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Jackass tests riot control rubber ball claymore

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u/ImDisruptive avatar

Johnny Knoxville has the greatest laugh ever.

u/constipated_HELP avatar

He's my favorite. That guy is tough as nails.

"All you have to do is stand there." I can't believe he was on his feet after that.

u/BitingInsects avatar

Love that even though he was in movies and started acting, he never changed and was still the most badass out of the group. Kept everyone's respect.

"are you crying?"

u/article134 avatar

can we get him a shirley temple?

u/Santos_L_Halper avatar

What are you guys quoting? It sounds familiar...

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u/ollybond avatar

He's not even wearing a mask either, just one hand on his nuts and the other over a pair of shades on his face

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u/suckaduckunion avatar

and maybe it's because of where he got hit in this vid, but compared to the rest of the Jackass guys, it always seems like Knoxville's pain tolerance is high as shit.


He had the most money, so I am guessing could afford the most drugs.

Drugs are cheap.

u/alsharptonbitch avatar

1Xunit of drug is cheap.

81x??? per day is not

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u/tits_hemingway avatar

The only time I've seen him break a stunt is when he was bit in the ass by a guard dog in 3.5. The dog is literally hanging off his ass cheek by its teeth and only then does he call off the stunt.

On the other hand, he whacks a golf ball into his own throat and can't stop laughing even though it's just wheezing.

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I love how Knoxville almost completely shrugged it off too.

Less than lethal ammo probably doesn't have much affect on him anymore.


Dude has a broken penis, nothin hurts him no more

u/Vyle8 avatar

I think it's fixed now.

u/Sbbrian avatar

You'd know.

u/Vyle8 avatar

Someone has to know

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u/drunkenvalley avatar

Being completely disconnected from this whole thing, what?

u/Radiate_your_balls avatar

apparently he's been hit in the crotch so much he needs a catheter to be able to urinate.

u/Ants_in_the_pants avatar

It wasn't from being hit in the dick so much, it was a specific stunt he did with Nitro Circus, I think it was the motorcycle one.

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He was doing a bike stunt, and the handle hit his pecker and broke it yo

u/drunkenvalley avatar


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u/Tarijeno avatar

The "did any of them hit my money-maker?" moment was icing on the cake.

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u/TeddyTurpentine avatar

"Can we get Bam some water? Maybe a Shirley Temple?"


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I don't think anyone who stands in front of a rubber claymore voluntarily can be called a pussy.

u/llort_revocrednu avatar

By comparison, most all of them do a "pain stunt" once in a while and only Bam and Aaron cry about it all the time

u/constipated_HELP avatar

Being less tough than Knoxville doesn't make you a pussy.

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u/MeatMasterMeat avatar

Crying doesn't mean you're a pussy.

It means you are hurt or sad.

When a claymore shoots rubber pellets into your penis, I think both of those conditions have been met.

Here's what you sound like :

"This guy is a pussy! puts own fingers into meatgrinder I MEAN MAN UP YA WOMAN! starts cutting off own ballsack with exacto knife THIS IS NORMAL RIGHT?"

Crying when you hit your pain limit is normal ya sociopath.

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u/CoSonfused avatar

the copious amounts of pussy and money will soften his tears

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u/ShawnisMaximus avatar

he's the kid that wouldn't jump off the high dive himself, but if all his friends were egging him on he would stand up there, scared shitless, for a couple minutes and then do it.


... Then he'd call everyone else a pussy if they got nervous on the diving board.

u/ShawnisMaximus avatar

Hah, yeah you've got a good point.

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The other two covered their nuts. Might be the smart move, but bam didnt. Thats not pussy shit.

The pussy was Dave England. Yeah he did some nasty shit but he always made out like it was worse than it was. Also he cried to much.

u/ThamesClipper avatar

Yes, Bam is a huge bitch.

I can't stand his smug, entitled face

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u/EsbenT avatar

What is Johnny Knoxville made of? He just doesn't give a shit, does he? Amazing.

His mind wrote checks and his body paid in cash.

u/c0de76 avatar

He's cashed every check so far, and there have been some big ones.


Didn't he break his dick?

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u/kryptonik_ avatar

This scene is where I decided that he was far tougher than any of the other guys.

u/Psydwaze avatar

These are the clips that convinced me that he was the gnarliest of the bunch. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RJlm_nvWzL4 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fP6LgBWCcj4

Cigarette still in mouth. So great.

u/Metamorphism avatar

So lucky those horn didn't impale him.. Mad cunt.

8 years on i can’t believe that shit, and i can’t believe you still use this account, unless the active now thing is a lie

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u/rimtrickles avatar

Same here. I'm still impressed with this years later.

