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// Copyright 2018 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
package org.chromium.chrome.browser.omnibox.suggestions;
import android.app.Activity;
import android.content.Context;
import android.content.res.Resources;
import android.os.Handler;
import android.os.SystemClock;
import android.support.annotation.IntDef;
import android.support.annotation.Nullable;
import android.text.TextUtils;
import android.util.Pair;
import android.view.View;
import android.widget.TextView;
import org.chromium.base.Log;
import org.chromium.base.VisibleForTesting;
import org.chromium.base.metrics.RecordHistogram;
import org.chromium.base.metrics.RecordUserAction;
import org.chromium.chrome.R;
import org.chromium.chrome.browser.ActivityTabProvider;
import org.chromium.chrome.browser.ActivityTabProvider.ActivityTabTabObserver;
import org.chromium.chrome.browser.ChromeFeatureList;
import org.chromium.chrome.browser.UrlConstants;
import org.chromium.chrome.browser.init.AsyncInitializationActivity;
import org.chromium.chrome.browser.lifecycle.ActivityLifecycleDispatcher;
import org.chromium.chrome.browser.lifecycle.StartStopWithNativeObserver;
import org.chromium.chrome.browser.omnibox.LocationBarVoiceRecognitionHandler;
import org.chromium.chrome.browser.omnibox.OmniboxSuggestionType;
import org.chromium.chrome.browser.omnibox.UrlBarEditingTextStateProvider;
import org.chromium.chrome.browser.omnibox.suggestions.AutocompleteController.OnSuggestionsReceivedListener;
import org.chromium.chrome.browser.omnibox.suggestions.answer.AnswerSuggestionProcessor;
import org.chromium.chrome.browser.omnibox.suggestions.basic.BasicSuggestionProcessor;
import org.chromium.chrome.browser.omnibox.suggestions.basic.SuggestionHost;
import org.chromium.chrome.browser.omnibox.suggestions.basic.SuggestionViewDelegate;
import org.chromium.chrome.browser.omnibox.suggestions.editurl.EditUrlSuggestionProcessor;
import org.chromium.chrome.browser.omnibox.suggestions.entity.EntitySuggestionProcessor;
import org.chromium.chrome.browser.profiles.Profile;
import org.chromium.chrome.browser.tab.Tab;
import org.chromium.chrome.browser.toolbar.ToolbarDataProvider;
import org.chromium.components.omnibox.AnswerType;
import org.chromium.content_public.browser.WebContents;
import org.chromium.ui.base.DeviceFormFactor;
import org.chromium.ui.base.PageTransition;
import org.chromium.ui.base.WindowAndroid;
import org.chromium.ui.modaldialog.DialogDismissalCause;
import org.chromium.ui.modaldialog.ModalDialogManager;
import org.chromium.ui.modaldialog.ModalDialogProperties;
import org.chromium.ui.modelutil.PropertyModel;
import java.lang.annotation.Retention;
import java.lang.annotation.RetentionPolicy;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
* Handles updating the model state for the currently visible omnibox suggestions.
class AutocompleteMediator
implements OnSuggestionsReceivedListener, SuggestionHost, StartStopWithNativeObserver {
/** A struct containing information about the suggestion and its view type. */
private static class SuggestionViewInfo {
/** The suggestion this info represents. */
public final OmniboxSuggestion suggestion;
/** The model the view uses to render the suggestion. */
public final PropertyModel model;
/** The view type ID. */
public final int typeId;
public SuggestionViewInfo(
OmniboxSuggestion omniboxSuggestion, PropertyModel propertyModel, int id) {
suggestion = omniboxSuggestion;
model = propertyModel;
typeId = id;
private static final String TAG = "cr_Autocomplete";
// Delay triggering the omnibox results upon key press to allow the location bar to repaint
// with the new characters.
private static final long OMNIBOX_SUGGESTION_START_DELAY_MS = 30;
private static final int OMNIBOX_HISTOGRAMS_MAX_SUGGESTIONS = 10;
private final Context mContext;
private final AutocompleteDelegate mDelegate;
private final UrlBarEditingTextStateProvider mUrlBarEditingTextProvider;
private final PropertyModel mListPropertyModel;
private final List<SuggestionViewInfo> mCurrentModels;
private final List<Runnable> mDeferredNativeRunnables = new ArrayList<Runnable>();
private final Handler mHandler;
private final BasicSuggestionProcessor mBasicSuggestionProcessor;
private @Nullable EditUrlSuggestionProcessor mEditUrlProcessor;
private AnswerSuggestionProcessor mAnswerSuggestionProcessor;
private final EntitySuggestionProcessor mEntitySuggestionProcessor;
private ToolbarDataProvider mDataProvider;
private boolean mNativeInitialized;
private AutocompleteController mAutocomplete;
private long mUrlFocusTime;
@IntDef({SuggestionVisibilityState.DISALLOWED, SuggestionVisibilityState.PENDING_ALLOW,
private @interface SuggestionVisibilityState {
int ALLOWED = 2;
private int mSuggestionVisibilityState;
// The timestamp (using SystemClock.elapsedRealtime()) at the point when the user started
// modifying the omnibox with new input.
