New Vaccine Post-Introduction Evaluation Tool


This post-introduction evaluation (PIE) tool provides a systematic method for evaluating the impact of the introduction of a vaccine on the existing immunization system in a country. The PIE tool is designed for immunization managers in countries that have introduced a new or underutilized vaccine. WHO recommends that all countries which have introduced a new vaccine conduct a PIE. Conducting a PIE is not a new concept, and there are several examples of evaluations of Hepatitis B (HepB) and Haemophilus influenzae type b (Hib) vaccine introductions — those experiences have been incorporated into this tool. The purpose of the current tool is to provide a systematic method of performing the evaluation, that is comparable across countries, to facilitate the sharing of experiences. Numerous WHO and UNICEF guidelines and operational manuals have been consulted in the preparation of the tool, which is suitable for evaluation of all new vaccines but will require revision for each country’s individual circumstances, and for the different vaccine formulations and presentations. This manual consists of an overview of the PIE, a description of what needs to be evaluated and what the evaluator should be looking for, and an explanation of how to synthesize the data and present the findings.

Number of pages
Reference numbers
WHO Reference Number: WHO-IVB-10.03
World Health Organization