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// Copyright 2017 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <map>
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "ash/ash_export.h"
#include "ash/keyboard/ui/keyboard_controller.h"
#include "ash/keyboard/ui/keyboard_controller_observer.h"
#include "ash/login/ui/lock_screen.h"
#include "ash/login/ui/login_data_dispatcher.h"
#include "ash/login/ui/login_display_style.h"
#include "ash/login/ui/login_error_bubble.h"
#include "ash/login/ui/login_tooltip_view.h"
#include "ash/login/ui/non_accessible_view.h"
#include "ash/public/cpp/login_types.h"
#include "ash/public/cpp/system_tray_focus_observer.h"
#include "ash/public/interfaces/login_screen.mojom.h"
#include "ash/session/session_observer.h"
#include "base/macros.h"
#include "base/optional.h"
#include "base/scoped_observer.h"
#include "chromeos/dbus/power/power_manager_client.h"
#include "chromeos/dbus/power_manager/power_supply_properties.pb.h"
#include "ui/display/display_observer.h"
#include "ui/display/screen.h"
#include "ui/views/controls/styled_label_listener.h"
#include "ui/views/view.h"
namespace keyboard {
class KeyboardController;
} // namespace keyboard
namespace views {
class BoxLayout;
class StyledLabel;
} // namespace views
namespace ash {
class LoginAuthUserView;
class LoginBigUserView;
class LoginDetachableBaseModel;
class LoginExpandedPublicAccountView;
class LoginUserView;
class NoteActionLaunchButton;
class ScrollableUsersListView;
namespace mojom {
enum class TrayActionState;
// LockContentsView hosts the root view for the lock screen. All other lock
// screen views are embedded within this one. LockContentsView is per-display,
// but it is always shown on the primary display. There is only one instance
// at a time.
class ASH_EXPORT LockContentsView
: public NonAccessibleView,
public LoginDataDispatcher::Observer,
public SystemTrayFocusObserver,
public display::DisplayObserver,
public views::StyledLabelListener,
public SessionObserver,
public keyboard::KeyboardControllerObserver,
public chromeos::PowerManagerClient::Observer {
// TestApi is used for tests to get internal implementation details.
class ASH_EXPORT TestApi {
explicit TestApi(LockContentsView* view);
LoginBigUserView* primary_big_view() const;
LoginBigUserView* opt_secondary_big_view() const;
ScrollableUsersListView* users_list() const;
views::View* note_action() const;
LoginTooltipView* tooltip_bubble() const;
LoginErrorBubble* auth_error_bubble() const;
LoginErrorBubble* detachable_base_error_bubble() const;
LoginErrorBubble* warning_banner_bubble() const;
LoginErrorBubble* supervised_user_deprecation_bubble() const;
views::View* system_info() const;
LoginExpandedPublicAccountView* expanded_view() const;
views::View* main_view() const;
LockContentsView* const view_;
enum class DisplayStyle {
// Display all the user views, top header view in LockContentsView.
// Display only the public account expanded view, other views in
// LockContentsView are hidden.
enum class AcceleratorAction {
// Number of login attempts before a login dialog is shown. For example, if
// this value is 4 then the user can submit their password 4 times, and on the
// 4th bad attempt the login dialog is shown. This only applies to the login
// screen.
static const int kLoginAttemptsBeforeGaiaDialog;
mojom::TrayActionState initial_note_action_state,
LockScreen::ScreenType screen_type,
LoginDataDispatcher* data_dispatcher,
std::unique_ptr<LoginDetachableBaseModel> detachable_base_model);
~LockContentsView() override;
void FocusNextUser();
void FocusPreviousUser();
// views::View:
void Layout() override;
void AddedToWidget() override;
void OnFocus() override;
void AboutToRequestFocusFromTabTraversal(bool reverse) override;
void GetAccessibleNodeData(ui::AXNodeData* node_data) override;
bool AcceleratorPressed(const ui::Accelerator& accelerator) override;
// LoginDataDispatcher::Observer:
void OnUsersChanged(const std::vector<LoginUserInfo>& users) override;
void OnUserAvatarChanged(const AccountId& account_id,
const UserAvatar& avatar) override;
void OnPinEnabledForUserChanged(const AccountId& user, bool enabled) override;
void OnFingerprintStateChanged(const AccountId& account_id,
FingerprintState state) override;
void OnFingerprintAuthResult(const AccountId& account_id,
bool success) override;
void OnAuthEnabledForUser(const AccountId& user) override;
void OnAuthDisabledForUser(