private long mNewOmniboxEditSessionTimestamp = -1;
// Set to true when the user has started typing new input in the omnibox, set to false
// when the omnibox loses focus or becomes empty.
private boolean mHasStartedNewOmniboxEditSession;
* The text shown in the URL bar (user text + inline autocomplete) after the most recent set of
* omnibox suggestions was received. When the user presses enter in the omnibox, this value is
* compared to the URL bar text to determine whether the first suggestion is still valid.
private String mUrlTextAfterSuggestionsReceived;
private Runnable mRequestSuggestions;
private DeferredOnSelectionRunnable mDeferredOnSelection;
private boolean mShowCachedZeroSuggestResults;
private boolean mShouldPreventOmniboxAutocomplete;
private boolean mPreventSuggestionListPropertyChanges;
private long mLastActionUpTimestamp;
private boolean mIgnoreOmniboxItemSelection = true;
private float mMaxRequiredWidth;
private float mMaxMatchContentsWidth;
private boolean mUseDarkColors = true;
private boolean mShowSuggestionFavicons;
private int mLayoutDirection;
private WindowAndroid mWindowAndroid;
private ActivityLifecycleDispatcher mLifecycleDispatcher;
private ActivityTabTabObserver mTabObserver;
public AutocompleteMediator(Context context, AutocompleteDelegate delegate,
UrlBarEditingTextStateProvider textProvider, PropertyModel listPropertyModel) {
mContext = context;
mDelegate = delegate;
mUrlBarEditingTextProvider = textProvider;
mListPropertyModel = listPropertyModel;
mCurrentModels = new ArrayList<>();
mAutocomplete = new AutocompleteController(this);
mHandler = new Handler();
mBasicSuggestionProcessor = new BasicSuggestionProcessor(mContext, this, textProvider);
mAnswerSuggestionProcessor = new AnswerSuggestionProcessor(mContext, this, textProvider);
mEditUrlProcessor = new EditUrlSuggestionProcessor(
mContext, this, delegate, (suggestion) -> onSelection(suggestion, 0));
mEntitySuggestionProcessor = new EntitySuggestionProcessor(mContext, this);
public void destroy() {
mAnswerSuggestionProcessor = null;
if (mTabObserver != null) {
public void onStartWithNative() {}
public void onStopWithNative() {
* Clear all suggestions and update counter of whether AiS Answer was presented (and if so - of
* what type). Does not notify any property observers of the change.
private void clearSuggestions() {
* Record presence of AiS answers.
* Note: At the time of writing this functionality, AiS was offering at most one answer to any
* query. If this changes before the metric is expired, the code below may need either
* revisiting or a secondary metric telling us how many answer suggestions have been shown.
private void recordAnswersHistogram() {
int richEntitiesCount = 0;
for (SuggestionViewInfo info : mCurrentModels) {
if (info.suggestion.hasAnswer()) {
info.suggestion.getAnswer().getType(), AnswerType.TOTAL_COUNT);
} else if (mEntitySuggestionProcessor.doesProcessSuggestion(info.suggestion)) {
// Note: valid range for histograms must start with (at least) 1. This does not prevent us
// from reporting 0 as a count though - values lower than 'min' fall in the 'underflow'
// bucket, while values larger than 'max' will be reported in 'overflow' bucket.
RecordHistogram.recordLinearCountHistogram("Omnibox.RichEntityShown", richEntitiesCount, 1,
* @return The number of current autocomplete suggestions.
public int getSuggestionCount() {
return mCurrentModels.size();
* Retrieve the omnibox suggestion at the specified index. The index represents the ordering
* in the underlying model. The index does not represent visibility due to the current scroll
* position of the list.
* @param index The index of the suggestion to fetch.
