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Somebody who comes and goes without doing much.
Telling ridiculous stories while being deadly serious.
Having a keen interest in Anime.
slerping your way around
by Hazzardous June 14, 2011
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slerp means sleep but with a book on top of you. typically used when one needs to sleep but must be bored to death to shut their eyes so they read a textbook and fall asleep with said book on top of them.
Boy 1: Just go to slerp
Boy 2: you mean sleep?

Boy 1: no, slerp, it helps you fall asleep faster fam.

Boy 2: aight gee imma go slerp right now
by doctorfluke December 4, 2018
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to drool in your sleep; to generate exceptionally long drops of spit connecting the corner of your mouth with the puddle around your pillow
Look, he's slerping again!
by slerper November 8, 2010
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A contraction literally meaning "slut herpes;" herpes possessed by a slut. Typically used to denote that a person most likely has an STD due to their reputation as a slut.
Man, you're going to get slerpes if you sleep with her.
by Marle Forge May 14, 2008
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When you slowly pull your penis out of a woman's vagina while the woman clenches her vagina causing a slerpping sound.
I was in the middle of fucking and i pulled my groin. So i slowly got up and heard a slerping sound come out from beneath me. I realized that we had just been "Turtle Slerpping"
by FuckYouAssWhole October 4, 2010
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