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// Copyright (c) 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// This file contains helper methods to draw the stats timeline graphs.
// Each graph represents a series of stats report for a PeerConnection,
// e.g. 1234-0-ssrc-abcd123-bytesSent is the graph for the series of bytesSent
// for ssrc-abcd123 of PeerConnection 0 in process 1234.
// The graphs are drawn as CANVAS, grouped per report type per PeerConnection.
// Each group has an expand/collapse button and is collapsed initially.
// <include src="timeline_graph_view.js">
var STATS_GRAPH_CONTAINER_HEADING_CLASS = 'stats-graph-container-heading';
// Specifies which stats should be drawn on the 'bweCompound' graph and how.
var bweCompoundGraphConfig = {
googAvailableSendBandwidth: {color: 'red'},
googTargetEncBitrateCorrected: {color: 'purple'},
googActualEncBitrate: {color: 'orange'},
googRetransmitBitrate: {color: 'blue'},
googTransmitBitrate: {color: 'green'},
// Converts the last entry of |srcDataSeries| from the total amount to the
// amount per second.
var totalToPerSecond = function(srcDataSeries) {
var length = srcDataSeries.dataPoints_.length;
if (length >= 2) {
var lastDataPoint = srcDataSeries.dataPoints_[length - 1];
var secondLastDataPoint = srcDataSeries.dataPoints_[length - 2];
return Math.floor(
(lastDataPoint.value - secondLastDataPoint.value) * 1000 /
(lastDataPoint.time - secondLastDataPoint.time));
return 0;
// Converts the value of total bytes to bits per second.
var totalBytesToBitsPerSecond = function(srcDataSeries) {
return totalToPerSecond(srcDataSeries) * 8;
// Specifies which stats should be converted before drawn and how.
// |convertedName| is the name of the converted value, |convertFunction|
// is the function used to calculate the new converted value based on the
// original dataSeries.
var dataConversionConfig = {
packetsSent: {
convertedName: 'packetsSentPerSecond',
convertFunction: totalToPerSecond,
bytesSent: {
convertedName: 'bitsSentPerSecond',
convertFunction: totalBytesToBitsPerSecond,
packetsReceived: {
convertedName: 'packetsReceivedPerSecond',
convertFunction: totalToPerSecond,
bytesReceived: {
convertedName: 'bitsReceivedPerSecond',
convertFunction: totalBytesToBitsPerSecond,
// This is due to a bug of wrong units reported for googTargetEncBitrate.
// TODO (jiayl): remove this when the unit bug is fixed.
googTargetEncBitrate: {
convertedName: 'googTargetEncBitrateCorrected',
convertFunction: function(srcDataSeries) {
var length = srcDataSeries.dataPoints_.length;
var lastDataPoint = srcDataSeries.dataPoints_[length - 1];
if (lastDataPoint.value < 5000) {
return lastDataPoint.value * 1000;
return lastDataPoint.value;
// The object contains the stats names that should not be added to the graph,
// even if they are numbers.
var statsNameBlackList = {
'ssrc': true,
'googTrackId': true,
'googComponent': true,
'googLocalAddress': true,
'googRemoteAddress': true,
'googFingerprint': true,
function isStandardReportBlacklisted(report) {
// Codec stats reflect what has been negotiated. There are LOTS of them and
// they don't change over time on their own.
if (report.type == 'codec') {
return true;
// Unused data channels can stay in "connecting" indefinitely and their
// counters stay zero.
if (report.type == 'data-channel' &&
readReportStat(report, 'state') == 'connecting') {
return true;
// The same is true for transports and "new".
if (report.type == 'transport' &&
readReportStat(report, 'dtlsState') == 'new') {
return true;
// Local and remote candidates don't change over time and there are several of
// them.
if (report.type == 'local-candidate' || report.type == 'remote-candidate') {
return true;
return false;
function readReportStat(report, stat) {
let values = report.stats.values;
for (let i = 0; i < values.length; i += 2) {
if (values[i] == stat) {
return values[i + 1];
return undefined;
function isStandardStatBlacklisted(report, statName) {
// The datachannelid is an identifier, but because it is a number it shows up
// as a graph if we don't blacklist it.
if (report.type == 'data-channel' && statName == 'datachannelid') {
return true;
// The priority does not change over time on its own; plotting uninteresting.