* @return The suggestion at the given index.
public OmniboxSuggestion getSuggestionAt(int index) {
return mCurrentModels.get(index).suggestion;
public void notifyPropertyModelsChanged() {
if (mPreventSuggestionListPropertyChanges) return;
List<Pair<Integer, PropertyModel>> models = new ArrayList<>(mCurrentModels.size());
for (int i = 0; i < mCurrentModels.size(); i++) {
PropertyModel model = mCurrentModels.get(i).model;
models.add(new Pair<>(mCurrentModels.get(i).typeId, model));
mListPropertyModel.set(SuggestionListProperties.SUGGESTION_MODELS, models);
public Profile getCurrentProfile() {
return mDataProvider != null ? mDataProvider.getProfile() : null;
* Sets the data provider for the toolbar.
void setToolbarDataProvider(ToolbarDataProvider provider) {
mDataProvider = provider;
/** Set the WindowAndroid instance associated with the containing Activity. */
void setWindowAndroid(WindowAndroid window) {
if (mLifecycleDispatcher != null) {
mWindowAndroid = window;
if (window != null && window.getActivity().get() != null
&& window.getActivity().get() instanceof AsyncInitializationActivity) {
mLifecycleDispatcher =
((AsyncInitializationActivity) mWindowAndroid.getActivity().get())
if (mLifecycleDispatcher != null) {
* Sets the layout direction to be used for any new suggestion views.
* @see View#setLayoutDirection(int)
void setLayoutDirection(int layoutDirection) {
mLayoutDirection = layoutDirection;
for (int i = 0; i < mCurrentModels.size(); i++) {
PropertyModel model = mCurrentModels.get(i).model;
model.set(SuggestionCommonProperties.LAYOUT_DIRECTION, layoutDirection);
if (!mCurrentModels.isEmpty()) notifyPropertyModelsChanged();
* Specifies the visual state to be used by the suggestions.
* @param useDarkColors Whether dark colors should be used for fonts and icons.
* @param isIncognito Whether the UI is for incognito mode or not.
void updateVisualsForState(boolean useDarkColors, boolean isIncognito) {
mUseDarkColors = useDarkColors;
mListPropertyModel.set(SuggestionListProperties.IS_INCOGNITO, isIncognito);
for (int i = 0; i < mCurrentModels.size(); i++) {
PropertyModel model = mCurrentModels.get(i).model;
model.set(SuggestionCommonProperties.USE_DARK_COLORS, useDarkColors);
if (!mCurrentModels.isEmpty()) notifyPropertyModelsChanged();
* Sets to show cached zero suggest results. This will start both caching zero suggest results
* in shared preferences and also attempt to show them when appropriate without needing native
* initialization.
* @param showCachedZeroSuggestResults Whether cached zero suggest should be shown.
void setShowCachedZeroSuggestResults(boolean showCachedZeroSuggestResults) {
mShowCachedZeroSuggestResults = showCachedZeroSuggestResults;
if (mShowCachedZeroSuggestResults) mAutocomplete.startCachedZeroSuggest();
/** Notify the mediator that a item selection is pending and should be accepted. */
void allowPendingItemSelection() {
mIgnoreOmniboxItemSelection = false;
* Signals that native initialization has completed.
void onNativeInitialized() {
mNativeInitialized = true;
// The feature is instantiated in the constructor to simplify plumbing. If the feature is
// actually disabled, null out the coordinator.
if (!ChromeFeatureList.isEnabled(ChromeFeatureList.SEARCH_READY_OMNIBOX)) {
mEditUrlProcessor = null;
mShowSuggestionFavicons =
for (Runnable deferredRunnable : mDeferredNativeRunnables) {
if (mEditUrlProcessor != null) mEditUrlProcessor.onNativeInitialized();
* @param provider A means of accessing the activity tab.
void setActivityTabProvider(ActivityTabProvider provider) {
if (mEditUrlProcessor != null) mEditUrlProcessor.setActivityTabProvider(provider);
if (mTabObserver != null) {
mTabObserver = null;
if (provider != null) {
mTabObserver = new ActivityTabTabObserver(provider) {
public void onPageLoadFinished(Tab tab, String url) {
protected void onObservingDifferentTab(Tab tab) {
if (tab == null) return;
* Trigger ZeroSuggest cache refresh in case user is accessing a new tab page.
* Avoid issuing multiple concurrent server requests for the same event to reduce
* server pressure.
private void maybeTriggerCacheRefresh(String url) {
if (url == null) return;
if (!UrlConstants.NTP_URL.equals(url)) return;
/** @see org.chromium.chrome.browser.omnibox.UrlFocusChangeListener#onUrlFocusChange(boolean) */
void onUrlFocusChange(boolean hasFocus) {
if (hasFocus) {
mUrlFocusTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
mSuggestionVisibilityState = SuggestionVisibilityState.PENDING_ALLOW;
if (mNativeInitialized) {
} else {
mDeferredNativeRunnables.add(() -> {
if (TextUtils.isEmpty(mUrlBarEditingTextProvider.getTextWithAutocomplete())) {
} else {
// Record presence of answers as user stops interacting with omnibox.
