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love can change a monster

@saggwrites / saggwrites.tumblr.com

sagar, 24, poet and writer, i am here for writing my poems

I don't know how to describe my affection for you but,

Whenever you message or call me, I am drawn towards you like the iron which cannot be stopped from meeting the magnet.

No matter how many times I get hurt, I will always be there for you. No matter how far apart we are.

Why are your memories stuck in my head, your thoughts always clear my difficult paths, and your smiling face works like medicine on my wounds. I don't know why you are stuck in my head but yes your presence gives me strength.


"Find a partner who is mature enough to educate you. Mature enough to understand you, who calms you down instead of running away from your anger. Who laughs and cries with you, accepts your flaws and improves you. Many will leave you but the one who stays with you and accepts you after seeing your good and bad is a true partner. Remember that appearances happen every day but a person with a good mindset is rare.."


I know you will never choose me, but I feel good when you are around.

Whenever you look at me, my heart fills with joy and my face reflects this joy beautifully. I know you will never come to me, nor will you ever look at me with love, but whenever I close my eyes, I only see your face and this one-sided truth gives me immense comfort.

Whenever I close my eyes I go into my imagination and see how beautiful we look together but as soon as I open my eyes I realize how far we are from each other.


" I might be on my deathbed, dying, but I am like a raindrop among millions of falling raindrops, which after colliding to kiss the ground, split into sparkling fragments.

They look beautiful and soothing before they kiss the ground, but cease to exist once they fall to the ground, that's how I am present in other people's lives."


Forgive me,

I know I have a lot of flaws but I love you a lot. I am afraid of losing you, so I do stupid things.

I have hurt you every time with my words. I could not become a good person, I just kept hurting you and you crazy girl kept tolerating everything by falling in love with me.

My day and night starts with you and has to end with you only.

Forgive me for my childish acts my queen. I promise I will be a good person for you and will keep my head at your feet.

Just forgive me I am sorry my love.


Recently I learned something,

There is nothing wrong in handling everything quietly alone and crying over your problems.

Through this you find yourself, you are able to find your prime, through this you are able to control your emotions, who is your own and who is not, all this is found out in this situation.


It is okay to let go of some things,

Because some things are dear to us but they also cause us pain and we are unable to move forward because of them.

They keep dragging us again and again into the same bad memories of those whom we once loved very much.

That is why it is good for us to let go of some things, be it someone's memories or a person's.


Is this right?

Loving someone without telling them, saving all their photos and staring at them secretly, seeing them meeting someone else everyday and seeing them belong to someone else but still keeping a smile on your face no matter how much pain you feel inside, fulfilling their every wish without telling them but behaving in front of them as if you have nothing to do with them.

You realize that you cannot be theirs but still staying with them forever and taking this one sided love and considering them yours for the whole life.

Yes, one sided love is a different thing. Loving that person and not letting them know and protecting them from every trouble. You know that they can never be yours and still love them  to such an extent that no one can love them that much.


Sometimes I feel empty even when I have everything in my hands, sometimes I feel distant from others even when I am near them. Sometimes I feel lonely even when I have everything and sometimes I am very happy even when I have nothing.

Maybe earlier I was pretending but now I am living in truth.

Truth has pain but also peace.

Neither do you have to pretend nor will anyone connect with you by pretending. Those who care for you get lost in the pretense and stay together in truth.


When everything is going well between two people, one of them says,

I am happy with you but,

I don't love you, I love someone else.

I don't think we have a future together, I just consider you my best friend, nothing more than that.

I know that the moments we spent together were very precious and you stood by me in every ups and downs.

We spent a lot of time together, you have taken care of me since childhood, you were with me when I cried, you were with me when I was in trouble but you never showed it,

you did so much for me, ignoring your problems, you stood by me in every difficulty but you never claimed that you did all this for me.

You were alone in the deep darkness but kept me in the light. You tolerated my anger but never said anything bad to me in anger and always kept me happy and never let my smile die but you never let me realize that all my happiness is because of you. I don't know how so much time passed with you.

I was always very happy with you and I still am,

people say that there is a person in everyone's life who doesn't show it but always stands with you and bears all your pain but doesn't let anything happen to you and with whom you feel safe. They protects you from bad people, no matter how bad they themselves becomes, no matter how bad the world says about you, they always believes in you and stays with you.

No matter how dirty there own image becomes, they doesn't let a single stain come on your image, maybe you are that person.

I know you are crazy about me, you love me a lot but for me you are just a very good friend to me.

Thank you, thank you very much for making my life so beautiful.


I want to tell you something

This is not an expression of my love, but

When I saw you for the first time in those summer days, I was yours in that very moment,

Your smile was like spring coming for the first time and bringing love with it,

Your coming towards me and my heart beating fast was like a bud becoming a flower,

That was the first time I felt that how can a person be so beautiful, at that time I had lost my heart, it had completely become yours.

Slowly you come closer to me, every breath of mine is dependent on your soul,

The fragrance of your body and your humility make me fall in love with you.

One day you looked at me and said, do you know why this evening is so beautiful, why this sunset is so beautiful?

And then you said that this moment is special because it is the time of meeting of moon and sun, at this time they are together for a few moments as soon as they meet and they show the sign of their love from this evening.

Really this moment is beautiful but every evening you are with me, my head is in your lap, you caress my hair like this, handing yourself in my hands, walking holding my hand in light dark evening, holding my hand for me Bringing and feeding food from you has increased from that evening, every second, every minute, every hour and every moment spent with you is no less than a heaven.

I do not know the definition of love, if people call this feeling as love,

So, yes I love you, I don't crave for your body but want to spend all the time with you.

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