Immunization Analysis and Insights
The Immunization Analysis & Insights Unit is a data hub and analytics engine for immunization data and performs analytics. The unit supports the work of other technical units within the department of Immunization, Vaccines and Biologicals (IVB) and drives innovation in data quality and use in countries. It also has responsibility for IVB’s global work on VPD surveillance and generating data and evidence on the public health and economic impact of vaccines.

IAI unit serves the immunization community with data analysis and insights to drive immunization programme impact through guidance  development and capacity building for immunization programme monitoring and data use:

  • data collection projects and platforms for global immunization monitoring, analyses and reporting;
  • developing, coordinating, and improving global surveillance systems and coordination of global laboratory networks for VPD surveillance;
  • coordination of vaccine and immunization modelling, and health economic analyses mainly used for policy and impact evaluations.

Through innovative techniques (statistical, machine learning, GIS and modelling techniques) the unit analyzes data to put it in context for dissemination and reporting. Through cross cutting collaborations within IVB the unit transforms information into evidence for both programmatic and strategic decisions.

Areas of work and deliverables include: