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// Copyright 2019 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
package org.chromium.chrome.browser.touchless;
import static org.chromium.chrome.browser.touchless.SiteSuggestionsCoordinator.ASYNC_FOCUS_DELEGATE;
import static org.chromium.chrome.browser.touchless.SiteSuggestionsCoordinator.CURRENT_INDEX_KEY;
import static org.chromium.chrome.browser.touchless.SiteSuggestionsCoordinator.INITIAL_INDEX_KEY;
import static org.chromium.chrome.browser.touchless.SiteSuggestionsCoordinator.ITEM_COUNT_KEY;
import static org.chromium.chrome.browser.touchless.SiteSuggestionsCoordinator.ON_FOCUS_CALLBACK;
import static org.chromium.chrome.browser.touchless.SiteSuggestionsCoordinator.REMOVAL_KEY;
import static org.chromium.chrome.browser.touchless.SiteSuggestionsCoordinator.SHOULD_FOCUS_VIEW;
import static org.chromium.chrome.browser.touchless.SiteSuggestionsCoordinator.SUGGESTIONS_KEY;
import android.graphics.Bitmap;
import android.support.annotation.IntDef;
import android.support.annotation.Nullable;
import android.support.graphics.drawable.VectorDrawableCompat;
import android.view.ContextMenu;
import android.view.View;
import android.widget.TextView;
import org.chromium.chrome.browser.UrlConstants;
import org.chromium.chrome.browser.native_page.ContextMenuManager;
import org.chromium.chrome.browser.suggestions.SuggestionsNavigationDelegate;
import org.chromium.chrome.touchless.R;
import org.chromium.ui.modelutil.ForwardingListObservable;
import org.chromium.ui.modelutil.PropertyKey;
import org.chromium.ui.modelutil.PropertyModel;
import org.chromium.ui.modelutil.PropertyObservable;
import org.chromium.ui.modelutil.RecyclerViewAdapter;
import org.chromium.ui.mojom.WindowOpenDisposition;
import java.lang.annotation.Retention;
import java.lang.annotation.RetentionPolicy;
* Recycler view adapter and view binder for Touchless Suggestions carousel.
* Allows for an almost-infinite side-scrolling carousel with snapping focus in the center if
* there are 2 or more items; does not scroll if there is 1 or fewer items.
* Focus changes on containing items will cause the passed-in title view to change.
class SiteSuggestionsAdapter extends ForwardingListObservable<PropertyKey>
implements RecyclerViewAdapter.Delegate<
SiteSuggestionsViewHolderFactory.SiteSuggestionsViewHolder, PropertyKey>,
PropertyObservable.PropertyObserver<PropertyKey> {
public @interface ViewType {
int ALL_APPS_TYPE = 0;
private class SiteSuggestionInteractionDelegate
implements TouchlessContextMenuManager.Delegate, View.OnCreateContextMenuListener {
private PropertyModel mSuggestion;
SiteSuggestionInteractionDelegate(PropertyModel model) {
mSuggestion = model;
public void onCreateContextMenu(
ContextMenu menu, View v, ContextMenu.ContextMenuInfo menuInfo) {
mContextMenuManager.createContextMenu(menu, v, this);
public void openItem(int windowDisposition) {
windowDisposition, mSuggestion.get(SiteSuggestionModel.URL_KEY));
public void removeItem() {
// Notify about removal.
mModel.set(REMOVAL_KEY, mSuggestion);
// Force-trigger rebind of current_index to update text.
onPropertyChanged(mModel, CURRENT_INDEX_KEY);
public String getUrl() {
return mSuggestion.get(SiteSuggestionModel.URL_KEY);
public String getContextMenuTitle() {
return mSuggestion.get(SiteSuggestionModel.TITLE_KEY);
public boolean isItemSupported(int menuItemId) {
return menuItemId == ContextMenuManager.ContextMenuItemId.REMOVE
|| menuItemId == ContextMenuManager.ContextMenuItemId.ADD_TO_MY_APPS;
public void onContextMenuCreated() {}
public String getTitle() {
return mSuggestion.get(SiteSuggestionModel.TITLE_KEY);
public Bitmap getIconBitmap() {
if (mSuggestion.get(SiteSuggestionModel.ICON_KEY) == null) {
return mSuggestion.get(SiteSuggestionModel.DEFAULT_ICON_KEY);
return mSuggestion.get(SiteSuggestionModel.ICON_KEY);
private PropertyModel mModel;
private SuggestionsNavigationDelegate mNavDelegate;
private ContextMenuManager mContextMenuManager;
private SiteSuggestionsLayoutManager mLayoutManager;
private TextView mTitleView;
* @param model the main property model coming from {@link SiteSuggestionsCoordinator}.
* @param navigationDelegate delegate for navigation controls
* @param contextMenuManager handles context menu creation
* @param layoutManager the layout manager controlling this recyclerview and adapter
* @param titleView the view to update site title when focus changes.
