_after="M89">
Removed along with FeedV1 in M89
Android: number of rows present in a history deletion that's causing all
current suggestions to be deleted. Each row should correspond to a url that
is beign removed from history. Is not emitted when entire history is being
<histogram name="ContentSuggestions.Feed.AutoplayEvent"
enum="FeedAutoplayEvent" expires_after="M95">
Removed as of 05/2021. Replaced by ContentSuggestions.Feed.VideoPlayEvent.
Android: records events triggered during the video autoplay.
<histogram name="ContentSuggestions.Feed.AvailableOffline.Opened"
enum="Boolean" expires_after="M89">
Removed along with FeedV1 in M89
When an article on the NTP is opened by the user, records whether it is
available offline. When an article is available offline, it will have an
offline badge in the UI on the NTP. Opening the article occurs when the user
navigates from the NTP to the article itself, which can be either in the
current tab or a new tab. Note that this is independent of whether the
article is actually opened as an offline page or not.
<histogram name="ContentSuggestions.Feed.AvailableOffline.Shown" enum="Boolean"
Removed along with FeedV1 in M89
Records whether an article on the NTP that is shown to the user was also
available offline. When an article is available offline, it will have an
offline badge in the UI. The initial offline status of the article is used
for this metric. While it is possible for the offline status to change while
the article is on screen, this metric will not be re-emitted. The criteria
for an article to be &quot;shown&quot; is for 2/3 of its vertical height to
be on screen for any amount of time.
<histogram name="ContentSuggestions.Feed.BrokenNTPHierarchy"
enum="NTPBrokenViewHierarchyRelationship" expires_after="M99">
When the NTP view hierarchy is fixed upon NTP creation, this hisotgram logs
which part was broken. Temporary log used to gather info for
<histogram name="ContentSuggestions.Feed.CommitMutationCount"
units="operations" expires_after="2020-10-01">
Tracks the number of operations in a Feed mutation when database receive the
commit request.
<histogram name="ContentSuggestions.Feed.ContentAgeOnLoad.BlockingRefresh"
units="ms" expires_after="2022-05-01">
Android: The time since locally stored content was fetched from the server.
Reported when the feed surface is shown, and content is refreshed from the
network. This typically only happens when content is stale, so this is a
measurement of how stale content is before it's replaced by a blocking
refresh. Feed v2 only.
<histogram name="ContentSuggestions.Feed.ContentAgeOnLoad.NotRefreshed"
units="ms" expires_after="2022-05-01">
Android: The time since locally stored content was fetched from the server.
Reported when the feed surface is shown, and the local persisted feed
content is loaded instead of a direct network refresh. This provides a
measure of how stale feed content is when the feed loads without a blocking
network request. Feed v2 only.
<histogram name="ContentSuggestions.Feed.Controls.Actions"
enum="FeedControlsActions" expires_after="never">
<!-- expires-never: tracked as an important feed metric. -->
<summary>Actions related to the feed controls.</summary>
<histogram name="ContentSuggestions.Feed.Count" units="entries"
Removed along with FeedV1 in M89
Tracks the number of entries for the Feed storage after database perform get
all keys request.
<histogram name="ContentSuggestions.Feed.DisplayStatusOnOpen"
enum="ContentSuggestionsDisplayStatus" expires_after="2022-04-24">
Android: The display status of the content suggestions when users open NTPs.
Whether content suggestions are disabled by policy (e.g. enterprise or
supervised users), enabled but collapsed, or enabled and expanded when a new
NTP is created.
<histogram name="ContentSuggestions.Feed.FetchPendingSpinner.Shown"
enum="FeedSpinnerType" expires_after="M89">
Removed along with FeedV1 in M89
Android: The type of spinner when the content suggestion shows the loading
spinner. This is tracked based on if the spinner is shown, not how long it
is visible.