const AccountId& user,
const AuthDisabledData& auth_disabled_data) override;
void OnLockScreenNoteStateChanged(mojom::TrayActionState state) override;
void OnTapToUnlockEnabledForUserChanged(const AccountId& user,
bool enabled) override;
void OnForceOnlineSignInForUser(const AccountId& user) override;
void OnShowEasyUnlockIcon(const AccountId& user,
const EasyUnlockIconOptions& icon) override;
void OnWarningMessageUpdated(const base::string16& message) override;
void OnSystemInfoChanged(bool show,
const std::string& os_version_label_text,
const std::string& enterprise_info_text,
const std::string& bluetooth_name) override;
void OnPublicSessionDisplayNameChanged(
const AccountId& account_id,
const std::string& display_name) override;
void OnPublicSessionLocalesChanged(const AccountId& account_id,
const std::vector<LocaleItem>& locales,
const std::string& default_locale,
bool show_advanced_view) override;
void OnPublicSessionKeyboardLayoutsChanged(
const AccountId& account_id,
const std::string& locale,
const std::vector<InputMethodItem>& keyboard_layouts) override;
void OnPublicSessionShowFullManagementDisclosureChanged(
bool show_full_management_disclosure) override;
void OnDetachableBasePairingStatusChanged(
DetachableBasePairingStatus pairing_status) override;
void OnSetShowParentAccessDialog(bool show) override;
void OnFocusLeavingLockScreenApps(bool reverse) override;
void OnOobeDialogStateChanged(OobeDialogState state) override;
// SystemTrayFocusObserver:
void OnFocusLeavingSystemTray(bool reverse) override;
// display::DisplayObserver:
void OnDisplayMetricsChanged(const display::Display& display,
uint32_t changed_metrics) override;
// views::StyledLabelListener:
void StyledLabelLinkClicked(views::StyledLabel* label,
const gfx::Range& range,
int event_flags) override {}
// SessionObserver:
void OnLockStateChanged(bool locked) override;
// keyboard::KeyboardControllerObserver:
void OnKeyboardVisibilityStateChanged(bool is_visible) override;
// chromeos::PowerManagerClient::Observer:
void SuspendImminent(power_manager::SuspendImminent::Reason reason) override;
void ShowAuthErrorMessageForDebug(int unlock_attempt);
class UserState {
explicit UserState(const LoginUserInfo& user_info);
AccountId account_id;
bool show_pin = false;
bool enable_tap_auth = false;
bool force_online_sign_in = false;
bool disable_auth = false;
base::Optional<EasyUnlockIconOptions> easy_unlock_state;
FingerprintState fingerprint_state;
class AutoLoginUserActivityHandler;
using DisplayLayoutAction = base::RepeatingCallback<void(bool landscape)>;
// Focus the next/previous widget.
void FocusNextWidget(bool reverse);
// 1-2 users.
void CreateLowDensityLayout(const std::vector<LoginUserInfo>& users);
// 3-6 users.
void CreateMediumDensityLayout(const std::vector<LoginUserInfo>& users);
// 7+ users.
void CreateHighDensityLayout(const std::vector<LoginUserInfo>& users,
views::BoxLayout* main_layout);
// Lay out the entire view. This is called when the view is attached to a
// widget and when the screen is rotated.
void DoLayout();
// Lay out the top header. This is called when the children of the top header
// change contents or visibility.
void LayoutTopHeader();
// Lay out the expanded public session view.
void LayoutPublicSessionView();
// Adds |layout_action| to |layout_actions_| and immediately executes it with
// the current rotation.
void AddDisplayLayoutAction(const DisplayLayoutAction& layout_action);
// Change the active |auth_user_|. If |is_primary| is true, the active auth
// switches to |opt_secondary_big_view_|. If |is_primary| is false, the active
// auth switches to |primary_big_view_|.
void SwapActiveAuthBetweenPrimaryAndSecondary(bool is_primary);
// Called when an authentication check is complete.
void OnAuthenticate(bool auth_success);
// Tries to lookup the stored state for |user|. Returns an unowned pointer
// that is invalidated whenver |users_| changes.
UserState* FindStateForUser(const AccountId& user);
// Updates the auth methods for |to_update| and |to_hide|, if passed.
// For auth users:
// |to_hide| will be set to LoginAuthUserView::AUTH_NONE. At minimum,
// |to_update| will show a password prompt.
// For pubic account users:
// |to_hide| will set to disable auth.
// |to_update| will show an arrow button.
void LayoutAuth(LoginBigUserView* to_update,
LoginBigUserView* opt_to_hide,
bool animate);
// Make the user at |user_index| the big user with auth enabled.