if (report.type == 'candidate-pair' && statName == 'priority') {
return true;
return false;
var graphViews = {};
let graphElementsByPeerConnectionId = new Map();
// Returns number parsed from |value|, or NaN if the stats name is black-listed.
function getNumberFromValue(name, value) {
if (statsNameBlackList[name]) {
return NaN;
if (isNaN(value)) {
return NaN;
return parseFloat(value);
// Adds the stats report |report| to the timeline graph for the given
// |peerConnectionElement|.
function drawSingleReport(peerConnectionElement, report, isLegacyReport) {
var reportType = report.type;
var reportId = report.id;
var stats = report.stats;
if (!stats || !stats.values) {
const childrenBefore = peerConnectionElement.hasChildNodes() ?
Array.from(peerConnectionElement.childNodes) :
for (var i = 0; i < stats.values.length - 1; i = i + 2) {
var rawLabel = stats.values[i];
// Propagation deltas are handled separately.
peerConnectionElement, report, stats.values[i + 1]);
var rawDataSeriesId = reportId + '-' + rawLabel;
var rawValue = getNumberFromValue(rawLabel, stats.values[i + 1]);
if (isNaN(rawValue)) {
// We do not draw non-numerical values, but still want to record it in the
// data series.
peerConnectionElement, rawDataSeriesId, rawLabel, [stats.timestamp],
[stats.values[i + 1]]);
var finalDataSeriesId = rawDataSeriesId;
var finalLabel = rawLabel;
var finalValue = rawValue;
// We need to convert the value if dataConversionConfig[rawLabel] exists.
if (isLegacyReport && dataConversionConfig[rawLabel]) {
// Updates the original dataSeries before the conversion.
peerConnectionElement, rawDataSeriesId, rawLabel, [stats.timestamp],
// Convert to another value to draw on graph, using the original
// dataSeries as input.
finalValue = dataConversionConfig[rawLabel].convertFunction(
finalLabel = dataConversionConfig[rawLabel].convertedName;
finalDataSeriesId = reportId + '-' + finalLabel;
// Updates the final dataSeries to draw.
peerConnectionElement, finalDataSeriesId, finalLabel, [stats.timestamp],
if (!isLegacyReport &&
(isStandardReportBlacklisted(report) ||
isStandardStatBlacklisted(report, rawLabel))) {
// We do not want to draw certain standard reports but still want to
// record them in the data series.
// Updates the graph.
var graphType =
bweCompoundGraphConfig[finalLabel] ? 'bweCompound' : finalLabel;
var graphViewId =
peerConnectionElement.id + '-' + reportId + '-' + graphType;
if (!graphViews[graphViewId]) {
graphViews[graphViewId] =
createStatsGraphView(peerConnectionElement, report, graphType);
var date = new Date(stats.timestamp);
graphViews[graphViewId].setDateRange(date, date);
// Adds the new dataSeries to the graphView. We have to do it here to cover
// both the simple and compound graph cases.
var dataSeries =
if (!graphViews[graphViewId].hasDataSeries(dataSeries)) {
const childrenAfter = peerConnectionElement.hasChildNodes() ?
Array.from(peerConnectionElement.childNodes) :
for (let i = 0; i < childrenAfter.length; ++i) {
if (!childrenBefore.includes(childrenAfter[i])) {
let graphElements =
if (!graphElements) {
graphElements = [];
peerConnectionElement.id, graphElements);
function removeStatsReportGraphs(peerConnectionElement) {
const graphElements =
if (graphElements) {
for (let i = 0; i < graphElements.length; ++i) {
Object.keys(graphViews).forEach(key => {
if (key.startsWith(peerConnectionElement.id)) {
delete graphViews[key];
// Makes sure the TimelineDataSeries with id |dataSeriesId| is created,
// and adds the new data points to it. |times| is the list of timestamps for
// each data point, and |values| is the list of the data point values.
function addDataSeriesPoints(
peerConnectionElement, dataSeriesId, label, times, values) {
var dataSeries =
if (!dataSeries) {
dataSeries = new TimelineDataSeries();
dataSeriesId, dataSeries);
if (bweCompoundGraphConfig[label]) {
for (var i = 0; i < times.length; ++i) {
dataSeries.addPoint(times[i], values[i]);
// Draws the received propagation deltas using the packet group arrival time as
// the x-axis. For example, |report.stats.values| should be like
// ['googReceivedPacketGroupArrivalTimeDebug', '[123456, 234455, 344566]',
// 'googReceivedPacketGroupPropagationDeltaDebug', '[23, 45, 56]', ...].