// This covers actions such as pressing 'back' button or choosing an answer.
mSuggestionVisibilityState = SuggestionVisibilityState.DISALLOWED;
mHasStartedNewOmniboxEditSession = false;
mNewOmniboxEditSessionTimestamp = -1;
// Prevent any upcoming omnibox suggestions from showing once a URL is loaded (and as
// a consequence the omnibox is unfocused).
if (mEditUrlProcessor != null) mEditUrlProcessor.onUrlFocusChange(hasFocus);
* @see
* org.chromium.chrome.browser.omnibox.UrlFocusChangeListener#onUrlAnimationFinished(boolean)
void onUrlAnimationFinished(boolean hasFocus) {
mSuggestionVisibilityState =
hasFocus ? SuggestionVisibilityState.ALLOWED : SuggestionVisibilityState.DISALLOWED;
* Updates the profile used for generating autocomplete suggestions.
* @param profile The profile to be used.
void setAutocompleteProfile(Profile profile) {
if (mEditUrlProcessor != null) mEditUrlProcessor.setProfile(profile);
* Whether omnibox autocomplete should currently be prevented from generating suggestions.
void setShouldPreventOmniboxAutocomplete(boolean prevent) {
mShouldPreventOmniboxAutocomplete = prevent;
* @see AutocompleteController#onVoiceResults(List)
void onVoiceResults(@Nullable List<LocationBarVoiceRecognitionHandler.VoiceResult> results) {
* @return The current native pointer to the autocomplete results.
// TODO(tedchoc): Figure out how to remove this.
long getCurrentNativeAutocompleteResult() {
return mAutocomplete.getCurrentNativeAutocompleteResult();
// TODO(mdjones): This should only exist in the BasicSuggestionProcessor.
public SuggestionViewDelegate createSuggestionViewDelegate(
OmniboxSuggestion suggestion, int position) {
return new SuggestionViewDelegate() {
public void onSetUrlToSuggestion() {
if (mIgnoreOmniboxItemSelection) return;
mIgnoreOmniboxItemSelection = true;
public void onSelection() {
AutocompleteMediator.this.onSelection(suggestion, position);
public void onRefineSuggestion() {
public void onLongPress() {
AutocompleteMediator.this.onLongPress(suggestion, position);
public void onGestureUp(long timestamp) {
mLastActionUpTimestamp = timestamp;
public void onGestureDown() {
public int getAdditionalTextLine1StartPadding(TextView line1, int maxTextWidth) {
if (!DeviceFormFactor.isNonMultiDisplayContextOnTablet(mContext)) return 0;
if (suggestion.getType() != OmniboxSuggestionType.SEARCH_SUGGEST_TAIL) return 0;
String fillIntoEdit = suggestion.getFillIntoEdit();
float fullTextWidth =
line1.getPaint().measureText(fillIntoEdit, 0, fillIntoEdit.length());
String query = line1.getText().toString();
float abbreviatedTextWidth = line1.getPaint().measureText(query, 0, query.length());
AutocompleteMediator.this.onTextWidthsUpdated(fullTextWidth, abbreviatedTextWidth);
final float maxRequiredWidth = AutocompleteMediator.this.mMaxRequiredWidth;
final float maxMatchContentsWidth =
return (int) ((maxTextWidth > maxRequiredWidth)
? (fullTextWidth - abbreviatedTextWidth)
: Math.max(maxTextWidth - maxMatchContentsWidth, 0));
public boolean isActiveModel(PropertyModel model) {
for (int i = 0; i < mCurrentModels.size(); i++) {
if (mCurrentModels.get(i).model.equals(model)) return true;
return false;
* Triggered when the user selects one of the omnibox suggestions to navigate to.
* @param suggestion The OmniboxSuggestion which was selected.
* @param position Position of the suggestion in the drop down view.
private void onSelection(OmniboxSuggestion suggestion, int position) {
if (mShowCachedZeroSuggestResults && !mNativeInitialized) {
mDeferredOnSelection = new DeferredOnSelectionRunnable(suggestion, position) {
public void run() {
onSelection(this.mSuggestion, this.mPosition);
loadUrlFromOmniboxMatch(position, suggestion, mLastActionUpTimestamp, true);
* Triggered when the user selects to refine one of the omnibox suggestions.
