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@dear-indies / dear-indies.tumblr.com

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People & countries mentioned in the thread:

Ongoing Edits: more from the notes / me

Reblogs with Links / From Others

Last Updated: Feb. 19th, 2024 (If I missed smth before this, feel free to @ me to add it)


€330,653 raised of €350,000 goal!!!

this group distributes food, vegetables, and other cooking supplies as well as everyday essentials (clothes, water, medicine) to families in North, Central, and South Gaza!


If you say "i support Palestine but Hamas are terrorists," i know you're full of shit because you're just saying "i only support Palestinians as long as they are dying. I support Palestine as long as no Palestinians defend themselves."



Howdy everyone! I've joined the writer's portion of the @ficsforgaza initiative to help encourage fundraising to vetted fundraisers to aid those in Gaza!

For more details and information about this initiative, please check out the blog's guide on participation as well as their FAQ.

Likewise, if you don't see something you want here, or you want to support others, make sure to check out the other writers taking requests!

* Edited May 21 to include the updated navigation link!

That said, this post will be a primer to how things work on my end :}

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Donate to any of the vetted fundraisers found on the blog, or the blogs they have reblogged information from, and send me an ask or DM with your request!

It is mandatory that you include proof of donation for this. Of course, I would never ask you to send personal/sensitive information, so please redact that when sharing! I will verify proofs where needed with the blog organizers.

edited: please also link to the fundraiser you donated to!

example: hey jay! i donated to the palestine childrens' relief fund and would like a fic featuring [character] and [character] with [prompt]. here's proof of my donation! [attached image]

I will abide by the blog's general amount per rate, meaning for every $1 you donate, I will write 100 words. My limit on this will be $20, or 2000 words. That's the average wc for most of my fics.

There will be NO anonymous requests! It's harder to verify things that way, so I want to keep this process as simple as possible to encourage donations and keep the process streamline for everyone. After all, this is about helping people :}

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Safe for work (SFW) content only! I don't feel comfortable writing smut for people.

YES: OC x OC, OC x Canon, Self-Ship or x Reader, Canon x Canon, Romantic, Platonic, Familial, pretty much any dynamic or theme goes!

NO: Proship content. I do not feel comfortable with that, and I do not endorse any of that kind of stuff.


  • Cyberpunk (Edgerunners & 2077)
  • Disco Elysium
  • Dragon Age
  • Faith: The Unholy Trinity
  • Fallout
  • Far Cry
  • Hitman (World of Assassination Trilogy)
  • Metal Gear
  • Outer Worlds
  • Rainbow Six Siege
  • Red Dead Redemption 2
  • Reflect Studios franchise (Welcome to the Game, Scrutinized, Dead Signal, etc)
  • Resident Evil
  • Skyrim
  • Splinter Cell (games only)

Full DNI / BYF criteria is on my neocities page (all basic; don't be a bigot or glorify harmful things like e.d.)

Examples of my written works can be found here, with fanfictions toward the bottom of the page!

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I will try to publish requests as soon as possible! I've luckily got a decent bit of free time, but I am also chronically ill and have a life outside of Tumblr!

There is no real deadline with these things, as the main goal is (again) helping people and families in need. That should take precedence above all else.

Please don't feel pressured to donate! I know things are rough for everyone across the board when it comes to finances! If you happen to have the extra money and would like to contribute to this cause, then please do so!

This applies even to those who may not want something out of it. I've shared many fundraisers and resources, as have countless others, and there are proper channels to help people out <3

Reblogs are appreciated, and TYVM to the people hosting this and to all who have donated / will donate in the future

HI! Tumblr deleted the original link to this post. I'm assuming people who have found their eyes on me after posting about Tumblr's transmisogyny have reported it. That, or staff considered this spam content.

Either way, the details for this are always in my pinned post, and I will amend it to include the link of this reblog (so the initiative can still be shared around)

Bumping this since I've shared countless fundraisers over the past few days, all of which are verified! If you've donated recently, or want to donate, and wish to receive a custom ficlet from yours truly, now's the chance!

