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What else?

It’s been quite the adventure over the last thirty years, picking up all sorts of handy skills along the way—and I’m eager to share them with you! From the intricate art of web design to the innovative world of app creation, the nuanced realm of audio and music recording, and not to forget, my journey as a pianist and bass player, each skill has been a vital chapter in my story of lifelong learning and passion.
My daughter jokes that I’m like a ‘Swiss army knife’ because I’ve always got just the right tool for the job. Whether it’s striking chords on the piano, laying down grooves on the bass, or diving into new digital creations, I’m always ready for new ventures. I’d love to lend a hand with whatever creative project you have in mind. Let’s collaborate and make something amazing together!

Website Design

I have built websites since 1995. These were the early days of the internet, and it has evolved a lot since then. But one thing always remained the same: A website needs to look great, needs to provide the information you want to deliver and must be easy to navigate. I can help you to design your website to meet these requirements, which will result in a better connection to your customers.

Business Cards

Never underestimate the power of these little helpers!
Business cards are often the only thing, that reminds someone about you. So they need to hold the basic information of you, look great, and feel great. Bad design involves too much information on the card, shabby pictures and a print on bad paper material. Let me help you to have the best possible card for your purpose.

Wordpress Setup

I have used WordPress for my websites for almost a decade. For inexperienced users, the setup process is the most demanding task when building a website. You only have to do it once, but you have to do it. I did this about a hundred times on various servers, and I can do it for you or help you on the way.

iOS & Android Development

Even programming in Swift, SwiftUI or Dart/Flutter for iOS, iPadOS, MacOS and Android is possible. I can handle smaller projects myself, if you have bigger projects, I can easily form a team with developers I know to suit your needs.
My latest release is FretBoard Evolution, a chord and scale visualizer for iOS and Android. Another app is EarthBeat, featuring Widgets of the Schumann Resonance, the Kp Index and the sattelite pictures of the sun.


In my audio recording studio in Germany, I recorded countless sessions with various musicians, from acoustic instruments to electric instruments and vocals. I can help to get the best possible recording results in whatever environment you can provide.
I also have a mobile recording setup for up to 32 channels (16 mic/line + 16 line) digital recording. Let’s talk about what you need.

Cover Design

You can release beautiful music, but it is the cover that sells the music most of the time. So the cover of your release must be the best one possible. I did the artwork for most of my own releases, but also worked for artists like Gregor Meyle (“Hätt Auch Anders Kommen Können“).
I can do simple covers for releases that are digital-only. Still, I am also familiar with the much more complicated task of designing “physical” CD covers and even for vinyl releases.

Label & Release Service

What do you want to do with your final product? Your music wants to be heard by your fans, so you should release them online. I can help you distribute your music online, and find the best options available. Don’t wonder when I tell you to avoid streaming services. You want full control of your music and your revenue, therefore there are far better models that will help you to get in contact with your fans, get the message out there and finally sell your music.

Mixing & Editing

Editing recordings and mixing is the creative part on the way to your own record release. I edited and mixed many records. My own releases can be found at my BandCamp page. So if you already have recordings and need them to be edited and mixed, give me a call!


Mastering is the very last step before releasing music or any other audio material to the public. Many musicians like to skip this process and end the work on their releases after mixing, but mastering can lift even a fantastic mix to a whole new level. You can make many mistakes when mastering, but a good master makes your tracks shine and be consistent. And, of course, they will sound great in comparison to other professional releases.

For all the audio services I offer, I will add more info on the dedicated recording studio page. So please check out that page, too!