* @param suggestion The suggestion selected.
private void onRefineSuggestion(OmniboxSuggestion suggestion) {
boolean isUrlSuggestion = suggestion.isUrlSuggestion();
String refineText = suggestion.getFillIntoEdit();
if (!isUrlSuggestion) refineText = TextUtils.concat(refineText, " ").toString();
if (isUrlSuggestion) {
} else {
* Triggered when the user long presses the omnibox suggestion.
* @param suggestion The suggestion selected.
* @param position The position of the suggestion.
private void onLongPress(OmniboxSuggestion suggestion, int position) {
if (!suggestion.isDeletable()) return;
if (mWindowAndroid == null) return;
Activity activity = mWindowAndroid.getActivity().get();
if (activity == null || !(activity instanceof AsyncInitializationActivity)) return;
ModalDialogManager manager =
((AsyncInitializationActivity) activity).getModalDialogManager();
if (manager == null) {
assert false : "No modal dialog manager registered for this activity.";
ModalDialogProperties.Controller dialogController = new ModalDialogProperties.Controller() {
public void onClick(PropertyModel model, int buttonType) {
if (buttonType == ModalDialogProperties.ButtonType.POSITIVE) {
mAutocomplete.deleteSuggestion(position, suggestion.hashCode());
manager.dismissDialog(model, DialogDismissalCause.POSITIVE_BUTTON_CLICKED);
} else if (buttonType == ModalDialogProperties.ButtonType.NEGATIVE) {
manager.dismissDialog(model, DialogDismissalCause.NEGATIVE_BUTTON_CLICKED);
public void onDismiss(PropertyModel model, int dismissalCause) {}
Resources resources = mContext.getResources();
PropertyModel model =
new PropertyModel.Builder(ModalDialogProperties.ALL_KEYS)
.with(ModalDialogProperties.CONTROLLER, dialogController)
.with(ModalDialogProperties.TITLE, suggestion.getDisplayText())
.with(ModalDialogProperties.MESSAGE, resources,
.with(ModalDialogProperties.POSITIVE_BUTTON_TEXT, resources, R.string.ok)
.with(ModalDialogProperties.NEGATIVE_BUTTON_TEXT, resources,
.with(ModalDialogProperties.CANCEL_ON_TOUCH_OUTSIDE, true)
// Prevent updates to the shown omnibox suggestions list while the dialog is open.
manager.showDialog(model, ModalDialogManager.ModalDialogType.APP);
* Triggered when the user navigates to one of the suggestions without clicking on it.
* @param suggestion The suggestion that was selected.
void onSetUrlToSuggestion(OmniboxSuggestion suggestion) {
* Triggered when text width information is updated.
* These values should be used to calculate max text widths.
* @param requiredWidth a new required width.
* @param matchContentsWidth a new match contents width.
private void onTextWidthsUpdated(float requiredWidth, float matchContentsWidth) {
mMaxRequiredWidth = Math.max(mMaxRequiredWidth, requiredWidth);
mMaxMatchContentsWidth = Math.max(mMaxMatchContentsWidth, matchContentsWidth);
* Updates the maximum widths required to render the suggestions.
* This is needed for infinite suggestions where we try to vertically align the leading
* ellipsis.
private void resetMaxTextWidths() {
mMaxRequiredWidth = 0;
mMaxMatchContentsWidth = 0;
* Updates the URL we will navigate to from suggestion, if needed. This will update the search
* URL to be of the corpus type if query in the omnibox is displayed and update aqs= parameter
* on regular web search URLs.
* @param suggestion The chosen omnibox suggestion.
* @param selectedIndex The index of the chosen omnibox suggestion.
* @param skipCheck Whether to skip an out of bounds check.
* @return The url to navigate to.
private String updateSuggestionUrlIfNeeded(
OmniboxSuggestion suggestion, int selectedIndex, boolean skipCheck) {
// Only called once we have suggestions, and don't have a listener though which we can
// receive suggestions until the native side is ready, so this is safe
assert mNativeInitialized
: "updateSuggestionUrlIfNeeded called before native initialization";
if (suggestion.getType() == OmniboxSuggestionType.VOICE_SUGGEST) return suggestion.getUrl();
int verifiedIndex = -1;
if (!skipCheck) {
if (getSuggestionCount() > selectedIndex
&& getSuggestionAt(selectedIndex) == suggestion) {
verifiedIndex = selectedIndex;
} else {
// Underlying omnibox results may have changed since the selection was made,
// find the suggestion item, if possible.