This is the only request-style writing I will be doing from here on out (excluding exchange events).


Vetted fundraiser masterpost-masterpost


This is a collection of links to various posts concerning fundraisers I've vetted and instructions on how to submit fundraisers to me. These are primarily ones for Ghazzan families although some fundraisers for Sudanese families are also listed (I'm more familiar with my own country's politics and dialect and am more capable of vetting fundraisers for Palestinians as a result). Each post will have a time stamp indicating the latest date of update. And fundraisers will have colour-coded disclaimers according to the particularities of their case.

I know that people do not like clicking on links or navigating between posts, but please actually look through these posts and choose a fundraiser to donate to. Please.

Instructions on how to submit a fundraiser. (for those not Ghazzan) تعليمات لتقديم طلب توثيق و نشر حملات التبرعات الخاصة بالغزاويين و عائلاتهم (للغزاويين فقط)
ملاحظة خاصة نشر الحملات.

hey i'm participating in the boycott for palestine 16-22nd and to the people in the rpc doing it too, i see you and i love you. i'll still be accepting asks for my two masterlists (especially people who have spoken up for palestine/sudan/dr congo/etc) and my two playlists. to make things clear, i will not be replying to any other asks or posting any other content besides this. if you need help, you're welcome to sling me a message on discord until the 22nd.

take care.

[ 📹 Scenes of massive destruction and rescue efforts following an Israeli airstrike that targeted a residential home in the Al-Hasayna neighborhood, west of the Nuseirat Camp, in the central Gaza Strip, resulting in more than a dozen casualties, including women and children. ]

🇮🇱⚔️🇵🇸 🚀🏘️💥🚑 🚨


On 258th day of the Israeli occupation's ongoing special genocide operation in the Gaza Strip, the Israeli occupation forces (IOF) committed a total of 4 new massacres of Palestinian families, resulting in the deaths of no less than 35 Palestinian civilians, mostly women and children, while another 130 others were wounded over the previous 24-hours.

It should be noted that as a result of the constant Israeli bombardment of Gaza's healthcare system, infrastructure, residential and commercial buildings, local paramedic and civil defense crews are unable to recover countless hundreds, even thousands, of victims who remain trapped under the rubble, or who's bodies remain strewn across the streets of Gaza.

This leaves the official death toll vastly undercounted as Gaza's healthcare officials are unable to accurately tally those killed and maimed in this genocide, which must be kept in mind when considering the scale of the mass murder.

"We are in a bad situation and are not ready for a real war," the CEO for Israel's government-owned Noga electric company, Shaul Goldstein said at the National Security Research Institute conference, held in Sderot in the occupied territories.

According to reporting in the Hebrew media, Goldstein was asked whether he could guarantee that their would be electricity in the Israeli entity in a future war with Hezbollah, responding that "the answer is no, but we will rely on Israeli resourcefulness. Israel is an energy island and we have to provide for ourselves - this is also our advantage, we are trained to work on the island."

"When I took office and began to investigate what the real threat is to the electricity sector, I asked - let's say a missile hits the electricity sector and there is a power outage for an hour, three hours, 24 hours, 48 hours, 72 hours and so on. What happens in such a situation to Israel?" Goldstein said, throwing back his own question, answering that "The bottom line is that after 72 hours - It is impossible to live in Israel."

"People don't understand how much our lives here depend on electricity," Goldstein continued, "I have 15 inspectors across the country, if there's a power outage then after 5 hours I don't have a phone to call him. Let's say he receives a carrier pigeon after 12 hours - the same inspector arrives at a gas station but there's no gas, Not a single gas station is working, at each station there is a queue of at least 30 km, if not more."

"All our infrastructure - the optical fibers, the ports - we are in a bad state. We are not ready for a real war. We live in a fantasy world in my eyes. The good thing is that we have invested a lot in protection, a joint team with the electric company as well."

