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// Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "gpu/command_buffer/service/gl_utils.h"
#include "gpu/gpu_gles2_export.h"
namespace gpu {
namespace gles2 {
class CopyTextureCHROMIUMResourceManager;
class GLES2Decoder;
class Framebuffer;
class TextureManager;
// This class encapsulates the resources required to implement the
// GL_INTEL_framebuffer_CMAA extension via shaders.
// The CMAA Conservative Morphological Anti-Aliasing) algorithm is applied to
// all color attachments of the currently bound draw framebuffer.
// Reference GL_INTEL_framebuffer_CMAA for details.
class GPU_GLES2_EXPORT ApplyFramebufferAttachmentCMAAINTELResourceManager {
void Initialize(gles2::GLES2Decoder* decoder);
void Destroy();
// Applies the algorithm to the color attachments of the currently bound draw
// framebuffer.
void ApplyFramebufferAttachmentCMAAINTEL(
GLES2Decoder* decoder,
Framebuffer* framebuffer,
CopyTextureCHROMIUMResourceManager* copier,
TextureManager* texture_manager);
// Applies the CMAA algorithm to a texture.
void ApplyCMAAEffectTexture(GLuint source_texture,
GLuint dest_texture,
bool do_copy);
void OnSize(GLint width, GLint height, bool flip_y);
void ReleaseTextures();
GLuint CreateProgram(const char* defines,
const char* vs_source,
const char* fs_source);
GLuint CreateShader(GLenum type, const char* defines, const char* source);
bool initialized_;
bool textures_initialized_;
bool is_in_gamma_correct_mode_;
bool supports_usampler_;
bool supports_r8_image_;
bool is_gles31_compatible_;
bool flip_y_;
int frame_id_;
GLint width_;
GLint height_;
GLuint edges0_shader_;
GLuint edges1_shader_;
GLuint edges_combine_shader_;
GLuint process_and_apply_shader_;
GLuint debug_display_edges_shader_;
GLuint cmaa_framebuffer_;
GLuint rgba8_texture_;
GLuint working_color_texture_;
GLuint edges0_texture_;
GLuint edges1_texture_;
GLuint mini4_edge_texture_;
GLuint mini4_edge_depth_texture_;
GLuint edges0_shader_result_rgba_texture_slot1_;
GLuint edges0_shader_target_texture_slot2_;
GLuint edges1_shader_result_edge_texture_;
GLuint process_and_apply_shader_result_rgba_texture_slot1_;
GLuint edges_combine_shader_result_edge_texture_;
static const char vert_str_[];
static const char cmaa_frag_s1_[];
static const char cmaa_frag_s2_[];
} // namespace gles2
} // namespace gpu