<histogram name="ContentSuggestions.Feed.FetchPendingSpinner.VisibleDuration"
units="ms" expires_after="M89">
Removed along with FeedV1 in M89
Android: How long the content suggestion loading spinner is shown when a
loading spinner finishes showing. This is tracked based on when the spinner
is enabled in the UI, not how long it is actually visible on screen.
units="ms" expires_after="M89">
Removed along with FeedV1 in M89
Android: How long the content suggestion loading spinner is shown when a
spinner is destroyed without completing. This is tracked based on when the
spinner is enabled in the UI, not how long it is actually visible on screen.
<histogram name="ContentSuggestions.Feed.ImageFetchStatus"
enum="CombinedHttpResponseAndNetErrorCode" expires_after="2022-03-01">
Android: Status of image fetches for the feed. Recorded for each image
fetch. Fetches happen when loading the feed or scrolling the feed. Fetched
images are cached, so subsequent loads may not fetch again. Feed v2 only.
<histogram name="ContentSuggestions.Feed.InterestHeader.NotInterestedInSource"
units="index" expires_after="M89">
Removed along with FeedV1 in M89
The position of an interest header on the NTP that the user has indicated
they aren't interested in the story's source.
<histogram name="ContentSuggestions.Feed.InterestHeader.NotInterestedInTopic"
units="index" expires_after="M89">
Removed along with FeedV1 in M89
The position of an interest header on the NTP that the user has indicated
they aren't interested in the story's topic.
<histogram name="ContentSuggestions.Feed.InternalError"
enum="FeedInternalError" expires_after="M89">
Removed along with FeedV1 in M89
<summary>The Feed library encountered an error at any time.</summary>
<histogram name="ContentSuggestions.Feed.LoadKeysTime" units="ms"
Removed along with FeedV1 in M89
The time it takes for the Feed to load all keys from the storage.
<histogram base="true" name="ContentSuggestions.Feed.LoadStepLatency"
units="ms" expires_after="2022-05-01">
Latencies for individual steps taken to load the feed. This is reported at
most once per Chrome execution, and only reported for a Feed load operation
that ends with the Feed showing up on the UI. All steps added together tally
to the total time taken.
Feed v2 only.
<histogram name="ContentSuggestions.Feed.LoadStreamStatus.LoadMore"
enum="FeedLoadStreamStatus" expires_after="2022-05-01">
Status of loading additional Feed content onto the bottom of the stream.
Feed v2 only.
<histogram name="ContentSuggestions.Feed.LoadTime" units="ms"
Removed along with FeedV1 in M89
The time it takes for the Feed to load entries from the storage.
<histogram name="ContentSuggestions.Feed.Network.CompressedResponseSizeKB"
units="KB" expires_after="2022-05-01">
Android: The wire size (potentially compressed) of a Feed network response
received by the Feed's networking host. Recorded when a successful response
is received.
<histogram name="ContentSuggestions.Feed.Network.Duration" units="ms"
The duration of a network request made by the Feed component. Recorded when
each network request is completed. This includes the time it takes to get an
auth token for signed in users.
<histogram name="ContentSuggestions.Feed.Network.Duration.{NetworkEvent}"
units="ms" expires_after="2022-03-01">
<summary>The amount of time a {NetworkEvent} network event took.</summary>
<token key="NetworkEvent">
<variant name="ActionUploadFailure"/>
<variant name="ActionUploadSuccess"/>
<variant name="ArticlesFetchFailure"/>
<variant name="ArticlesFetchSuccess"/>
<variant name="MoreArticlesFetchFailure"/>
<variant name="MoreArticlesFetchSuccess"/>
<histogram name="ContentSuggestions.Feed.Network.RequestSizeKB.Compressed"
units="KB" expires_after="M90">
Android: the size in kb of gzip-compressed requests sent by the Feed's
networking host. Recorded when a request is sent.
<histogram name="ContentSuggestions.Feed.Network.RequestStatusCode"
enum="CombinedHttpResponseAndNetErrorCode" expires_after="2022-03-01">
Android: The integer status code of network requests made by the feed
library's networking host. This code includes both protocol(1xx-5xx) and
non-protocol(-xxx) errors. Recorded when a request completes.
