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What are invisible hearing aids?

Hearing aids have come a long way since the first bulky behind-the-ear models from the 1960s. Today’s small hearing aids are comfortable and discreet, and they vary in size, color, special features, and the way they fit in your ears. Hearing aids used to be powered by analog technology, but just like the rest of the world, they have gone digital. The latest generation of invisible hearing aids are now smarter and smaller than ever, allowing you to hear more of the sounds around you, with the device being hardly noticeable in or around your ear. Invisible hearing aids are hardly detectable by others, but you will surely notice the difference.

Is there a difference between Invisible-in-Canal (IIC) and invisible hearing aids?

Invisible-in-Canal (IIC) hearing aids are what people typically refer to when they say invisible hearing aids. At ReSound, we talk about two types of hearing aids: outside-the-ear and inside-the-ear models. Both types are small hearing aids, designed to be as discreet as possible. As hearing technologies improve, so do devices, and even small hearing aids that fit outside the ear can be hard to notice if you don’t know they are there.

Receiver-in-Ear (RIE) hearing aids are one of the most popular types of hearing aids that sit outside the ear due to the small size. An RIE hearing aid is comprised of a small casing that sits behind the ear, housing all of the electronic components of the hearing aid, except the receiver. A tube transmits sound to the receiver that rests in the ear canal.

Behind-the-Ear (BTE) are small hearing aids you wear outside of your ear. A small tube then routes the sound down into your ear canal. BTE hearing aids provide the most amplification, making it the preferred solution for users with severe-to-profound hearing loss. BTE hearing aids don’t close off the ear, allowing for a more natural sound experience. They are available in many sizes and color options.

Invisible hearing aids inside the ear are custom-made to fit the shape of your ear. A custom hearing device is created using an earmold, which your hearing care professional will make from your ear. There are a variety of in-the-ear invisible hearing aids. Invisible-in-Canal (IIC) is the smallest, custom product available. IIC invisible hearing aids sit deep inside the ear canal, so it’s practically undetectable to everyone around you. IIC invisible hearing aids are the perfect solution for those who want a discreet hearing aid and have mild-to-moderate hearing loss.

If you have severe hearing loss, there are still many options to get a discreet hearing solution. By examining your unique requirements, you and your hearing care professional can determine the best fit for your needs. There’s a hearing aid out there for everyone.

Are invisible hearing aids suitable for everyone?

Thanks to today’s technology, hearing aids are becoming smaller and more discreet. Whether they are worn inside the ear or behind the ear, they are increasingly hard to detect by others.

ReSound Custom Hearing Aids - CIC, MIH, ITC and ITE
Invisible-in-Canal (IIC) hearing aids are the smallest invisible hearing aids available, and they are most suitable for people with mild-to-moderate hearing loss. Sitting deep inside the ear, the custom style is so small that there simply isn’t room for extra powerful speakers and stronger processing power. Completely-in-Canal (CIC) and In-the-Canal (ITC) invisible hearing aids are popular choices for those with mild-to-moderate hearing loss who want a little more control over their hearing aids. 
Receiver-in-Ear (RIE) hearing aids may be the solution for those who want a small hearing aid that that sits outside the ear. RIE hearing aids are similar to BTE hearing aids, but they are smaller because the receiver is placed in the ear instead of the housing.
Behind-the-Ear (BTE) styles are appropriate for people of all ages and fit the widest range of hearing loss. Designed to fit behind the outer ear, BTE hearing aids offer a discreet solution, while providing the most amplification.
When choosing a hearing aid, it’s important to consider your specific type of hearing loss and the environments where you spend most of your time. For instance, if you spend time in loud and complex environments like noisy restaurants, sporting events or concerts, you may want small hearing aids that feature digital noise reduction to minimize background sounds. Or, if most of your time is spent at home or in quiet environments, you may prefer a hearing device that has advanced signal processing to increase the clarity of speech.

ReSound Invisible Hearing Aids

At ReSound, our invisible hearing aids are designed to be discreet, but don’t let their small size fool you. All of our invisible hearing aids offer superior sound quality and breakthrough technology, with controls that are always distinct to the touch and easy to operate.