Goldstein went on to say that "If Nasrallah [of Hezbollah] wants to take down Israel's electricity grid, he only has to pick up the phone to the person in charge of Beirut's electricity system, which looks exactly like Israel's. He doesn't even need a UAV filming, he calls a second-year electrical engineer and asks him where the most critical points are in Israel. Everything is on the internet, I'm not saying it here but anyone who goes on the internet discovers it."

"The recognition of our situation has not penetrated. If the war is postponed for a year, five years, a decade - our situation will be better," Goldstein added.

In response to Goldstein's statements, the CEO of the electric company Meir Spiegler stated that "Shaul Goldstein's statement regarding the lack of resilience of the electric network is irresponsible, disconnected from reality and creates panic among the public."

Similarly, the Occupation's Energy Ministry also responded, issuing a statement stating that "the Ministry wishes to clarify that the energy economy in Israel is robust and ready to deal with all possible scenarios."

The Ministry continued by saying that "since the beginning of the war, the Ministry has worked tirelessly to ensure the supply of energy to all citizens of the country, while carefully preparing for extreme scenarios and possible disruptions in supply. These efforts are carried out in close cooperation with the security authorities, with the aim of managing electricity demand, energy surplus and fuel stocks."

"The energy sector is organized according to the national reference scenario established by the National Emergency Authority (Rachel). There are several scenarios and the Alta scenario, where over 60% of households may be left without electricity for up to 72 hours, is an extreme scenario and the probability of this is low. However, the ministry is constantly working to reduce the likelihood of the scenario materializing and to prepare for an exit as quickly as possible from the Alta situation, should it indeed materialize," the Energy Ministry said.

"All the relevant bodies, including the Noga company and the electric company, are acting in accordance with the emergency scenario of Rahel and the professional guidelines of the ministry. The Ministry of Energy calls on the citizens of Israel to prepare in accordance with the directives of the Home Front Command, including equipping themselves with batteries, water and portable chargers, in order to ensure maximum preparedness in emergency situations," the Energy Ministry concluded.

In other news today, Thursday, June 20th, an American official, speaking with the Wall Street Journal, told the newspaper that the number of Israeli hostages still alive in the Gaza Strip is considerably less than the official estimates given in "Israel".

According to the official, whose conclusion is based upon Israeli intelligence, suggests the number of hostages still held alive in Gaza now numbers about 50, out of an original approximation of 120 hostages, suggesting that as many as 70 of the hostages have already died.

This number contradicts the data officially published by the Zionist entity, which suggests that just 43 abductees have been killed while in captivity.

So far, the bodies of 19 hostages have been returned to "Israel" in special operations, including 8 over the last three months.

In the meantime, in other news, two US officials spoke with Reuters today, telling the news organization that the floating dock built by the Americans is expected to resume operations to unload Humanitarian aid for starving and desperate Palestinians on Thursday.

The two officials, who spoke on the condition of anonymity, said the pier had been reconstructed on Wednesday after being temporarily dismantled last Friday due to poor sea conditions.

Humanitarian aid began arriving through the US-built pier on May 17th, while the United Nations said it had transported 137 truckloads of aid to its warehouses in Gaza, equivalent to about 900 tons of aid.

The Americans have also previously received criticism for supposedly allowing the Israeli occupation army to use the pier during its recent rescue operation to recover four Israeli hostages being held in Gaza, an operation in which the occupation army hid its soldiers using humanitarian aid trucks and which led to the deaths of 274 Palestinians and wounded another 698.

In further news, on Wednesday, the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine (UNRWA) said that the Zionist entity has now destroyed 67% of the civilian infrastructure of the Gaza Strip since the start of the Occupation's war of genocide, including roads, bridges, public facilities, parks, sewage systems and water wells.

