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// Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/layout/geometry/physical_rect.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/layout/ng/geometry/ng_border_edges.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/layout/ng/geometry/ng_box_strut.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/layout/ng/geometry/ng_fragment_geometry.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/layout/ng/inline/ng_baseline.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/layout/ng/ng_break_token.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/layout/ng/ng_container_fragment_builder.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/layout/ng/ng_layout_result.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/core/style/computed_style_constants.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/wtf/allocator.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/wtf/hash_map.h"
namespace blink {
class NGPhysicalFragment;
class CORE_EXPORT NGBoxFragmentBuilder final
: public NGContainerFragmentBuilder {
NGBoxFragmentBuilder(NGLayoutInputNode node,
scoped_refptr<const ComputedStyle> style,
const NGConstraintSpace* space,
WritingMode writing_mode,
TextDirection direction)
: NGContainerFragmentBuilder(node,
did_break_(false) {}
// Build a fragment for LayoutObject without NGLayoutInputNode. LayoutInline
// has NGInlineItem but does not have corresponding NGLayoutInputNode.
NGBoxFragmentBuilder(LayoutObject* layout_object,
scoped_refptr<const ComputedStyle> style,
WritingMode writing_mode,
TextDirection direction)
: NGContainerFragmentBuilder(/* node */ nullptr,
/* space */ nullptr,
did_break_(false) {
layout_object_ = layout_object;
NGBoxFragmentBuilder& SetInitialFragmentGeometry(
const NGFragmentGeometry& initial_fragment_geometry) {
initial_fragment_geometry_ = &initial_fragment_geometry;
size_ = initial_fragment_geometry_->border_box_size;
is_initial_block_size_indefinite_ = size_.block_size == kIndefiniteSize;
return *this;
NGBoxFragmentBuilder& SetIntrinsicBlockSize(LayoutUnit intrinsic_block_size) {
intrinsic_block_size_ = intrinsic_block_size;
return *this;
const NGBoxStrut& Borders() const {
DCHECK_NE(BoxType(), NGPhysicalFragment::kInlineBox);
return initial_fragment_geometry_->border;
const NGBoxStrut& Scrollbar() const {
return initial_fragment_geometry_->scrollbar;
const NGBoxStrut& Padding() const {
return initial_fragment_geometry_->padding;
const LogicalSize& InitialBorderBoxSize() const {
return initial_fragment_geometry_->border_box_size;
// Remove all children.
void RemoveChildren();
// Add a break token for a child that doesn't yet have any fragments, because
// its first fragment is to be produced in the next fragmentainer. This will
// add a break token for the child, but no fragment.
NGBoxFragmentBuilder& AddBreakBeforeChild(NGLayoutInputNode child);
// Prepare for a break token before the specified line.
NGBoxFragmentBuilder& AddBreakBeforeLine(int line_number);
// Update if we have fragmented in this flow.
NGBoxFragmentBuilder& PropagateBreak(const NGLayoutResult&);
NGBoxFragmentBuilder& PropagateBreak(const NGPhysicalContainerFragment&);
void AddOutOfFlowLegacyCandidate(NGBlockNode,
const NGStaticPosition&,
const LayoutInline* inline_container);
// Set how much of the block size we've used so far for this box.
NGBoxFragmentBuilder& SetUsedBlockSize(LayoutUnit used_block_size) {
used_block_size_ = used_block_size;
return *this;
// Specify that we broke.
// This will result in a fragment which has an unfinished break token.
NGBoxFragmentBuilder& SetDidBreak() {
did_break_ = true;
return *this;
NGBoxFragmentBuilder& SetHasForcedBreak() {
has_forced_break_ = true;
minimal_space_shortage_ = LayoutUnit();
return *this;
// Report space shortage, i.e. how much more space would have been sufficient
// to prevent some piece of content from breaking. This information may be
// used by the column balancer to stretch columns.
NGBoxFragmentBuilder& PropagateSpaceShortage(LayoutUnit space_shortage) {
DCHECK_GT(space_shortage, LayoutUnit());
if (minimal_space_shortage_ > space_shortage)
minimal_space_shortage_ = space_shortage;
return *this;
void SetInitialBreakBefore(EBreakBetween break_before) {
initial_break_before_ = break_before;
void SetPreviousBreakAfter(EBreakBetween break_after) {
previous_break_after_ = break_after;
// Join/"collapse" the previous (stored) break-after value with the next
// break-before value, to determine how to deal with breaking between two
// in-flow siblings.
