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What is the Erasmus+ programme?

Erasmus+ is the European programme for education, training, youth and sport. It is not only aimed at students but many audiences from various fields, both formal and informal, in the education and training sectors.

Erasmus+ programme : what for?

The programme aims to offer students, apprentices, school pupils, vocational students, teachers, trainers, staff, job seekers, young persons, etc. the possibility to travel abroad (studies, internship) to develop their knowledge, skills and employability.

It assists organisations within the framework of European and international partnerships with the help of a large variety of public and private stakeholders. It also enables expertise to be shared and innovation to flourish in the fields of education, training, youth and sport.

Who funds the Erasmus+ programme? Who manages it?

The Erasmus+ programme is structured around the regulations of the European Parliament and Council. It is funded and managed at the European level by Annual Work Programmes.

At the national level, the European Commission relies on national agencies for implementing the programme’s decentralised actions.

In France, the education and training segments of the Erasmus + programme are managed by Agence Erasmus+ France / Education Formation, located in Bordeaux (95% of Erasmus+ funds are managed on a national scale). The Youth segment is run by Agence Erasmus+ France / Jeunesse & Sport, within a civic service agency.
Some of the programmes’ “centralised” actions are managed directly in Brussels by the Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA).

The national agencies help promote and support the actions of organisations coordinating Erasmus+ projects.

How can you benefit from the Erasmus+ programme?

Many organisations can participate in the Erasmus+ programme: associations, establishments, institutions, etc. Funding is available for mobility and exchange projects, as well as for partnerships and cooperations between organisations.

Private individuals (students, apprentices, young persons, teachers, trainers, etc.) are eligible to receive support from the Erasmus + programme in the context of study, work placement or training mobilities. To do so, they must contact their institution or an organisation participating in the programme.

N.B. it is not possible to apply directly to the Erasmus+ programme. You must contact an organisation coordinating a project funded by the programme.
For example: students have to apply to their institution (e.g. university) for a scholarship.

Showcase your skills with Europass

To complete Erasmus+ projects, the Europass portfolio ensures that the skills and knowledge acquired can be put to good use, both in France and abroad. It is made up of: A European CV, a language passport, Europass Mobility, a diploma supplement and a certificate supplement.

The history of Erasmus+

The Erasmus programme was created in 1987. Its name is both an allusion to Erasmus, the 15th century Dutch philosopher, and the acronym for the EuRopean Action Scheme for the Mobility of University Students.
Over the years, the Erasmus programme has been completed by other programmes to benefit a wider audience (Comenius, Leonardo da Vinci, Grundtvig, Jeunesse en Action, etc.). All these programmes were integrated into Erasmus in 2014 to become Erasmus+.