<histogram name="ContentSuggestions.Feed.Network.ResponseSizeKB" units="KB"
Android: the uncompressed size in KB of responses received by the Feed's
networking host. Recorded when a successful response is received.
<histogram name="ContentSuggestions.Feed.Network.ResponseStatus"
enum="CombinedHttpResponseAndNetErrorCode" expires_after="2022-05-01">
The HTTP response status for a network request made by the Feed component.
<histogram name="ContentSuggestions.Feed.Network.TokenDuration" units="ms"
Removed along with FeedV1 in M89
The amount of time it takes to get an access token for signed in users.
<histogram name="ContentSuggestions.Feed.Network.TokenFetchStatus"
enum="GoogleServiceAuthError" expires_after="2022-05-01">
Android: failure reason when attempting to fetch an OAuth token for the
feed. Recorded when a token fetch completes.
<histogram name="ContentSuggestions.Feed.NoticeCardFulfilled" enum="Boolean"
Android: Reports whether the notice card for feed action reporting has been
fulfilled. Recorded when reading the response content of the feed query that
is successful (includes both load stream and load more queries).
<histogram name="ContentSuggestions.Feed.NoticeCardFulfilled2" enum="Boolean"
Android: Reports whether the notice card for feed action reporting has been
fulfilled. Recorded when reading the response content of the load stream
query that is successful.
<histogram name="ContentSuggestions.Feed.Offline.GetStatusCount" units="count"
The number of urls that have offline status requested per call.
<histogram name="ContentSuggestions.Feed.Offline.GetStatusDuration" units="ms"
The number of milliseconds to round trip offline status for a set of URLs
from Offline Pages component.
<histogram name="ContentSuggestions.Feed.OperationCommitTime" units="ms"
The time it takes for the Feed to commit operations from the storage.
<histogram name="ContentSuggestions.Feed.PagePopulatingTime" units="ms"
The number of milliseconds it takes for Feed content to be visible in the
UI. If content is not immediately available, this is conceptually the amount
of time a loading spinner is shown to the user.
<histogram name="ContentSuggestions.Feed.Piet.FrameRenderingErrorCode"
enum="PietErrorCode" expires_after="2020-10-01">
Android: The integer error code when Piet wants to report events that
occurred during Frame rendering.
<histogram name="ContentSuggestions.Feed.Scheduler.ContentAgeDifference"
units="ms" expires_after="2020-10-01">
Difference in age of content between feed and host. Recorded when the Feed
asks the scheduler how to behave when a NTP is opened.
<histogram name="ContentSuggestions.Feed.Scheduler.HasContent"
enum="FeedHostMismatch" expires_after="2020-12-06">
The match status between Feed and the host when the scheduler's
ShouldSessionRequestData method is called. This occurs whenever the NTP is
opened, and tries to track if the Feed and host state agrees or disagrees.
If the device already has content, new requests are not necessarily required
for a reasonable user experience.
<histogram name="ContentSuggestions.Feed.Scheduler.OutstandingRequest"
enum="FeedHostMismatch" expires_after="2020-10-01">
The match status between Feed and the host when the scheduler's
ShouldSessionRequestData method is called. This occurs whenever the NTP is
opened, and tries to track if the Feed and host state agrees or disagrees.
The type of request that could be outstanding is to fetch new or more news
articles, and when requests are outstanding new requests should not be
<histogram name="ContentSuggestions.Feed.Scheduler.RefreshTrigger"
enum="RefreshTrigger" expires_after="2021-05-23">
The scheduler watches for various triggers, which cause it to decide if a
refresh is currently warranted or not. This histogram is emitted when a
trigger causes a refresh.
<histogram name="ContentSuggestions.Feed.Scheduler.RequestBehavior"
enum="RequestBehavior" expires_after="2020-12-06">
When NTP is opened, the scheduler host tells the Feed library how to act, if
the existing content should be shown, immediately or with timeout, and if a
refresh request should be started.
