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Create your own social media app

Custom build an interactive social platform for your business / product / community.

White Label Social Media App Zangi

A communication app
envisioned by you. Developed by us

Custom app with your own branding

Create your own social media app ready to launch under your brand’s name with your company colors and customized design. Request custom features.
We’ll make it look like the app was built by you, for you.

Never any risks

No extra effort. No trial and error. Save valuable time and avoid any risks, by choosing a tried-and-true platform for your app. Zangi has everything thought out, ready and developed.
With a ready-developed app, reduce costs 10X and save on resources.

Ready in a very short time to market

Don't delay launching your product or platform. Decrease time to market by having a top-to-bottom developed social interaction platform embedded into your product in no time.

Have millions of users interact on your platform

Zangi white label social media app technology enables unlimited scaling until billions of users. Expand your product’s socializing with no limits and low operation and support costs.

Social interaction built on top of industry-leading technologies

Fastest instant messaging

Fastest instant messaging

HD video/audio calls

HD video/audio calls

Uninterrupted connection

Uninterrupted connection

Military-grade security

Military-grade security

Grow your community into a network Grow your community into a network

Pick and customize unique elements for your platform

Choose the features that best fit your product/ business, to create your own social media app experience. Use all features at once, or create unique combinations. Increase user loyalty by giving them the features they reallly need.

Works everywhere







Unlimited feature combos for any app type

Scale up your community platform

Create your own social media app with no user count limits. Add features like reels, instant photo sharing and messaging. Get your users sharing and growing their circles.

develop social media app for instant interaction Grow your community into a network
Grow your community into a network

Get in-app calls & texting for your service

High-speed messaging and calling functions will connect your users and service providers securely. Zangi technology works even with crowded connection and low on data.

Bring gurus and aficionados together

Strengthen ties between club members with tools like live streaming features and world's most rapid file transfer. Group chats and uninterrupted conferencing will make your users happy to hang on your platform forever and a day.

social media app development to bring gurus and aficionados together Grow your community into a network
 Become trusted by giving extra value and healthcare app development Grow your community into a network

Deliver leak-proof secure communication

Embed interaction that is secured by high end encryption mechanisms set on your premises or on cloud. Crucial for medical or consulting services, privacy issues will never be the case when using Zangi technology.

Create your own social media app with unique features

Create your own social media app with unique features. Progress together with your users by making them feel part of the community. Implement success sharing features, commenting, posting, direct messaging and channels.

Diversify the app with social features and get your own white label social network Grow your community into a network


Rapid file transfer

Rapid file transfer

The fastest and most reliable, fail-resistant file transfer. Users can send any sized files, at very high speeds.

Instant messaging

Instant messaging

Send and receive messages with lightning speed. With no delays and instant speeds, possible with Zangi technologies.

HD video/audio calls

HD video/audio calls

Make HD, clean video and audio calls. With no interruptions so you no word is missed.



Have information flows structured and instant. Reach out to millions of users with channels.

End-to-end encryption

End-to-end encryption

All private interactions are protected with military-grade end-to-end encryption. Users are safe from data leaks and can chat freely with no second thought.

Customization & branding

Customization & branding

Choose any kind of color pallete and user interface design. Get a branded messenger integrated into your app or have one created from scratch.

Push notifications

Push notifications

Send notifications for any kind of occasion. Be it customized, private or bulk. Integrate notifications into your app to keep users up to date.

Group chat

Group chat

Create group chats for teams, friends or club communities that want to hang together in one place.

Live streaming

Live streaming

Impress users with live-streaming features that will make your app even more unique. Works even with slow internet.

Search engine

Search engine

Have users find each other on the platform with ease. Search filters, and unlimited scaling will perfectly fit your app.


Back-office (console)

Log into the console to keep track of the traffic on your platform and be able to moderate it.

User management

User management

Be able to make the most out of the platform by managing users and controlling activities that go against your policies.

News feed

News feed

Fulfill your social network with a news feed and interactive features like reactions and commenting to add user engagement.



See where and when your users are most active on the platform. Advance your monitoring with diverse statistical tools.

Instant photo sharin

Instant photo sharing

Have your users interact with instant photo sharing and commenting. Create a know-how for your platform and have faster and closer communication going.



Audio conferences with up to 250 members are possible with HD quality of audio. And of course, no interruptions.

Make your communication
app ideas a reality.

Create your own social media with Zangi technology.

We’ll help find a solution that best fits your business.