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Tom’s June Update

These first few weeks of fatherhood have been, in a word, stressful.  Admittedly my situation is not unique. Every new parent has had that “oh sh*t” realization that there’s this brand new human you’re responsible for keeping alive, and you’re somehow supposed to know what to do despite never having done this before. Add in…

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Q&A with Dr. P: Weight Management Tips & Tricks

Lunchtime Hunger, Chronic Stress, Electrolyte Needs, & Parental Challenges When Fasting By Dr. Naomi Parrella, MD Feeling ravenous by lunchtime? Worried about chronic stress? Wondering whether you need an electrolyte supplement? Struggling to maintain your fasting practice while parenting? Concerns like these come up regularly in my clinic and during Zero Live sessions. These challenges…

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Tom’s May Update

When I first started fasting, I’m not sure I would have even named it “fasting.” I cut out snacks after dinner and delayed or skipped breakfast, but I wasn’t especially regimented about it, nor did I do any overt tracking. With time and repetition, I saw success: I lost weight. However, I didn’t lose all…

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The Complete Guide to Fat Burning

If you’re like most people, you’ve already tried to lose weight. You might have done juice cleanses, exercised for hours on a treadmill, or tried your best to heed the advice of “eat less, move more.” The truth is that the information we hear about health and weight loss is often complicated, conflicting, or just…

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Tom’s April Update

I really, really love donuts — to an unhealthy degree. Some might even call my relationship to donuts addict-like. Time and again, I’ll go months or even years without eating a donut, but when suddenly donuts happen to be available, I’ll have one. This, of course, should be a meaningless event; eating one donut is…

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Debunking 3 Myths Around Fasting and Thyroid Health

Your thyroid is a key player in achieving weight loss and metabolic health. You need it to stay healthy and function properly to meet these goals. However, you might have heard that intermittent fasting — an effective tool for losing weight and improving metabolic health — can disrupt your thyroid. This is a myth! Read on…

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The Fasting Guide to Menopause, Perimenopause, and Postmenopause

Females bodies are complex, intricate, and ever-changing feats of evolution. And there may be no stage of life when this is more apparent than during the gradual transition from the reproductive to post-reproductive years known as menopause.  Despite what you may have heard, menopause isn’t all bad. In fact, in Eastern medicine, menopause is known…

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Why Should We Care About Hormones? Fasting and Hormone Health

You may not have given hormones much thought when approaching your health journey, but they are, in fact, key players. Hormones influence a wide array of body features and functions you are likely to care about, including your weight, mood, sleep, fertility, sex drive, and more. And for better or for worse, lifestyle factors can…

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Zero Live #4: 3 Ways to Boost Fat Burning

In our fourth session of Zero Live, Dr. Naomi Parrella, MD, and Nicole Grant, RDN, answer questions from Zero Members about how to boost fat burning and more. Video Transcript Dr. Naomi Parrella, MD: (00:53) First, you’re gonna burn glucose, then you burn glycogen. And if you fast long enough or you boost your fast…

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A weekly digest with the latest science and motivation.