<histogram name="ContentSuggestions.Feed.Scheduler.ShouldRefreshResult"
enum="FeedSchedulerRefreshStatus" expires_after="2020-12-06">
When the Feed scheduler receives a refresh request, the scheduler will
decide to refresh or not depending on the scheduler status. Recorded when
the Feed scheduler receives the request.
<histogram name="ContentSuggestions.Feed.Scheduler.TimeSinceLastFetchOnClear"
units="ms" expires_after="2020-10-01">
When the previous last fetch attempt time is cleared, log the time since the
last fetch attempt. This typically occurs when suggestions are cleared. A
client that has never made a successful fetch (at least since it was last
cleared) will report the time since epoch.
<histogram name="ContentSuggestions.Feed.SendFeedback"
enum="FeedSendFeedbackType" expires_after="2022-02-01">
<summary>Number of each type of feedback sent about the feed.</summary>
<histogram name="ContentSuggestions.Feed.ServerRequest.Reason"
enum="FeedRequestReason" expires_after="2020-10-01">
The reason for a server request from the Feed's prespective, when the
request is started.
<histogram name="ContentSuggestions.Feed.Task.DelayTime" units="ms"
How long it took from enqueuing the task to when it was run.
<histogram name="ContentSuggestions.Feed.Task.TaskTime" units="ms"
How long it took from the task starting to when it finished executing.
<histogram name="ContentSuggestions.Feed.TimeSpentInFeed" units="ms"
How long a user used the Feed in one day (local time midnight to midnight).
Reported at most once per day. Usage reported is typically from the previous
day, but could be from several days ago if the user is not active. Time is
calculated starting with the first Feed interaction, until the Feed surface
is closed, or the user is idle (no scrolling or other actions) for 30
<histogram name="ContentSuggestions.Feed.TokenCompleted.ContentCount2"
units="count" expires_after="2020-10-01">
How many top level features were in the continuation response, typically
clusters. Recorded when the fetch completes successfully.
<histogram name="ContentSuggestions.Feed.TokenCompleted.TokenCount"
units="count" expires_after="2020-10-01">
How many tokens were in the continuation response, typically ways to fetch
more articles. Recorded when the fetch completes successfully.
<histogram name="ContentSuggestions.Feed.TokenFailedToCompleted" units="count"
When a token fails to complete, how many failures this token has seen.
Record when the fetch fails.
<histogram name="ContentSuggestions.Feed.UploadActionsBatchStatus"
enum="FeedUploadActionsBatchStatus" expires_after="2022-04-03">
Result of attempting to upload a batch of one or more actions.
<histogram name="ContentSuggestions.Feed.UploadActionsStatus"
enum="FeedUploadActionsStatus" expires_after="2022-04-03">
Result of an UploadActionsTask run in which zero or more batches of user
actions are uploaded. See ContentSuggestions.Feed.UploadActionsBatchStatus
for the status of a particular batch upload.
<histogram name="ContentSuggestions.Feed.UploadVisibilityLog" enum="Boolean"
Android: Reports whether the visibility log was uploaded successfully.
<histogram name="ContentSuggestions.Feed.UserActions" enum="FeedUserActionType"
Counts of Feed user actions. e.g. (Open a Card, Hide the Feed, etc.).
Recorded when the user takes an explicit action related to the Feed.
<histogram name="ContentSuggestions.Feed.UserActions.Commands"
enum="FeedUserCommandType" expires_after="2022-05-01">
Recorded whenever an Elements commands has taken place which wasn't handled
explicitly by ContentSuggestions.Feed.UserActions. e.g. A new command to
added server side to &quot;Report Content&quot;.(iOS only).
<histogram name="ContentSuggestions.Feed.UserJourney.GetMore.FailureDuration"
units="ms" expires_after="2022-05-01">
Time between the UI requesting additional stream content and failure by
either a 15 second timeout or a surface closure.
