All electronic products or services purchased by the University should be accessible to individuals with disabilities. Some staff, students, faculty and the public may find it difficult or impossible to use an electronic product/service that has significant accessibility problems. This situation exposes the University to risk, increases costs, and undermines the University’s commitment to accessibility.

The Electronic Accessibility Committee developed guidelines to help UC procurement and electronic accessibility staff ensure that their procurement processes support the need to purchase accessible electronic products/services. It is cheaper and easier to require accessibility when making a purchase, rather than trying to remediate an accessibility problem after purchase.

Accessible procurement guidelines PDF

Ensuring IT products and services are accessible to individuals with disabilities

Policy Link

Direct link to the UC IT Accessibility Policy

UC Procurement Accessibility Questionnaire PDF

Questions and checklist to include in the procurement process

Accessibility testing guide

How UC tests the accessibility of supplier products.

Voluntary product accessibility template (VPAT) for use when procuring non web-based products/services

A VPAT should only be used in an RFP for non web-based IT purchases

UC Terms & Conditions of Purchase

See Article 6D and E for accessibility requirements on the UC Terms & Conditions on Procurement Services page