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// Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// Utility functions to help with tabs/windows testing.
// Removes current windows and creates one window with tabs set to
// the urls in the array |tabUrls|. At least one url must be specified.
// The |callback| should look like function(windowId, tabIds) {...}.
function setupWindow(tabUrls, callback) {
createWindow(tabUrls, {}, function(winId, tabIds) {
// Remove all other windows.
var removedCount = 0;
chrome.windows.getAll({}, function(windows) {
for (var i in windows) {
if (windows[i].id != winId) {
chrome.windows.remove(windows[i].id, function() {
if (removedCount == windows.length - 1)
callback(winId, tabIds);
if (windows.length == 1)
callback(winId, tabIds);
// Creates one window with tabs set to the urls in the array |tabUrls|.
// At least one url must be specified.
// The |callback| should look like function(windowId, tabIds) {...}.
function createWindow(tabUrls, winOptions, callback) {
winOptions["url"] = tabUrls;
chrome.windows.create(winOptions, function(win) {
var newTabIds = [];
assertTrue(win.id > 0);
assertEq(tabUrls.length, win.tabs.length);
for (var i = 0; i < win.tabs.length; i++)
callback(win.id, newTabIds);