<histogram name="ContentSuggestions.Feed.UserJourney.GetMore.SuccessDuration"
units="ms" expires_after="2022-05-01">
Time between the UI requesting additional stream content and the content
being provided within 15 seconds. Providing content entails showing either a
cached or newly fetched Feed card.
<histogram name="ContentSuggestions.Feed.UserJourney.{Surface}.Failure"
enum="Boolean" expires_after="2022-03-01">
Reported when a user taps on a {Surface} card and the page is not loaded
successfully within 20 seconds.
<token key="Surface">
<variant name="OpenCard" summary="For-You Feed"/>
<variant name="OpenCard.WebFeed" summary="Web Feed"/>
<histogram name="ContentSuggestions.Feed.UserJourney.{Surface}.SuccessDuration"
units="ms" expires_after="2022-03-01">
The time between a user tapping on a {Surface} card and the page finishes
loading successfully. Only reported when loading takes less than 20 seconds.
<token key="Surface">
<variant name="OpenCard" summary="For-You Feed"/>
<variant name="OpenCard.WebFeed" summary="Web Feed"/>
units="ms" expires_after="2022-03-01">
The time between a {Surface} opening and either providing user content, or
failing to provide content. Providing content entails showing either a
cached or newly fetched Feed card within 15 seconds. Success is reported
upon view of the card. Failure is reported when either the surface is closed
or a timeout of 15 seconds expires.
<token key="Surface">
<variant name="OpenFeed" summary="For-You Feed"/>
<variant name="OpenFeed.WebFeed" summary="Web Feed"/>
<token key="Status">
<variant name="Failure" summary="Failure"/>
<variant name="Success" summary="Success"/>
<histogram name="ContentSuggestions.Feed.VisitDuration" units="ms"
Android: Time spent reading the page linked by an opened suggestion card.
This is a lower-bound time. Does not include time after Chrome is closed and
re-opened. Does not include time after the visited tab no longer has focus,
or after the tab is navigated. For the 'open in new tab' action, time starts
when the user switches to the new tab. If the user returns by tapping the
suggestion again, it will be recorded as another entry in this histogram.
Feed v2 only.
<histogram name="ContentSuggestions.Feed.VisualElement.Clicked" units="index"
Removed along with FeedV1 in M89
Android: The position of a clicked element in the stream not accounting for
header views. The top being 0. Position does not change after initial
layout. Specifically the position does not update if dismisses/removes are
performed. This is similar to NewTabPage.ContentSuggestions.Opened, but
records the specific elementType that was clicked.
units="ms" expires_after="M89">
Removed along with FeedV1 in M89
Android: The time since the content was made available on the device. This
could be the time for when this content was retrieved from the server or the
time the data was pushed to the device. Recorded when the user clicks the
<histogram name="ContentSuggestions.Feed.VisualElement.Viewed" units="index"
Removed along with FeedV1 in M89
Android: The position of a viewed element in the stream not accounting for
header views. The top being 0. Position does not change after initial
layout. Specifically the position does not update if dismisses/removes are
performed. This is similar to NewTabPage.ContentSuggestions.Shown, but
records the view after it has been on the screen for 500 milliseconds of
time instead of on predraw.
units="ms" expires_after="M89">
Removed along with FeedV1 in M89
Android: The time since the content was made available on the device. This
could be the time for when this content was retrieved from the server or the
time the data was pushed to the device. Recorded when the element has been
on the screen for 500 milliseconds.
<histogram name="ContentSuggestions.Feed.WebFeed.FollowByIdResult"
enum="WebFeedSubscriptionRequestStatus" expires_after="2022-07-01">
Android: The result of following a WebFeed when the Web Feed ID is known.
Reported when the follow is attempted, once per request. Triggered by a
user's request to follow a Web Feed.
<histogram name="ContentSuggestions.Feed.WebFeed.FollowCount.{Event}"
units="follows" expires_after="2022-07-01">
Android: The number of web feeds the user is following. Reported {Event}.