for (int i = 0; i < getSuggestionCount(); i++) {
if (suggestion.equals(getSuggestionAt(i))) {
verifiedIndex = i;
// If we do not have the suggestion as part of our results, skip the URL update.
if (verifiedIndex == -1) return suggestion.getUrl();
// TODO(mariakhomenko): Ideally we want to update match destination URL with new aqs
// for query in the omnibox and voice suggestions, but it's currently difficult to do.
long elapsedTimeSinceInputChange = mNewOmniboxEditSessionTimestamp > 0
? (SystemClock.elapsedRealtime() - mNewOmniboxEditSessionTimestamp)
: -1;
String updatedUrl = mAutocomplete.updateMatchDestinationUrlWithQueryFormulationTime(
verifiedIndex, suggestion.hashCode(), elapsedTimeSinceInputChange);
return updatedUrl == null ? suggestion.getUrl() : updatedUrl;
* Notifies the autocomplete system that the text has changed that drives autocomplete and the
* autocomplete suggestions should be updated.
public void onTextChangedForAutocomplete() {
// crbug.com/764749
Log.w(TAG, "onTextChangedForAutocomplete");
if (mShouldPreventOmniboxAutocomplete) return;
mIgnoreOmniboxItemSelection = true;
if (!mHasStartedNewOmniboxEditSession && mNativeInitialized) {
mNewOmniboxEditSessionTimestamp = SystemClock.elapsedRealtime();
mHasStartedNewOmniboxEditSession = true;
if (TextUtils.isEmpty(mUrlBarEditingTextProvider.getTextWithoutAutocomplete())) {
// crbug.com/764749
Log.w(TAG, "onTextChangedForAutocomplete: url is empty");
} else {
assert mRequestSuggestions == null : "Multiple omnibox requests in flight.";
mRequestSuggestions = () -> {
String textWithoutAutocomplete =
boolean preventAutocomplete = !mUrlBarEditingTextProvider.shouldAutocomplete();
mRequestSuggestions = null;
if (!mDataProvider.hasTab()) {
// crbug.com/764749
Log.w(TAG, "onTextChangedForAutocomplete: no tab");
Profile profile = mDataProvider.getProfile();
int cursorPosition = -1;
if (mUrlBarEditingTextProvider.getSelectionStart()
== mUrlBarEditingTextProvider.getSelectionEnd()) {
// Conveniently, if there is no selection, those two functions return -1,
// exactly the same value needed to pass to start() to indicate no cursor
// position. Hence, there's no need to check for -1 here explicitly.
cursorPosition = mUrlBarEditingTextProvider.getSelectionStart();
mAutocomplete.start(profile, mDataProvider.getCurrentUrl(), textWithoutAutocomplete,
cursorPosition, preventAutocomplete, mDelegate.didFocusUrlFromFakebox());
if (mNativeInitialized) {
mHandler.postDelayed(mRequestSuggestions, OMNIBOX_SUGGESTION_START_DELAY_MS);
} else {
* @param suggestion The suggestion to be processed.
* @return The appropriate suggestion processor for the provided suggestion.
private SuggestionProcessor getProcessorForSuggestion(OmniboxSuggestion suggestion) {
if (mAnswerSuggestionProcessor.doesProcessSuggestion(suggestion)) {
return mAnswerSuggestionProcessor;
} else if (mEntitySuggestionProcessor.doesProcessSuggestion(suggestion)) {
return mEntitySuggestionProcessor;
} else if (mEditUrlProcessor != null
&& mEditUrlProcessor.doesProcessSuggestion(suggestion)) {
return mEditUrlProcessor;
return mBasicSuggestionProcessor;
public void onSuggestionsReceived(
List<OmniboxSuggestion> newSuggestions, String inlineAutocompleteText) {
if (mShouldPreventOmniboxAutocomplete
|| mSuggestionVisibilityState == SuggestionVisibilityState.DISALLOWED) {
// This is a callback from a listener that is set up by onNativeLibraryReady,
// so can only be called once the native side is set up unless we are showing
// cached java-only suggestions.
assert mNativeInitialized
|| mShowCachedZeroSuggestResults
: "Native suggestions received before native side intialialized";
if (mDeferredOnSelection != null) {
mDeferredOnSelection.setShouldLog(newSuggestions.size() > mDeferredOnSelection.mPosition
&& mDeferredOnSelection.mSuggestion.equals(
mDeferredOnSelection = null;
String userText = mUrlBarEditingTextProvider.getTextWithoutAutocomplete();
mUrlTextAfterSuggestionsReceived = userText + inlineAutocompleteText;
if (mCurrentModels.size() == newSuggestions.size()) {
boolean sameSuggestions = true;
for (int i = 0; i < mCurrentModels.size(); i++) {
if (!mCurrentModels.get(i).suggestion.equals(newSuggestions.get(i))) {
sameSuggestions = false;
if (sameSuggestions) return;
// Show the suggestion list.