function drawReceivedPropagationDelta(peerConnectionElement, report, deltas) {
var reportId = report.id;
var stats = report.stats;
var times = null;
// Find the packet group arrival times.
for (var i = 0; i < stats.values.length - 1; i = i + 2) {
times = stats.values[i + 1];
// Unexpected.
if (times == null) {
// Convert |deltas| and |times| from strings to arrays of numbers.
try {
deltas = JSON.parse(deltas);
times = JSON.parse(times);
} catch (e) {
// Update the data series.
var dataSeriesId = reportId + '-' + RECEIVED_PROPAGATION_DELTA_LABEL;
peerConnectionElement, dataSeriesId, RECEIVED_PROPAGATION_DELTA_LABEL,
times, deltas);
// Update the graph.
var graphViewId = peerConnectionElement.id + '-' + reportId + '-' +
var date = new Date(times[times.length - 1]);
if (!graphViews[graphViewId]) {
graphViews[graphViewId] = createStatsGraphView(
peerConnectionElement, report, RECEIVED_PROPAGATION_DELTA_LABEL);
graphViews[graphViewId].setDateRange(date, date);
var dataSeries =
// Get report types for SSRC reports. Returns 'audio' or 'video' where this type
// can be deduced from existing stats labels. Otherwise empty string for
// non-SSRC reports or where type (audio/video) can't be deduced.
function getSsrcReportType(report) {
if (report.type != 'ssrc') {
return '';
if (report.stats && report.stats.values) {
// Known stats keys for audio send/receive streams.
if (report.stats.values.indexOf('audioOutputLevel') != -1 ||
report.stats.values.indexOf('audioInputLevel') != -1) {
return 'audio';
// Known stats keys for video send/receive streams.
// TODO(pbos): Change to use some non-goog-prefixed stats when available for
// video.
if (report.stats.values.indexOf('googFrameRateReceived') != -1 ||
report.stats.values.indexOf('googFrameRateSent') != -1) {
return 'video';
return '';
// Ensures a div container to hold all stats graphs for one track is created as
// a child of |peerConnectionElement|.
function ensureStatsGraphTopContainer(peerConnectionElement, report) {
var containerId = peerConnectionElement.id + '-' + report.type + '-' +
report.id + '-graph-container';
var container = $(containerId);
if (!container) {
container = document.createElement('details');
container.id = containerId;
container.className = 'stats-graph-container';
container.innerHTML = '<summary><span></span></summary>';
container.firstChild.firstChild.className =
container.firstChild.firstChild.textContent =
'Stats graphs for ' + report.id + ' (' + report.type + ')';
var statsType = getSsrcReportType(report);
if (statsType != '') {
container.firstChild.firstChild.textContent += ' (' + statsType + ')';
if (report.type == 'ssrc') {
var ssrcInfoElement = document.createElement('div');
ssrcInfoElement, GetSsrcFromReport(report));
return container;
// Creates the container elements holding a timeline graph
// and the TimelineGraphView object.
function createStatsGraphView(peerConnectionElement, report, statsName) {
var topContainer =
ensureStatsGraphTopContainer(peerConnectionElement, report);
var graphViewId =
peerConnectionElement.id + '-' + report.id + '-' + statsName;
var divId = graphViewId + '-div';
var canvasId = graphViewId + '-canvas';
var container = document.createElement('div');
container.className = 'stats-graph-sub-container';
container.innerHTML = '<div>' + statsName + '</div>' +
'<div id=' + divId + '><canvas id=' + canvasId + '></canvas></div>';
if (statsName == 'bweCompound') {
createBweCompoundLegend(peerConnectionElement, report.id), $(divId));
return new TimelineGraphView(divId, canvasId);
// Creates the legend section for the bweCompound graph.
// Returns the legend element.
function createBweCompoundLegend(peerConnectionElement, reportId) {
var legend = document.createElement('div');
for (var prop in bweCompoundGraphConfig) {
var div = document.createElement('div');
div.innerHTML = '<input type=checkbox checked>' + prop;
div.style.color = bweCompoundGraphConfig[prop].color;
div.dataSeriesId = reportId + '-' + prop;
div.graphViewId =
peerConnectionElement.id + '-' + reportId + '-bweCompound';
div.firstChild.addEventListener('click', function(event) {
var target =
return legend;