The organization also noted that the Israeli occupation has completely destroyed all water wells and sewage pumps, and that the process of pumping sewage has been halted entirely for 8 months as a result of the Occupation's destruction of Gaza's infrastructure and the depletion of fuel, causing large areas of the Palestinian enclave to become flooded with sewage.

Further, the Palestinian refugee organization also mentioned that all areas of Gaza are without water following the Israeli occupation's destruction of 90% of the enclave's water wells by bombing, shelling and a lack of fuel.

Meanwhile, the Israeli occupation continues its random bombing and shelling of Gaza, leaving dozens of casualties across multiple sectors of the Strip.

According to local reporting, medical sources in Gaza told Palestinian media outlets that two female civilians were killed, and 12 others wounded, after Zionist warplanes bombed a house belonging to the Jadallah family, in the Al-Hasayna neighborhood of the Nuseirat Camp, in the central Gaza Strip.

Occupation artillery shelling also targeted neighborhoods east of the Bureij Camp, along with the Al-Maghazi Camp, in the central Gaza Strip, while also targeting central and western neighborhoods of the city of Rafah and east of Khan Yunis, in the south of Gaza.

Speaking with the local media, Mayor of Rafah, Ahmed Al-Sufi, said the Israeli occupation's destruction of the Rafah border crossing aimed to make the Gaza Strip unfit for life, further pointing out that the occupation forces continue to destroy entire residential squares in the Saudi neighborhood, and that the occupation has also destroyed more than 70% of Rafah's infrastructure.

The Zionist army also bombed a gathering of merchants and aid protection committees on Salah al-Din Street, east of the city of Rafah, killing at least 11 Palestinians and wounding up to 30 others, some of whom remain in critical condition.

Further Occupation artillery shelling targeted the vicinity of the Al-Alam roundabout, west of Rafah, killing two Palestinians and bringing the total number of Palestinians killed in the city today to 23.

The Israeli occupation forces are also continuing to advance with reinforcements towards the west of Rafah, while destroying entire residential blocks nearly constantly.

North of Gaza, the occupation army bombed a gathering of civilians in the Shujaiya neighborhood, east of Gaza City, killing one Palestinian and wounding at least five others.

Zionist fighter jets also bombed residential buildings on Kashko Street in the Al-Zaytoun neighborhood, southeast of Gaza City, resulting in the deaths of three civilians from the Aslim family.

Occupation warplanes also bombed in the vicinity of Jabal al-Rayes, east of the Al-Tuffah neighborhood, east of Gaza City, while two civilians were killed when an Israeli drone fired a missile at them.

According to medical sources with Al-Ahli Baptist Hospital said they'd received the bodies of two martyrs after being targeted by a missile from an Israeli drone on Al-Sikka Street, in the Al-Zaytoun neighborhood of Gaza City.

Meanwhile, in another attack, a Zionist reconnaissance drone fired a missile towards a gathering of civilians in the city of Deir al-Balah, in the central Gaza Strip, killing one Palestinian and wounding a number of others.

As a result of the Israeli occupation's ongoing war of extermination in the Gaza Strip, the infinitely rising death toll now exceeds 37'431 Palestinians killed, including over 15'000 children and upwards of 10'000 women, while another 85'653 others have been wounded since the start of the current round of Zionist aggression, beginning with the events of October 7th, 2023.

June 20th, 2024


Pieces of media to watch to educate yourself on Palestine’s long history of suffering from the zionist Israeli occupation :