<token key="Event">
<variant name="AfterFollow" summary="after a successful follow action."/>
<variant name="AfterUnfollow"
summary="after a successful unfollow action."/>
<variant name="ContentShown"
summary="after the Following feed is shown, and some content is
<variant name="Engaged"
summary="after the user has been recorded as FeedEngagementType
'Engaged', reported at most once per day when the user
interacts with either the For-You or Following Feeds."/>
<variant name="NoContentShown"
summary="after the Following Feed is shown, and no content is
available for display."/>
<histogram name="ContentSuggestions.Feed.WebFeed.FollowUriResult"
enum="WebFeedSubscriptionRequestStatus" expires_after="2022-07-01">
Android: The result of following a WebFeed when the Web Feed ID is NOT
known. Reported when the follow is attempted, once per request. Triggered by
a user's request to follow a Web Feed.
units="index" expires_after="2022-07-01">
Android: Reports the total number of {ContentOrder} cards in the Following
feed when data is successfully loaded to be presented to the user. Reported
after an initial load. Only one of 'Grouped' or 'ReverseChron' is reported
for each stream load.
<token key="ContentOrder">
<variant name="Grouped" summary="Grouped"/>
<variant name="ReverseChron" summary="ReverseChron"/>
<histogram name="ContentSuggestions.Feed.WebFeed.NewFollow.IsRecommended"
enum="Boolean" expires_after="2022-09-01">
Whether the followed web feed was recommended by the server.
Reported upon successfully following a web feed. Reported as 'true' if the
web feed was recommended, even if the user did not see or interact with
recommendation UI.
<histogram name="ContentSuggestions.Feed.WebFeed.Opened" units="index"
<!-- expires-never: key feature metric. We will need the Opened
metric as long as we have a feed, and it will be removed with the
feed code if the feed is ever removed. -->
Android: The position of the WebFeed card on the NTP, that is clicked
through to the host website of the content. We track the position the card
had in the list when it was first seen by the user. This tracked position
can be different from the position observed by the user, e.g. when the user
dismissed some suggestions from the list or requested more that got inserted
in the middle of the feed.
<histogram name="ContentSuggestions.Feed.WebFeed.PostFollowDialog.Show"
enum="WebFeedPostFollowDialogPresentation" expires_after="2022-07-01">
Android: Reports which presentation of the post-follow dialog is shown.
Reported when the post-follow dialog is displayed, after the user follows a
Web Feed.
<histogram name="ContentSuggestions.Feed.WebFeed.RefreshContentOrder"
enum="FeedContentOrder" expires_after="2022-09-01">
The content order requested when refreshing content on the Following feed.
Reported before sending a refresh request to the server. Not reported for
NextPage requests.
<histogram name="ContentSuggestions.Feed.WebFeed.RefreshRecommendedFeeds"
enum="WebFeedRefreshStatus" expires_after="2022-07-01">
Android: Reports the status of attempting to refresh the list of recommended
Web Feeds from the server. The refresh occurrs periodically when the
information is stale.
<histogram name="ContentSuggestions.Feed.WebFeed.RefreshSubscribedFeeds.{Kind}"
enum="WebFeedRefreshStatus" expires_after="2022-07-01">
Android: Reports the status of attempting to refresh the list of subscribed
Web Feeds from the server. {Kind}
<token key="Kind">
<variant name="Force"
summary="Refresh is forced to fetch the most up to date list."/>
<variant name="Stale"
summary="Refresh is triggered because stored subscriptions are stale."/>
<histogram name="ContentSuggestions.Feed.WebFeed.Shown" units="index"
<!-- expires-never: key feature metric. We will need the Shown
metric as long as we have a feed, and it will be removed with
the feed code if the feed is ever removed. -->
Android: The position of a WebFeed card that was shown on the NTP. A card is
considered shown when at least 2/3 of its height is visible on the screen.
For each card, at most one impression is recorded per NTP instance. We track
the position the card had in the list when it was first seen by the user.
