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Free EULA Generator

Generate a professional EULA (End-User License Agreement) using the TermsFeed EULA Generator.

Generate EULA in minutes. 100% free.

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What customers say about the EULA Generator since 2012.

Tens of thousands of people are already making the most out of TermsFeed EULA Generator.


Good Software - able to ensure compliance and get app deployed

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I liked most about this software is that the platform is easy to use and understand.

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Great library of affordable options to support compliance

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These are amazing folks, great customer service and support. You would be missing out!

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I love the little quiz that helped me determine which product I needed to solve my solution.

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Features of the EULA Generator.

TermsFeed EULA Generator makes it easy to generate an End-User License Agreement (also known as EULA) for your app or for any projects where you'd need an EULA.

Generate a custom EULA

Generate a custom EULA

Generate a customized EULA that is specifically built for your unique business in a matter of minutes.

Download your EULA

Download your EULA

Once you've created your EULA, you can download it in multiple file formats such as HTML, DOCX, Plain Text or Markdown.

Update your EULA

Update your EULA

Missed an option? Changing your business practices up? Not a problem. Go back to the TermsFeed Generator and update your EULA.

Edit your EULA

Edit your EULA

Need custom text in your EULA? Not a problem. Use our Live Editor and apply custom edits to it.

Free hosting for your EULA

Free hosting for your EULA

Each EULA created by TermsFeed's Generator is hosted for free, the link doesn't expire and you can use it anywhere (such as your website footer or app store listing page)

Stay up to date when laws change

Stay up to date when laws change

Stay on top of things. Get notified whenever new laws and regulations require you to update your EULA.

EULA for mobile apps.

Mobile apps (iOS, Android) can use an app store's default EULA or provide a custom EULA.

All mobile apps, such as those published on Apple App Store or Google Play Store, can use the default EULA provided by the app store. App developers can choose to provide their own custom EULA if the custom EULA covers the minimum requirements as set by the app store.

There are a number of great benefits that come with using a custom EULA for your app, including the following:

  • You can include specific provisions regarding user generated content to address objectionable content and abusive users
  • You can include your exact provisions around how you'll handle the termination of abusive accounts
  • You can forbid specific actions and activities from anyone while using your license
  • And so much more

Generate an EULA for mobile apps

Apple App Store

Apple App Store

Google Play Store

Google Play Store

EULA for desktop apps.

It's recommended that all desktop apps have their own EULA to establish ownership rights and set out any limited rights granted to the app users.

An EULA for a desktop app can set the terms of the license granted to the user using the app, such as limiting the desktop app to be used for commercial purposes without purchasing it. It's an important agreement that informs users what rights they have, and what limits they have when using your app.

An EULA doesn't exclude the use of a Terms & Conditions agreement if your desktop app is part of a SaaS offering. The EULA governs the installable, downloadable application, while the Terms & Conditions governs the access and use of the SaaS service.

Generate an EULA for desktop apps

EULA for software.

Any software, regardless of how it's delivered and accessed, can use an EULA to control what type of license is being granted to users of the software.

Through an EULA, you can protect the rights as the software developer or software distributor. Similarly to with a SaaS app (where a Terms & Conditions is generally used), the EULA is the legally binding agreement between the software developer or distributor and the end user.

No matter what system your software is running on, an EULA remains a very important legal agreement that you can use to include various provisions that are useful for your business such as:

  • Restrictions on use of your software
  • Copyright notices and infringement
  • Termination of licensing and access
  • Limitation of your liability, and so much more

Generate an EULA for software

How the TermsFeed EULA Generator works.

What makes TermsFeed's EULA Generator special? It's the ease of use.

Start the EULA Generator questionnaire

Start the EULA Generator questionnaire

We only need a few answers to simple questions. We're continuously improving the EULA Generator questionnaire to make it the easiest ever possible.

Your custom EULA is ready

Your custom EULA is ready

Once you've answered our generator questions, your custom EULA will be ready in minutes.

Integrate the generated EULA

Integrate the generated EULA

Once generated, choose how to integrate the EULA in your business. You can download it in multiple file formats, link to it, edit it, update it. Whatever works for you.

Watch a quick overview of the EULA Generator.

See everything that the TermsFeed EULA Generator can do for your business in minutes.

EULA Generator FAQs.

Have questions about our EULA Generator before you sign up? Find the most popular questions answered below.

An EULA's main purpose is to establish ownership rights to software or a mobile app, as well as the limited rights being granted to the user via a license.

An EULA also sets forth the terms of the license, such as limits on commercial use and transferring or selling the license.

Yes, the EULA Generator from TermsFeed is free to use.

Our agreements and policies are free. We sell optional premium agreements with additional clauses (one-time fee) that can protect your business interests better.