// We pass in the index because the actual user may change.
void SwapToBigUser(int user_index);
// Warning to remove a user is shown.
void OnRemoveUserWarningShown(bool is_primary);
// Remove one of the auth users.
void RemoveUser(bool is_primary);
// Called after the big user change has taken place.
void OnBigUserChanged();
// Shows the correct (cached) easy unlock icon for the given auth user.
void UpdateEasyUnlockIconForUser(const AccountId& user);
// Get the current active big user view.
LoginBigUserView* CurrentBigUserView();
// Opens an error bubble to indicate authentication failure.
void ShowAuthErrorMessage();
// Called when the easy unlock icon is hovered.
void OnEasyUnlockIconHovered();
// Called when the easy unlock icon is tapped.
void OnEasyUnlockIconTapped();
// Called when parent access validation finished.
void OnParentAccessValidationFinished(bool access_granted);
// Returns keyboard controller for the view. Returns nullptr if keyboard is
// not activated, view has not been added to the widget yet or keyboard is not
// displayed in this window.
keyboard::KeyboardController* GetKeyboardControllerForView() const;
// Called when the public account is tapped.
void OnPublicAccountTapped(bool is_primary);
// Helper method to allocate a LoginBigUserView instance.
LoginBigUserView* AllocateLoginBigUserView(const LoginUserInfo& user,
bool is_primary);
// Returns the big view for |user| if |user| is one of the active
// big views. If |require_auth_active| is true then the view must
// have auth enabled.
LoginBigUserView* TryToFindBigUser(const AccountId& user,
bool require_auth_active);
// Returns the user view for |user|.
LoginUserView* TryToFindUserView(const AccountId& user);
// Returns scrollable view with initialized size and rows for all |users|.
ScrollableUsersListView* BuildScrollableUsersListView(
const std::vector<LoginUserInfo>& users,
LoginDisplayStyle display_style);
// Change the visibility of child views based on the |style|.
void SetDisplayStyle(DisplayStyle style);
// Register accelerators used in login screen.
void RegisterAccelerators();
// Performs the specified accelerator action.
void PerformAction(AcceleratorAction action);
const LockScreen::ScreenType screen_type_;
std::vector<UserState> users_;
LoginDataDispatcher* const data_dispatcher_; // Unowned.
std::unique_ptr<LoginDetachableBaseModel> detachable_base_model_;
LoginBigUserView* primary_big_view_ = nullptr;
LoginBigUserView* opt_secondary_big_view_ = nullptr;
ScrollableUsersListView* users_list_ = nullptr;
// View that contains the note action button and the system info labels,
// placed on the top right corner of the screen without affecting layout of
// other views.
views::View* top_header_ = nullptr;
// View for launching a note taking action handler from the lock screen.
NoteActionLaunchButton* note_action_ = nullptr;
// View for showing the version, enterprise and bluetooth info.
views::View* system_info_ = nullptr;
// Contains authentication user and the additional user views.
NonAccessibleView* main_view_ = nullptr;
// Actions that should be executed before a new layout happens caused by a
// display change (eg. screen rotation). A full layout pass is performed after
// all actions are executed.
std::vector<DisplayLayoutAction> layout_actions_;
ScopedObserver<display::Screen, display::DisplayObserver> display_observer_{
ScopedSessionObserver session_observer_{this};
// All error bubbles and the tooltip view are child views of LockContentsView,
// and will be torn down when LockContentsView is torn down.
// Bubble for displaying authentication error.
LoginErrorBubble* auth_error_bubble_;
// Bubble for displaying detachable base errors.
LoginErrorBubble* detachable_base_error_bubble_;
// Bubble for displaying easy-unlock tooltips.
LoginTooltipView* tooltip_bubble_;
// Bubble for displaying warning banner message.
LoginErrorBubble* warning_banner_bubble_;
// Bubble for displaying supervised user deprecation message.
LoginErrorBubble* supervised_user_deprecation_bubble_;
int unlock_attempt_ = 0;
// Whether a lock screen app is currently active (i.e. lock screen note action
// state is reported as kActive by the data dispatcher).
bool lock_screen_apps_active_ = false;
// Tracks the visibility of the OOBE dialog.
bool oobe_dialog_visible_ = false;
// Whether the lock screen note is disabled. Used to override the actual lock
// screen note state.
bool disable_lock_screen_note_ = false;
// Expanded view for public account user to select language and keyboard.
LoginExpandedPublicAccountView* expanded_view_ = nullptr;
// Whether the virtual keyboard is currently shown. Used to determine whether
// to show the PIN keyboard or not.
bool keyboard_shown_ = false;
// Accelerators handled by login screen.
std::map<ui::Accelerator, AcceleratorAction> accel_map_;
// Notifies Chrome when user activity is detected on the login screen so that
// the auto-login timer can be reset.
} // namespace ash