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// Copyright 2019 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
'use strict';
* Namespace for the Camera app.
var cca = cca || {};
* Namespace for metrics.
cca.metrics = cca.metrics || {};
* Event builder for basic metrics.
* @type {analytics.EventBuilder}
* @private
cca.metrics.base_ = null;
* @type {analytics}
var analytics = window['analytics'] || {};
* Fixes analytics.EventBuilder's dimension() method.
* @param {number} i
* @param {string} v
* @return {analytics.EventBuilder}
analytics.EventBuilder.prototype.dimen = function(i, v) {
return this.dimension({index: i, value: v});
* Promise for Google Analytics tracker.
* @type {Promise<analytics.Tracker>}
* @private
cca.metrics.ga_ = (function() {
const id = 'UA-134822711-1';
const service = analytics.getService('chrome-camera-app');
var getConfig = () =>
new Promise((resolve) => service.getConfig().addCallback(resolve));
var checkEnabled = () => {
return new Promise((resolve) => {
try {
} catch (e) {
resolve(false); // Disable reporting by default.
var initBuilder = () => {
return new Promise((resolve) => {
try {
(values) => resolve(values['board']));
} catch (e) {
}).then((board) => {
var boardName = /^(x86-)?(\w*)/.exec(board)[0];
var match = navigator.appVersion.match(/CrOS\s+\S+\s+([\d.]+)/);
var osVer = match ? match[1] : '';
cca.metrics.base_ = analytics.EventBuilder.builder()
.dimen(1, boardName).dimen(2, osVer);
return Promise.all([getConfig(), checkEnabled(), initBuilder()])
.then(([config, enabled]) => {
return service.getTracker(id);
* Returns event builder for the metrics type: launch.
* @param {boolean} ackMigrate Whether acknowledged to migrate during launch.
* @return {analytics.EventBuilder}
* @private
cca.metrics.launchType_ = function(ackMigrate) {
return cca.metrics.base_.category('launch').action('start')
.label(ackMigrate ? 'ack-migrate' : '');
* Returns event builder for the metrics type: capture.
* @param {string} facingMode Camera facing-mode of the capture.
* @param {number=} length Length of 1 minute buckets for captured video.
* @param {number} width The width of the capture resolution.
* @param {number} height The height of the capture resolution.
* @return {analytics.EventBuilder}
* @private
cca.metrics.captureType_ = function(facingMode, length, [width, height]) {
var condState = (states, cond) => {
// Return the first existing state among the given states only if there is
// no gate condition or the condition is met.
const prerequisite = !cond || cca.state.get(cond);
return prerequisite && states.find((state) => cca.state.get(state)) || '';
return cca.metrics.base_.category('capture')
['video-mode', 'photo-mode', 'square-mode', 'portrait-mode']))[0])
.dimen(3, condState(['sound']))
.dimen(4, condState(['mirror']))
.dimen(5, condState(['_3x3', '_4x4', 'golden'], 'grid'))
.dimen(6, condState(['_3sec', '_10sec'], 'timer'))
.dimen(7, condState(['mic'], 'video-mode'))
.dimen(8, condState(['max-wnd']))
.dimen(9, condState(['tall']))
.dimen(10, `${width}x${height}`)
.value(length || 0);
* Metrics types.
* @enum {function(*=)}
cca.metrics.Type = {
LAUNCH: cca.metrics.launchType_,
CAPTURE: cca.metrics.captureType_,
* Logs the given metrics.
* @param {cca.metrics.Type} type Metrics type.
* @param {...*} args Optional rest parameters for logging metrics.
cca.metrics.log = function(type, ...args) {
cca.metrics.ga_.then((tracker) => tracker.send(type(...args)));