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29 definitions by Morbidia

Generally a freshman or sophomore girl in high school who dresses in all black and claims that they're "gothic", even if they've never heard of any gothic bands such as Bauhaus, Clan Of Xymox, etc. They tend to think that bands such as Marilyn Manson and Slipknot are goth. They cut themselves for attention, and they usually cut on the wrong side of their arm to make it more noticable. Generally wear T-shirts so you can see the scars, but cover them up when they get home.
1. Stupid Freshman: "Oh my god, Jackie cut herself again because her boyfriend didn't call her back last night!"

Mature Junior: "Who cares?"

2. Jackie smiled as she cut herself one night and said, "Haha, now my boyfriend will HAVE to love me!"
by Morbidia May 29, 2005
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When one becomes envious of others, usually the others being their "friends" and they are usually envious because their friends are secure and they are not. The often deny being jealous.
Camille is jealous of Suzanne because Suzanne has had he same boyfriend for over a year, and Camille has too much acne to be in a relationship.

One day, Camille's parents gave her a car. Camille bragged about it to Suzanne, but Suzanne didn't really give a shit because Suzanne wasn't dependant on her parents.
by Morbidia May 30, 2005
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A stage most freshman/sophomore girls in high school go through. Instead of taking the time to feel better about themselves, they elaborate their sad feelings by purchasing black clothes for an "image", cutting themselves for attention, writing in their LiveJournals about why their lives suck, and say that their parents are out to get them. Some become so brain damaged that they run away from home and write really crappy poetry about how nobody has it worse than they do.
Marina: "Cindy's such a drama queen. Why does she have to tell us her life sucks every day?"

Carla: "Don't worry about it, she's going through her teenage angst phase. She's a freshman, remember?"
by Morbidia May 29, 2005
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A girl, typically in high school, who claims she has a stalker or two, when really she's just confused in the head. Basically, this is the kind of girl who will never get laid but likes to pretend that guys are all over her when they're not. Generally annoying.
Dumbass: "Oh my god, that guy is totally stalking me, teehee!"

Me: "Shut up, Mina, you've never had a boyfriend in your life and you're never going to get laid."

Dumbass: "You're just jealous!"

Me: "I have a boyfriend and I'm not ugly, so no, I'm not jealous. Get your head out of your ass."
by Morbidia May 30, 2005
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The fat girl at school who dyes her hair neon pink and purple, wears pink and purple fishnet, talks as loud as she can, eats as much as she can, and says "hi" to everybody, even people who hate her. Never shuts up about the fact that she has a pool in her backyard, and cries when there's nobody around to talk to.
Wow, that fat girl is really annoying. What an attention whore.
by Morbidia May 30, 2005
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An offensive term used for someone who has so much acne on their face, they have no regular skin left.
Cindy gave her rootin' tootin' raspberry friend a bottle of Clearasil for Christmas.
by Morbidia May 30, 2005
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An 11th grade student in high school who generally sticks by the seniors instead of looking up to them, and of course, looks down upon the immature dramatic freshman/sophomores.
Joey is a junior who doesn't have to stress over graduation, nor does he have to be surrounded by annoying freshman/sophomores. Woo hoo.
by Morbidia May 29, 2005
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