This tracked position can be different from the position observed by the
user, e.g. when the user dismissed some suggestions from the list or
requested more that got inserted in the middle of the feed.
<histogram name="ContentSuggestions.Feed.WebFeed.UnfollowResult"
enum="WebFeedSubscriptionRequestStatus" expires_after="2022-07-01">
Android: The result of attempting to unfollow a WebFeed. Reported when the
unfollow is attempted, once per request. Triggered by a user's request to
unfollow a Web Feed.
units="count" expires_after="M89">
Removed along with FeedV1 in M89
How many top level features were in an initial article fetch, typically
clusters. Recorded when an article fetch completes and were previously in
zero state.
<histogram name="ContentSuggestions.Feed.ZeroStateRefreshCompleted.TokenCount"
units="count" expires_after="M89">
Removed along with FeedV1 in M89
How many tokens were in an initial article fetch, typically ways to fetch
more articles. Recorded when an article fetch completes and were previously
in zero state.
<histogram name="ContentSuggestions.Feed.ZeroStateShown.Reason"
enum="FeedZeroStateShowReason" expires_after="M89">
Removed along with FeedV1 in M89
<summary>The reason the zero state (no articles) is shown to a user.</summary>
<histogram name="ContentSuggestions.Feed.{PlayType}Video.InitializationError"
enum="FeedVideoInitializationError" expires_after="M96">
Android: records errors occurred during the video player initialization. The
embedded video player needs to be initialized before it can be used to play
a video in {PlayType} mode. In autoplay muted mode, the initialization may
kick off even before the video view is scrolled to become visible. In normal
unmuted mode, this happens when the user taps the video to launch the video
in fullscreen playing mode.
<token key="PlayType">
<variant name="AutoplayMuted"/>
<variant name="NormalUnmuted"/>
<histogram name="ContentSuggestions.Feed.{PlayType}Video.PlayError"
enum="FeedVideoPlayError" expires_after="M96">
Android: records errors occurred during the video playing, in {PlayType}
mode. Upon the successful initialization of the embedded player, the video
starts to play and any error occurs since then is reported here.
<token key="PlayType">
<variant name="AutoplayMuted"/>
<variant name="NormalUnmuted"/>
<histogram name="ContentSuggestions.Feed.{PlayType}Video.PlayEvent"
enum="FeedVideoPlayEvent" expires_after="M96">
Android: records events triggered during the video playing, in {PlayType}
<token key="PlayType">
<variant name="AutoplayMuted"/>
<variant name="NormalUnmuted"/>
<histogram name="ContentSuggestions.{FeedType}.EngagementType"
enum="FeedEngagementType" expires_after="never">
<!-- expires-never: key feature metric. We will need the Engagement
type as long as we have a feed, and it will be removed with the
feed code if the feed is ever removed. -->
Tracks each instance of user engagement with {FeedType}, by scrolling or
interacting with a card (opening the URL or using the menu). Note that each
event type reports samples very differently and buckets can't be directly
compared. We're mostly interested in unique user counts. We track every
interaction, and we report ENGAGED and ENGAGED_SIMPLE once per user visit. A
user visit is when the user scrolls or interacts with the NTP more than 5
minutes after the previous visit. The SCROLLED engagement type represents a
single instance of the user scrolling, and is reported once per Feed visit.
The INTERACTED engagement type represents one instance of using the menu or
opening a feed article into its own tab. SCROLLED and INTERACTED are
reported for every occurrence, thus we could end up with more scrolled and
interected than ENGAGED or ENGAGED_SIMPLE samples.
<token key="FeedType">
<variant name="Feed" summary="the For-You Feed"/>
<variant name="Feed.AllFeeds" summary="all Feeds combined"/>
<variant name="Feed.WebFeed" summary="the Web Feed"/>
<histogram name="ContentSuggestions.{FeedType}.LoadedCardCount" units="index"
Android: Reports the total number of cards when the {FeedType} data is
successfully loaded to be presented to the user. Reported after an initial
load. Not reported after a NextPage request. When loading data from local
storage, previously fetched NextPage cards are counted though.