// Ensure the list is fully replaced before broadcasting any change notifications.
mPreventSuggestionListPropertyChanges = true;
for (int i = 0; i < newSuggestions.size(); i++) {
OmniboxSuggestion suggestion = newSuggestions.get(i);
SuggestionProcessor processor = getProcessorForSuggestion(suggestion);
PropertyModel model = processor.createModelForSuggestion(suggestion);
model.set(SuggestionCommonProperties.LAYOUT_DIRECTION, mLayoutDirection);
model.set(SuggestionCommonProperties.USE_DARK_COLORS, mUseDarkColors);
|| DeviceFormFactor.isNonMultiDisplayContextOnTablet(mContext));
// Before populating the model, add it to the list of current models. If the suggestion
// has an image and the image was already cached, it will be updated synchronously and
// the model will only have the image populated if it is tracked as a current model.
new SuggestionViewInfo(suggestion, model, processor.getViewTypeId()));
processor.populateModel(suggestion, model, i);
mPreventSuggestionListPropertyChanges = false;
if (mListPropertyModel.get(SuggestionListProperties.VISIBLE) && getSuggestionCount() == 0) {
* Load the url corresponding to the typed omnibox text.
* @param eventTime The timestamp the load was triggered by the user.
void loadTypedOmniboxText(long eventTime) {
final String urlText = mUrlBarEditingTextProvider.getTextWithAutocomplete();
if (mNativeInitialized) {
findMatchAndLoadUrl(urlText, eventTime);
} else {
mDeferredNativeRunnables.add(() -> findMatchAndLoadUrl(urlText, eventTime));
private void findMatchAndLoadUrl(String urlText, long inputStart) {
OmniboxSuggestion suggestionMatch;
boolean inSuggestionList = true;
if (getSuggestionCount() > 0
&& urlText.trim().equals(mUrlTextAfterSuggestionsReceived.trim())) {
// Common case: the user typed something, received suggestions, then pressed enter.
suggestionMatch = getSuggestionAt(0);
} else {
// Less common case: there are no valid omnibox suggestions. This can happen if the
// user tapped the URL bar to dismiss the suggestions, then pressed enter. This can
// also happen if the user presses enter before any suggestions have been received
// from the autocomplete controller.
suggestionMatch = mAutocomplete.classify(urlText, mDelegate.didFocusUrlFromFakebox());
// Classify matches don't propagate to java, so skip the OOB check.
inSuggestionList = false;
// If urlText couldn't be classified, bail.
if (suggestionMatch == null) return;
loadUrlFromOmniboxMatch(0, suggestionMatch, inputStart, inSuggestionList);
* Loads the specified omnibox suggestion.
* @param matchPosition The position of the selected omnibox suggestion.
* @param suggestion The suggestion selected.
* @param inputStart The timestamp the input was started.
* @param inVisibleSuggestionList Whether the suggestion is in the visible suggestion list.
private void loadUrlFromOmniboxMatch(int matchPosition, OmniboxSuggestion suggestion,
long inputStart, boolean inVisibleSuggestionList) {
final long activationTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
"Omnibox.FocusToOpenTimeAnyPopupState3", activationTime - mUrlFocusTime);
String url =
updateSuggestionUrlIfNeeded(suggestion, matchPosition, !inVisibleSuggestionList);
// loadUrl modifies AutocompleteController's state clearing the native
// AutocompleteResults needed by onSuggestionsSelected. Therefore,
// loadUrl should should be invoked last.
int transition = suggestion.getTransition();
int type = suggestion.getType();
String currentPageUrl = mDataProvider.getCurrentUrl();
WebContents webContents =
mDataProvider.hasTab() ? mDataProvider.getTab().getWebContents() : null;
long elapsedTimeSinceModified = mNewOmniboxEditSessionTimestamp > 0
? (SystemClock.elapsedRealtime() - mNewOmniboxEditSessionTimestamp)
: -1;
boolean shouldSkipNativeLog = mShowCachedZeroSuggestResults
&& (mDeferredOnSelection != null) && !mDeferredOnSelection.shouldLog();
if (!shouldSkipNativeLog) {
int autocompleteLength = mUrlBarEditingTextProvider.getTextWithAutocomplete().length()
- mUrlBarEditingTextProvider.getTextWithoutAutocomplete().length();
mAutocomplete.onSuggestionSelected(matchPosition, suggestion.hashCode(), type,
currentPageUrl, mDelegate.didFocusUrlFromFakebox(), elapsedTimeSinceModified,
autocompleteLength, webContents);
if (((transition & PageTransition.CORE_MASK) == PageTransition.TYPED)
&& TextUtils.equals(url, mDataProvider.getCurrentUrl())) {
// When the user hit enter on the existing permanent URL, treat it like a
// reload for scoring purposes. We could detect this by just checking
// user_input_in_progress_, but it seems better to treat "edits" that end
// up leaving the URL unchanged (e.g. deleting the last character and then
// retyping it) as reloads too. We exclude non-TYPED transitions because if
// the transition is GENERATED, the user input something that looked
// different from the current URL, even if it wound up at the same place
// (e.g. manually retyping the same search query), and it seems wrong to
// treat this as a reload.
