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Privacy Policy

Who we are

Brainworkz is a company which, helps clients with their media campaigns. We use Adsequence system as a third party adserving tool to help delivery of Internet advertising campaigns. Adsequence measures advertising activities while serving ads and report their performance. Adsequence helps advertisers to deliver their KPIs.

The data we collect

We receive information automatically from visitor website. This may include information such as IP address, details about the browser you used to visit a site. This is generally used for Geo-analysys purposes. Online measurements are compiled and anonymous.

They essentially relate to Internet advertising campaign exposure: the number of impression of a banner, the number of clicks or the number of visitors having seen the campaign. Some statistics may relate to the performance of the campaign (‘return of investment’). In addition to that, Adsequence system use cookies to provide statistical data.

Access to information

We provide access to your personal information by require you to submit your request in writing at the e-mail address or postal address shown in “Contact” part. You will be given a right to access your personal information and correct, amend or delete it where it is inaccurate. We will provide your requested personal information within 30 days of receiving your access request. If we cannot fulfill your request, we will provide you with a written explanation of why we had to deny your access request

Retention period

We store the information for as long as needed for the purposes laid down in this Policy, unless a longer retention period is required or allowed by law.

Adsequence cookies

A cookie is a text file that records information related to your computer’s internet navigation. It is controlled by your browser. You may read it,destroy it or change it. It cannot have a virus or be executed and is in no way native. The cookie files installed by Adsequence system are completely anonymous and do not include other data but an anonymous user ID or opt-out variable. Cookies can be used to refine statistical analyses and recognize visitors during their various visits.In any event, you control these cookies: you may read them, filter them, refuse them and destroy them.

How can I delete cookie files already installed on my computer?

On your PC work station, you will access your cookies files under the C:\Documents and Settings\Username\Cookies folder (for Internet Explorer browsers). To delete a cookie, just select a cookie file and delete it. It may need your browser to be deactivated. For MAC work station: Open Safari if it is not already open, choose Safari > Preferences, and then click Privacy, click Details, select one or more websites that stores cookies, and then click Remove or Remove All.When you finish removing websites, click Done. The domain under the cookie is created is the following one: adsqn.com or adsequence.com

How to refuse or be warned of the installation of all cookies files?

You may decline the saving of cookies by configuring your browser. Internet Explorer users: http://support.microsoft.com/kb/278835. FireFox users: http://support.mozilla.com/cs/kb/Cookies However, this can affect how you are able to interact with our site as well as other websites. This could include the inability to login to services or programs, such as logging into forums or accounts.