<token key="FeedType">
<variant name="Feed" summary="For-You Feed"/>
<variant name="Feed.WebFeed" summary="Web Feed"/>
units="cards" expires_after="2022-03-01">
The number of cards not yet scrolled into visibility at the moment the Feed
decides to load more content.
<token key="FeedType">
<variant name="Feed" summary="For-You Feed"/>
<variant name="Feed.WebFeed" summary="Web Feed"/>
<histogram name="ContentSuggestions.{FeedType}.LoadMoreTrigger.TotalCards"
units="cards" expires_after="2022-03-01">
The total number of cards in the feed stream at the moment the Feed decides
to load more content.
<token key="FeedType">
<variant name="Feed" summary="For-You Feed"/>
<variant name="Feed.WebFeed" summary="Web Feed"/>
enum="FeedLoadStreamStatus" expires_after="2022-03-01">
Android: Status of loading new {FeedType} data in the background. Reported
any time Chrome attempts to fetch fresh Feed content in the background. This
is either due to a background fetch schedule, or when fetching the Web-Feed
while the For-You feed is active.
<token key="FeedType">
<variant name="Feed" summary="For-You Feed"/>
<variant name="Feed.WebFeed" summary="Web Feed"/>
<histogram name="ContentSuggestions.{FeedType}.LoadStreamStatus.Initial"
enum="FeedLoadStreamStatus" expires_after="2022-03-01">
Android: Status of loading the initial {FeedType} stream, which happens when
the {FeedType} surface is shown. Feed v2 only.
<token key="FeedType">
<variant name="Feed" summary="For-You Feed"/>
<variant name="Feed.WebFeed" summary="Web Feed"/>
enum="FeedLoadStreamStatus" expires_after="2022-03-01">
Android: The status of loading the Feed from the local store. Reported when
loading the Feed for display. Recorded at the same time as
ContentSuggestions.{FeedType}.LoadStreamStatus.Initial to differentiate
between store errors and network fetch results.
<token key="FeedType">
<variant name="Feed" summary="For-You Feed"/>
<variant name="Feed.WebFeed" summary="Web Feed"/>
<histogram name="ContentSuggestions.{FeedType}.LoadStreamStatus.ManualRefresh"
enum="FeedLoadStreamStatus" expires_after="2022-07-01">
Android: status of pulling-to-refresh the {FeedType} stream per the user
request. Reported when the refresh completes.
<token key="FeedType">
<variant name="Feed" summary="For-You Feed"/>
<variant name="Feed.WebFeed" summary="Web Feed"/>
<histogram name="ContentSuggestions.{FeedType}.ReachedEndOfFeed" units="index"
Android: Reports the number of cards in the {FeedType}. Reported when the
last card of the {FeedType} is shown. Note that this is reported even if the
Feed is attempting to load additional content (LoadMore), as long as the
last card is 2/3rds shown before additional content loads. In this case,
this histogram can be reported multiple times without leaving the Feed
<token key="FeedType">
<variant name="Feed" summary="For-You Feed"/>
<variant name="Feed.WebFeed" summary="Web Feed"/>
<histogram name="ContentSuggestions.{FeedType}.SharedStateSizeKB" units="KB"
Android: Reports the total size in KB of the shared state for the
{FeedType}. Reported once when loading {FeedType} content for display, and
once each time additional pages of content are added.
<token key="FeedType">
<variant name="Feed" summary="For-You Feed"/>
<variant name="Feed.WebFeed" summary="Web Feed"/>
<histogram name="ContentSuggestions.{FeedType}.StreamContentSizeKB" units="KB"
Android: Reports the total size in KB of all of the {FeedType} content (not
including shared state, or dynamically fetched media). Reported once when
loading {FeedType} content for display, and once each time additional pages
of content are added.
<token key="FeedType">
<variant name="Feed" summary="For-You Feed"/>
<variant name="Feed.WebFeed" summary="Web Feed"/>