Anthony So


Anthony D. So is Professor of the Practice and Founding Director of the Innovation+Design Enabling Access (IDEA) Initiative at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health. His research and policy work has focused on innovation and access to health technologies, from documenting the inequity of reservations of COVID-19 vaccines and collaborating on an EMA-ECDC analysis of the antibacterial R&D pipeline to considering the challenges and opportunities facing product development partnerships. He has examined regional collective action for enhancing vaccine access as part of a UNESCAP-WHO research initiative, new business models for antibiotics as part of a Chatham House report, equitable access to AMR diagnostics as part of a NASEM workshop, and the role of technology licensing and regional pooled procurement beginning as a Rockefeller Foundation program officer. 

Professor So has served in various advisory roles, from the U.S. Institute of Medicine’s Committee on Accelerating Rare Disease Research and Orphan Product Development to the Working Group on Antibiotic Resistance of the U.S. President’s Council of Advisors on Science and Technology. He also has co-chaired a technical working group for the WHO 2021 Fair Pricing Forum and served as Co-Convener of the UN Interagency Coordination Group on Antimicrobial Resistance.