SiteSuggestionsAdapter(PropertyModel model, SuggestionsNavigationDelegate navigationDelegate,
ContextMenuManager contextMenuManager, SiteSuggestionsLayoutManager layoutManager,
TextView titleView) {
mModel = model;
mNavDelegate = navigationDelegate;
mContextMenuManager = contextMenuManager;
mLayoutManager = layoutManager;
mTitleView = titleView;
// Initialize the titleView text.
onPropertyChanged(mModel, CURRENT_INDEX_KEY);
public int getItemCount() {
if (mModel.get(SUGGESTIONS_KEY).size() > 0) {
return Integer.MAX_VALUE;
return 1;
public int getItemViewType(int position) {
int itemCount = mModel.get(ITEM_COUNT_KEY);
if (itemCount == 1 || position % itemCount == 0) return ViewType.ALL_APPS_TYPE;
return ViewType.SUGGESTION_TYPE;
public void onBindViewHolder(SiteSuggestionsViewHolderFactory.SiteSuggestionsViewHolder holder,
int position, PropertyKey payload) {
SiteSuggestionsTileView tile = (SiteSuggestionsTileView) holder.itemView;
// Updates focus change listener.
tile.setOnFocusChangeListener((View v, boolean hasFocus) -> {
if (hasFocus) {
mModel.set(CURRENT_INDEX_KEY, position);
if (mModel.get(ON_FOCUS_CALLBACK) != null) {
if (holder.getItemViewType() == ViewType.ALL_APPS_TYPE) {
R.drawable.ic_apps_blue_24dp, tile.getContext().getTheme()));
// If explore sites, clicks navigate to the Explore URL.
-> mNavDelegate.navigateToSuggestionUrl(
WindowOpenDisposition.CURRENT_TAB, UrlConstants.EXPLORE_URL));
} else if (holder.getItemViewType() == ViewType.SUGGESTION_TYPE) {
// If site suggestion, attach context menu handler; clicks navigate to site url.
int itemCount = mModel.get(ITEM_COUNT_KEY);
// Subtract 1 from position % MAX_TILES to account for "all apps" taking up one space.
PropertyModel item = mModel.get(SUGGESTIONS_KEY).get((position % itemCount) - 1);
// Only update the icon for icon updates.
if (payload == SiteSuggestionModel.ICON_KEY) {
} else {
SiteSuggestionInteractionDelegate interactionDelegate =
new SiteSuggestionInteractionDelegate(item);
(View v)
-> interactionDelegate.openItem(WindowOpenDisposition.CURRENT_TAB));
ContextMenuManager.registerViewForTouchlessContextMenu(tile, interactionDelegate);
public void onPropertyChanged(
PropertyObservable<PropertyKey> source, @Nullable PropertyKey propertyKey) {
if (propertyKey == CURRENT_INDEX_KEY) {
// When the current index changes, we want to update the title.
int position = mModel.get(CURRENT_INDEX_KEY);
int itemCount = mModel.get(ITEM_COUNT_KEY);
if (itemCount == 1 || position % itemCount == 0) {
} else {
.get(position % itemCount - 1)
} else if (propertyKey == SHOULD_FOCUS_VIEW && mModel.get(SHOULD_FOCUS_VIEW)
&& mModel.get(ASYNC_FOCUS_DELEGATE) != null) {
mModel.set(SHOULD_FOCUS_VIEW, false);
} else if (propertyKey == INITIAL_INDEX_KEY) {
public void notifyItemRangeInserted(int index, int count) {
if (mModel.get(SUGGESTIONS_KEY).size() == 1) {
// When we just added something for the first time,
// we would change from non-scrolling to infinite-scrolling.
super.notifyItemRangeInserted(1, Integer.MAX_VALUE - 1);
} else {
// Otherwise, rebind the visible spectrum.
// Account for edge conditions so we don't crash in the impossible case.
int start = mLayoutManager.findFirstVisibleItemPosition();
int itemCount = mModel.get(ITEM_COUNT_KEY);
int newCount = Integer.MAX_VALUE - 1 - start >= (itemCount * 2)
? itemCount * 2
: Integer.MAX_VALUE - 1 - start;
super.notifyItemRangeChanged(start, newCount, null);
public void notifyItemRangeRemoved(int index, int count) {
if (mModel.get(SUGGESTIONS_KEY).size() == 0) {
// When we removed the last item in the model, we would go from infinite scroll
// back to non-scrolling. Notify Recyclerview to remove everything.
super.notifyItemRangeRemoved(1, Integer.MAX_VALUE - 1);
} else {
// Otherwise, rebind the visible spectrum.
// Account for edge conditions so we don't crash in the impossible case.
int start = mLayoutManager.findFirstVisibleItemPosition();
int itemCount = mModel.get(ITEM_COUNT_KEY);
int newCount = Integer.MAX_VALUE - 1 - start >= (itemCount * 2)
? itemCount * 2
: Integer.MAX_VALUE - 1 - start;
super.notifyItemRangeChanged(start, newCount, null);
public void notifyItemRangeChanged(int index, int count, @Nullable PropertyKey payload) {
if (mModel.get(SUGGESTIONS_KEY).size() == 0) {
// If itemCount is 1, then notify super.
// This should only happen if "All apps" icon has changed in some way and we aren't
// infinite-scrolling.
super.notifyItemRangeChanged(index, count, payload);
} else {
// Otherwise, rebind the visible spectrum.
// Account for edge conditions so we don't crash in the impossible case.
int start = mLayoutManager.findFirstVisibleItemPosition();
int itemCount = mModel.get(ITEM_COUNT_KEY);
int newCount = Integer.MAX_VALUE - 1 - start >= (itemCount * 2)
? itemCount * 2
: Integer.MAX_VALUE - 1 - start;
super.notifyItemRangeChanged(start, newCount, payload);