Some types of small and invisible hearing aids can be custom made just for you. This means that they are not only designed to fit your ears, they can be customized based on your personal needs to have a satisfying hearing experience. Custom made, small hearing aids are aesthetically discreet, and they are easy to put on and wear. 

Thanks to miniaturized technology, hearing aids that sit behind the ear have also become very discreet. Today’s behind-the-ear models are very sleek, giving you a comfortable fit that few people will notice. If you want extra power in a discreet design, behind-the-ear devices might be the right choice. 

Finding a suitable type of hearing aid can make all the difference. Your hearing care professional can help you find the style that best fits your lifestyle, budget, and hearing loss.

Find a nearby hearing care professional
Everyone’s ears are different. The type of hearing loss you have, your lifestyle and your personal preferences in color and style will all influence the hearing aids you ultimately purchase. Your hearing care professional is an important part of the process of choosing a hearing aid. They’re specially trained to provide personalised and specific recommendations so that you get the most out of your hearing aids. 
ReSound hearing care professional interacting with a patient during an appointment.
What are the pros and cons of invisible hearing aids?

Invisible hearing aids come in different sizes and shapes. Yet all invisible hearing aids have one common feature – their discreet design. Depending on the style you choose, there are different features within our invisible hearing aids that can enhance your hearing experience, and ultimately, your quality of life. Your invisible hearing aids should support your unique lifestyle, not force you to change how you live.

Outside-the-ear hearing aids

Behind-the-Ear (BTE) hearing aids are small hearing aids you wear outside of your ear. A small tube then routes the sound down into your ear canal. BTE hearing aids provide the most amplification, making it the preferred solution for users with severe-to-profound hearing loss. Since BTE hearing devices don’t close off the ear, they provide a comfortable fit and a more natural sound experience. BTE hearing aids are available in many sizes and color options that fit your hair, skin, and personal preferences.

Receiver-in-Ear (RIE) hearing aids are one of the most popular types of hearing aids that sit outside the ear, thanks to their ease of wearing and effectiveness. The difference between Behind-the-Ear (BTE) hearing aids and RIE hearing aids is, the RIE receiver sits directly in your ear, while BTE hearing aids have the receiver built into the body of the hearing aid. With RIE hearing aids, the receiver has been removed from the housing and mounted externally in a tube fitted into the ear with a soft dome. You will therefore find that RIE hearing aids are usually smaller than standard BTE hearing aids.

Inside-the-ear hearing aids

Hearing aids that fit inside your ears are custom-made to fit you precisely. Invisible-in-Canal (IIC) are the smallest invisible hearing aids inside the ear. Because IIC hearing aids fit the furthest down in the ear canal, they are well hidden and almost undetectable by others. The deep fit also means they are less likely to pick up wind noise, and for many users, IIC invisible hearing aids provide a more natural sound quality. The small size of IIC hearing aids also means that the battery can be difficult to handle and needs to be changed more often than those in larger hearing aids. With options such as volume control and buttons that change environmental programs, the Completely-in-Canal (CIC) invisible hearing aids are popular for those who want a little more control over their hearing aids than what is available with IIC hearing aids.

In-the-Canal (ITC) hearing aids are mid-sized hearing aids that include more features than smaller (CIC) devices. For instance, ITCs have wireless functionality, which can connect with smartphones and stream phone calls and music directly to the hearing aids. In-the-Ear (ITE) invisible hearing aids are the largest of the custom-made devices that fit within the ear. ITE is easy to insert and has advanced features such as ear to ear communication and wireless connectivity. The hearing aid battery is larger than in smaller devices, which means longer battery life.

Take the next step with a hearing care professional
No matter which hearing aids you ultimately purchase, your first step to better hearing begins with a hearing care professional. Hearing professionals have the training and equipment necessary to inspect your ear, take impressions, and determine the degree and type of your hearing loss. Together, you can find the style that best fits your lifestyle, budget, and degree of hearing loss.