  1. “Jenin, Jenin” a documentary by Mohammad Bakri (available on Youtube)
  2. “200 meters” a movie by Ameen Nayfeh (available on Netflix)
  3. “Born in Gaza” a documentary by Hernán Zin (available on Netflix)
  4. “Samouni Road” a documentary & animation by Stefano Savona (available on Netflix and Palestine Film Institute’s website)
  5. “Edward Said on Palestine (1988)” a TV documentary style film by Christoper Skyes (available on Youtube)
  6. “To My Father (2008)” a documentary style film by Abdel Salam Shehada (available on Palestine Film Institute’s website)
  7. “Salt of this sea” a movie by Annemarie Jacir (available on Netflix)
  8. “Children of Shatila” a documentary by Mai Masri (available on Netflix & Youtube)
  9. “The Present” a short movie by Farah Nabulsi (available on Netflix)
  10. “Frontiers of Dreams and Fears” a documentary by Mai Masri (available on Netflix & Youtube)
  11. “The Crossing” a short film by Ameen Nayfeh (available on Netflix)
  12. “Tantura” a documentary by Alon Schwartz (available on Youtube)
  13. “3000 nights” a movie by Mai Masri (available on Netflix)
  14. “Farha” a movie by Darin J. Sallam (available on Netflix)
  15. “Arna’s Children” a documentary by Juliano Mer-Khamis (available on Youtube)
  16. “Ma’loul celebrates it’s destruction” a documentary by Michel Khleifi (available on Youtube)
  17. “A World Not Ours” a documentary style movie by Mahdi Fleifel (available on Netflix)
  18. “Like Twenty Impossibles” a movie by Annemarie Jacir (available on Netflix)
  19. “Omar” a movie by Hany Abu Assad (available on Netflix)
  20. “Mars At Sunrise” a movie by Jessica Habie (available on Netflix)
  21. “5 Broken Cameras” a documentary by Emad Burnat & Guy Davidi (available on Youtube)
  22. “Aida Returns” a film by Carol Mansour (look for upcoming screenings through this link)

[this list will constantly be updated with more movies & documentaries that i’m reminded of, or with new pieces that i find and watch… if you have any suggestions please send them my way]

PS ; as this is a personal list coming from a Palestinian person, i will only be adding the movies and documentaries that i feel are MOST important and effective in transferring the message of the Palestinian cause… so all recommendations are highly appreciated yet this is just a personal list and doesn’t include all types of Palestinian (or Palestinian related) visual media 🙏

Khaled Mhajne, a lawyer who was able to meet Palestinian prisoners in the now-infamous Sde Teiman Israeli detention camp, described what he called a “criminal” situation “beyond imagination”.

Mhajne told Al Araby Al Jadeed that over 1,000 Palestinians from Gaza are being held in Sde Teiman.

“They sleep on the ground without blankets and pillows, and the Israeli forces deal with them in a criminal manner,” he said. Mhajne met with detained journalist Mohammad Arab, who has been “isolated from the world for months”.

Detainees are not allowed to speak to each other, and each one of them is given a singular minute to shower, and is penalised if they take longer, the lawyer said. Additonally, he said that “there are cases of rape and sexual abuse against Palestinian detainees in Israeli prisons”.

“The war being waged against Palestinian prisoners, especially against the prisoners from the Gaza Strip, is a war no less criminal than what the Palestinians in the Gaza Strip are experiencing,” he added.


israel is inherently anti semetic in many different ways !! by: a jewish person

  1. we're technically not supposed to have an established state until the messiah comes (which is part of why the neturei karta are anti-zionist)
  2. israel is used as a tool to ignore real anti semitism in the world. it's seen by many jewish people as a "safe place" we can go. the world doesn't have to create policies or enact anything against anti semitism while we have this state, and while no change is made, israel is strengthened. it's a cycle.
  3. a colonial state that consistently commits war crimes being recognized as the world's jewish state paints the community in a negative light. anti semitism increases when israel is "at war" because israel presents itself as representative of the jewish community. although anti semitism is never justified, i can understand why someone may conflate jewishness with israel (BECAUSE ISRAEL CONSISTENTLY DOES SO! ON ALL PUBLIC PLATFORMS!!)
  4. using the holocaust to justify a current genocide is not cute, guys! in addition, many holocaust survivors have spoken out against israel, and holocaust survivors are treated poorly by israel

thank you for coming to my ted-talk <3 i might get my rabbi to share his opinions on this if anyone wants them! he's super cool guys we stan rabbi greg

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