EBreakBetween JoinedBreakBetweenValue(EBreakBetween break_before) const;
// Return the number of line boxes laid out.
int LineCount() const { return inline_break_tokens_.size(); }
// Call when we're setting an undersirable break. It may be possible to avoid
// the break if we instead break at an earlier element.
void SetHasLastResortBreak() { has_last_resort_break_ = true; }
// Offsets are not supposed to be set during fragment construction, so we
// do not provide a setter here.
// Creates the fragment. Can only be called once.
scoped_refptr<const NGLayoutResult> ToBoxFragment() {
DCHECK_NE(BoxType(), NGPhysicalFragment::kInlineBox);
return ToBoxFragment(GetWritingMode());
scoped_refptr<const NGLayoutResult> ToInlineBoxFragment() {
// The logical coordinate for inline box uses line-relative writing-mode,
// not
// flow-relative.
DCHECK_EQ(BoxType(), NGPhysicalFragment::kInlineBox);
return ToBoxFragment(ToLineWritingMode(GetWritingMode()));
scoped_refptr<const NGLayoutResult> Abort(
NGPhysicalFragment::NGBoxType BoxType() const;
NGBoxFragmentBuilder& SetBoxType(NGPhysicalFragment::NGBoxType box_type) {
box_type_ = box_type;
return *this;
NGBoxFragmentBuilder& SetIsFieldsetContainer() {
is_fieldset_container_ = true;
return *this;
NGBoxFragmentBuilder& SetIsLegacyLayoutRoot() {
is_legacy_layout_root_ = true;
return *this;
bool DidBreak() const { return did_break_; }
NGBoxFragmentBuilder& SetBorderEdges(NGBorderEdges border_edges) {
border_edges_ = border_edges;
return *this;
// Either this function or SetBoxType must be called before ToBoxFragment().
NGBoxFragmentBuilder& SetIsNewFormattingContext(bool is_new_fc) {
is_new_fc_ = is_new_fc;
return *this;
// Layout algorithms should call this function for each baseline request in
// the constraint space.
// If a request should use a synthesized baseline from the box rectangle,
// algorithms can omit the call.
// This function should be called at most once for a given algorithm/baseline
// type pair.
void AddBaseline(NGBaselineRequest, LayoutUnit);
// Inline containing block geometry is defined by two rectangles defined
// by fragments generated by LayoutInline.
struct InlineContainingBlockGeometry {
// Union of fragments generated on the first line.
PhysicalRect start_fragment_union_rect;
// Union of fragments generated on the last line.
PhysicalRect end_fragment_union_rect;
using InlineContainingBlockMap =
HashMap<const LayoutObject*,
void ComputeInlineContainerFragments(
InlineContainingBlockMap* inline_containing_block_map);
// If we don't participate in a fragmentation context, this method can check
// that all block fragmentation related fields have their initial value.
void CheckNoBlockFragmentation() const;
scoped_refptr<const NGLayoutResult> ToBoxFragment(WritingMode);
const NGFragmentGeometry* initial_fragment_geometry_ = nullptr;
LayoutUnit intrinsic_block_size_;
NGPhysicalFragment::NGBoxType box_type_;
bool is_fieldset_container_ = false;
bool is_initial_block_size_indefinite_ = false;
bool did_break_;
bool has_forced_break_ = false;
bool is_new_fc_ = false;
LayoutUnit used_block_size_;
LayoutUnit minimal_space_shortage_ = LayoutUnit::Max();
// The break-before value on the initial child we cannot honor. There's no
// valid class A break point before a first child, only *between* siblings.
EBreakBetween initial_break_before_ = EBreakBetween::kAuto;
// The break-after value of the previous in-flow sibling.
EBreakBetween previous_break_after_ = EBreakBetween::kAuto;
NGBaselineList baselines_;
NGBorderEdges border_edges_;
friend class NGPhysicalBoxFragment;
friend class NGLayoutResult;
} // namespace blink