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Fertility Calculator

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Ovulation Calculator

Calculate your most fertile period days

If you know when you ovulate, you can increase your chances of getting pregnant. The reason for this is that you’re most fertile during your ovulation.

What does ovulation mean?

Ovulation is a part of your monthly cycle. Your ovulation occurs during each menstrual cycle, this is once a month. During ovulation the mature follicle bursts, this releases the egg and makes its way to the fallopian tube. The egg can be fertilized up to 24 hours after ovulation. Is the egg not fertilized? Then it will dissolve and your period will slowly begin.

When is my most fertile period?

To get pregnant, it is helpful if you know what your most fertile days are. To find out, you need to know what your menstrual cycle is. An average menstrual cycle lasts 28 days, where day 1 is the first day of your period. At approximately half of that cycle (day 14) the ovulation takes place and you are fertile. Below you will find a handy schematic representation of your most fertile days.

Fertile days

How do I recognize my ovulation?

You can recognize ovulation by the following ovulation symptoms; 

  • Ovulation pain
    Ovulation can be felt by pain in the lower abdomen, also called ovulation pain. It is somewhat similar to menstrual pain and may feel like a stabbing pain around your fallopian tubes. This may last for a few hours. 
  • Rising or lowering body temperature
    During ovulation, your body temperature will drop about half a degree, but shortly after it will also rise again with about half a degree. By taking your temperature several times a day, you will know when your ovulation has occurred. The only drawback is that by the time you find out, ovulation has most likely already occurred and your most fertile days are already behind you. 
  • Change in discharge
    During your fertile days you will notice that the mucus from your cervix changes in structure. During your fertile period, the cervical mucus is transparent and elastic. It feels like it is slippery and wet. Before and after your fertile days, the mucus is creamier and a lot stiffer. 
  • Sensitive or sore breasts
    Because of the change in your hormones, you may experience sore or tender breasts during your ovulation. 
  • Breakthrough bleeding
    During your ovulation, you may experience light bleeding, also called breakthrough bleeding or ovulation bleeding. On the day of ovulation, you will lose a few drops of blood which may cause a brownish discharge. Breakthrough bleeding of this kind can do no harm, but it does indicate when ovulation occurred.

Keep track of when you ovulate, you can do this in your calendar or there are also very useful apps for this. This way you have the best chance to get pregnant in your fertile period.

What if you don’t succeed in getting pregnant?

If you do not succeed in conceiving, it may be due to many different things. It is possible that ovulation does not take place, the egg cannot implant or there is infertility. 

Within a period of one year, the chance of becoming pregnant is considerable. Do you want to get pregnant, but feel like it’s not going to happen? Then it is wise to discuss this with your doctor. The doctor will take some tests or refer you to a gynecologist or a fertility doctor.

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