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RIPE 75 Programme Committee Lunch Meeting

Conrad Hotel – Dubai, UAE
Tuesday 24 October 2017, 12:30-14:00 (local time)

Chair: Benno Overeinder
Jelte Jansen, Alex Semenyaka, Ondřej Surý, Peter Hessler, Brian Nisbet, Jan Žorž, Maria Isabel Gandía Carriedo, Hans Petter Holen, Adam Castle, Nick Hykra, Mirjam Kühne
Martina de Mas

  1. Welcome
  2. PC Elections
  3. New RIPE Networking App and Feedback on Programme Committee Submission System (PCSS) Improvements
  4. Observations from RIPE 75: Around the Table
  5. RIPE Meeting Diversity, Both Participants as Well as Speakers
  6. RIPE 76 Planning
  7. AOBs
  1. Welcome

  2. PC Elections
    The PC discussed improving communication around PC elections and attracting a wider range of potential candidates.

  3. New RIPE Networking App and Feedback on Programme Committee Submission System (PCSS) Improvements
    Feedback on the RIPE Network App and small changes to the PCSS was positive.

  4. Observations from RIPE 75: Around the Table
    It was noted that the stage lights were blinding for people chairing sessions. The PC felt the meeting had a good agenda, despite a tighter-than-usual deadline. The DTCM requirements had been managed well. Feedback was positive overall.

  5. RIPE Meeting Diversity, Both Participants as Well as Speakers
    The lightning talk and the BoF by the Diversity Task Force were well attended with a lot of discussion, as was the Women in Tech lunch. It was noted the task force could help the PC to reach out to different communities to attract more local speakers and attendees at RIPE Meetings.

  6. RIPE 76 Planning
    The main room at RIPE 76 will be auditorium style with microphones in the aisles. There will be two hosts for the meeting. This will be the first RIPE Meeting in a congress centre. Registration will open in January.

  7. AOBs
    From RIPE 76, PC members will be more clearly identified by their badge booklets.

    It was noted that lightning talk presenters had ten minutes in total, including time for questions. It was up to them how they use this time.