Situation analysis of well-child care in Mongolia: country report 2022


This well-child care (‎WCC)‎ scoping review aimed to review the existing policies, strategies and programmes for identifying gaps and developing recommendations to tackle the WCC challenges in Mongolia. Over 140 documents were reviewed, including Mongolian laws, strategies, policies, programmes, plans and regulations. The report comprises six chapters covering six thematic areas: 1)‎ early childhood development; 2)‎ injury, protection, abuse and neglect; 3)‎ water safety and sanitary environment; 4)‎ disability; 5)‎ indoor pollution; and 6)‎ environmental toxins.

WHO Team
Maternal Child Health and Quality Safety (MCQ), Mongolia, WHO Western Pacific
World Health Organization. Regional Office for the Western Pacific
Number of pages
Reference numbers
ISBN: 9789290620181