Yes, the EULA Generator from TermsFeed allows you to download the EULA document as HTML, DOCX or Plain Text.

Use the EULA Generator from TermsFeed to create a free EULA (End-User License Agreement) for your business.

Copying someone else's EULA agreement is illegal. Under copyright laws, legal agreements (including an EULA) are protected by copyright.

An EULA is important because it helps to legally protect your rights as the distributor/owner of software or a mobile app. This is because an EULA is an enforceable legal agreement when your users agree to it, so the terms in your EULA become binding.

Another important aspect of an EULA is that it lets your users know what rights they have, what limits they have and exactly what they cannot do with their license to your software.

It is not a legal requirement to have an EULA. However, you should have one in place to protect your rights and maintain control over your software or mobile app.

The only disadvantage to having an EULA with your software or mobile app would be if you wrote it poorly or left out important clauses and sections. Make sure your EULA is complete and thorough to get the most advantages out of it.

Your EULA should include clauses that address the following topics: License Granting, Restrictions on Use, Related Agreements, Copyright Infringement, Termination of Licensing, Warranty Disclaimer, Limitation of Liability.

Each EULA will differ slightly due to differences in the nature of your business, but these are the main topics that an EULA should cover.

A Terms and Conditions agreement is an optional agreement that sets out your rules and other important terms. You'll see them far more often than EULAs, including on general websites that don't involve software or mobile app distribution.

Standard clauses you'll find in a T&C address things like governing law, restricted uses, warranty disclaimers, payment terms, contact information, the right to terminate accounts, third party rights, user-generated content and user guidelines.

An EULA is an optional agreement that lets your users know what level of license they are granted to your software or mobile app, and what they cannot do with the license.

EULAs are important for protecting your own rights and control when it comes to your software or mobile app. While a T&C also protects your rights and maintains your control, a T&C is far more broad in scope and addresses more areas of a business than EULAs do.

There really isn't a difference between an EULA and a Software License Agreements. These agreements are the same thing, just with different names. They both grant a limited license to users and contain clauses addressing restricted uses, warranties, maintenance and updates, payments, support and terminating accounts.

EULAs are legally binding if you get appropriate agreement from your users.

The most common way to do this is to present your users with your EULA at installation or download, and ask them to agree to the terms within.

You can request agreement by having your users check a box or click a button that's clearly labeled to show that by doing either action, the user is agreeing to be bound by the EULA.

If you don't get clear consent, your EULA may not hold up in court since a formal contract may not be found to be formed.

You should make your EULA available at any time to people who want to review it.

Add a link to your EULA to your business website's footer, and in your app store listing. This allows potential users to check it out before buying or downloading your product.

Include a link to it somewhere within your app, such as in a "Legal" or "About" menu. Also include your EULA at the beginning of the installation process and ask for users to consent or agree to it.

How to write your own EULA.

We offer an EULA Template as an alternative to our EULA Generator. The template is a great option if you'd like the most control over the customization of your EULA's content and phrasing.

Download EULA Template

Our template will give you a basic EULA structure to follow and fill in with your own custom text.

Our EULA Template is available to download in a variety of formats: HTML, DOCX (Microsoft Word) or Google Docs (GDoc).

When creating your EULA with our EULA Template, keep these best practice tips in mind:

  • Always use simple language that's easy to understand. Your readers will appreciate this and it will help you stay compliant.
  • Display your EULA along with your other legal agreements, such as your Privacy Policy.
  • Make sure you get users to agree to your EULA to keep it enforceable.

Some common clauses to include in your EULA are as follows:

  • The scope of the license you're granting to the user
  • What the user cannot do with your license
  • Your right to revoke the license at any time

Everything about EULA agreements.

Practical knowledge about EULA agreements to help your business get (and stay!) compliant.

Overview of Legal Agreements

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AI and Legal Agreements

Is it a good idea to use AI to create your legal agreements, such as Terms and Conditions agreements, Privacy Policies, EULAs, Cookies Policies, Return and Refund Policies, and Disclaimers? We believe it is not a good idea, and this article will explain why. We used a popular AI tool, ChatGPT,...

EULA for Small Business Template

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Granting, Limiting, and Terminating Licenses Clauses

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EULA vs. Terms and Conditions

Whether you're a software developer, a service provider or an ecommerce company, practically every business requires a set of legal agreements between itself and its users. Two common and beneficial agreements are the End User License Agreement (EULA) and the Terms and Conditions agreement (T&C). Confused about which one you need?...

Mobile App EULA Template

An End User License Agreement, commonly referred to as an EULA, is a crucially important part of any mobile app. In brief, an EULA is the contract between the mobile app user and the software developer who provides the app. It works to distribute a license to the user of the...