transition = PageTransition.RELOAD;
} else if (type == OmniboxSuggestionType.URL_WHAT_YOU_TYPED
&& mUrlBarEditingTextProvider.wasLastEditPaste()) {
// It's important to use the page transition from the suggestion or we might end
// up saving generated URLs as typed URLs, which would then pollute the subsequent
// omnibox results. There is one special case where the suggestion text was pasted,
// where we want the transition type to be LINK.
transition = PageTransition.LINK;
mDelegate.loadUrl(url, transition, inputStart);
* Make a zero suggest request if:
* - Native is loaded.
* - The URL bar has focus.
* - The current tab is not incognito.
private void startZeroSuggest() {
// Reset "edited" state in the omnibox if zero suggest is triggered -- new edits
// now count as a new session.
mHasStartedNewOmniboxEditSession = false;
mNewOmniboxEditSessionTimestamp = -1;
if (mNativeInitialized && mDelegate.isUrlBarFocused() && mDataProvider.hasTab()) {
mDataProvider.getCurrentUrl(), mDataProvider.getTitle(),
* Update whether the omnibox suggestions are visible.
private void updateOmniboxSuggestionsVisibility() {
boolean shouldBeVisible = mSuggestionVisibilityState == SuggestionVisibilityState.ALLOWED
&& getSuggestionCount() > 0;
boolean wasVisible = mListPropertyModel.get(SuggestionListProperties.VISIBLE);
mListPropertyModel.set(SuggestionListProperties.VISIBLE, shouldBeVisible);
if (shouldBeVisible && !wasVisible) {
mIgnoreOmniboxItemSelection = true; // Reset to default value.
* Hides the omnibox suggestion popup.
* <p>
* Signals the autocomplete controller to stop generating omnibox suggestions.
* @see AutocompleteController#stop(boolean)
private void hideSuggestions() {
if (mAutocomplete == null || !mNativeInitialized) return;
* Signals the autocomplete controller to stop generating omnibox suggestions and cancels the
* queued task to start the autocomplete controller, if any.
* @param clear Whether to clear the most recent autocomplete results.
private void stopAutocomplete(boolean clear) {
if (mAutocomplete != null) mAutocomplete.stop(clear);
* Cancels the queued task to start the autocomplete controller, if any.
void cancelPendingAutocompleteStart() {
if (mRequestSuggestions != null) {
// There is a request for suggestions either waiting for the native side
// to start, or on the message queue. Remove it from wherever it is.
if (!mDeferredNativeRunnables.remove(mRequestSuggestions)) {
mRequestSuggestions = null;
* Trigger autocomplete for the given query.
void startAutocompleteForQuery(String query) {
if (mDataProvider.hasTab()) {
mAutocomplete.start(mDataProvider.getProfile(), mDataProvider.getCurrentUrl(), query,
-1, false, false);
* Sets the autocomplete controller for the location bar.
* @param controller The controller that will handle autocomplete/omnibox suggestions.
* @note Only used for testing.
public void setAutocompleteController(AutocompleteController controller) {
if (mAutocomplete != null) stopAutocomplete(true);
mAutocomplete = controller;
private static abstract class DeferredOnSelectionRunnable implements Runnable {
protected final OmniboxSuggestion mSuggestion;
protected final int mPosition;
protected boolean mShouldLog;
public DeferredOnSelectionRunnable(OmniboxSuggestion suggestion, int position) {
this.mSuggestion = suggestion;
this.mPosition = position;
* Set whether the selection matches with native results for logging to make sense.
* @param log Whether the selection should be logged in native code.
public void setShouldLog(boolean log) {
mShouldLog = log;
* @return Whether the selection should be logged in native code.
public boolean shouldLog() {
return mShouldLog;