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u/bobosuda avatar

It's the difference between him and the other guys of Jackass, I guess. He became famous all the way from the beginning from hurting himself, while they got famous for being assholes and douchebags.

u/inflictedcorn avatar

What about the CKY tapes? I'm pretty sure some of the other dudes started out getting hurt just as much.

u/bobosuda avatar

To some extent, yeah. But Knoxville first got into the entire Jackass thing by testing out personal security stuff on himself. Some of the earliest stuff he did was getting hit by mace, testing out cups by getting people to kick him and all that stuff.

don't forget testing out a bullet proof vest by getting shot.

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Definitely. Knoxville just seems like he really likes to entertain. Bam, on the other hand, just rode on the coattails of Knoxville and the others.

u/drinking4life avatar

Bam was a pretty big skater with his own endorsements before all this. Pretty sure he also had the most money (from his skating career) going into the TV show.

u/joebenation avatar

What do you think of Steve-O and Pontius? They've always done crazy, disgusting, painful stuff.

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u/ShawnisMaximus avatar

Knoxville strikes me as the 'leap before you look' type. The other guys are worried they will be seriously injured, and need to be talked into it. Knoxville just assumes he will be fine and hopes for the best.

I think this is basically what he said in his ama. "Fuck it"

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u/mequals1m1w avatar
u/Metamorphism avatar

Owwwwwww, man pain.

u/mequals1m1w avatar

Pretty sure he just laughs every single time.

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u/CreaminFreeman avatar

How long did he have to do that for?!

u/mequals1m1w avatar
u/CreaminFreeman avatar

Oh God.

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u/jesterguy avatar

Kind of like that one they did with the 4-way teeter totter in the bull ring. Pontius, Bam and Dunn all run off pretty quick but Johnny stays in there and got nailed a couple times. They cut to everyone cringing while watching him and just hoping he'd give up and get out of there before the bull killed him.

u/jmsh44 avatar

honey badgers


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u/Bremmers avatar

I miss jackass...


IIRC they're making a 4th one? Which pretty much means a 4.5 will come out after

Edit - After searching, can't really find anything that stated it. However, I did find this confirming Bad Grandpa 1.5


u/jhc1415 avatar

I'm sure it'll get the oscar this time.


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I thought Bad Grandpa was fucking hilarious.


This scene had me crying in the movie theatre

The scene in the bar with his saggy balls hanging out was one of the funniest things I've ever seen

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u/jhc1415 avatar

Gee, what a surprise. Someone says an unpopular opinion on reddit and they get downvoted. Will people ever learn that the downvote but is not an "I disagree" button?

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2 thought to cover the balls the other learned his lesson the hard way

u/Dat__Username avatar

"Son of a FUCK YOU"

u/quickstop_rstvideo avatar

I love seeing Bam cry!

u/fightingforair avatar

His reputation as an asshole made this bit more comedic.

u/quickstop_rstvideo avatar

Yup, the snake skit is amazing.

u/tits_hemingway avatar

What makes the snake skit great, especially in Jackass 3, is that Bam has been running around punching people in the face all shoot and laughing about it, but gets so damn angry when something bad happens to him.

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He was the only one not to cover his balls and got hit quite nicely around the groin. No wonder hes crying.

u/samferrara avatar

What a dumbass. Even his natural self-preservation instincts are stupid.

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Especially when they use snakes on him. He cries like a baby.

u/Walletau avatar


u/Epod15u avatar

lol butthurt people all over the place.

you mean my downvoters?

u/Epod15u avatar


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u/DJacewicz avatar

Knoxville's laugh reminded me of the jokers.

Knoxville's mentality sometimes reminds me of the Joker's.

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u/rimtrickles avatar

I still love this. Knoxville covers his junk and his face with his hands and afterwards is just pacing around like he stubbed his big toe while other grown men are rolling around in pain.

u/gettejames avatar

Knoxville IS gnarly!

Bam got shot in the balls if i remember right. They had some interview on the dvd about the stunts and he mentioned it briefly.

u/EirikHavre avatar

Why don't they have high speed cameras?!

Mythbusters + jackass .

u/EirikHavre avatar


Knoxville = Buster

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u/ingliprisen avatar

The injuries look like paintball bruises, only worse.

u/BlueCatpaw avatar

WAY motherfucking worse.

u/BillMurraysTesticle avatar

Yeah paintballs are shot at 280fps and they said those were 550fps


And they're rubber, not...paintballs.

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u/jhc1415 avatar

I heard one of them say that normally they try to do stunts that look really painful but actually aren't that bad. This looked like the complete opposite of that.

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The Jackass guys need to do a Penn and Teller-esque "fool me" type show.

Where people do crazy stunts and at the end the Jackass guys 1-up everyone with a stunt of their own

u/SonOfTK421 avatar

Son of a fuck you.

u/BillMurraysTesticle avatar

Everyone calling bam a bitch I invite you to stand in front of a rubber claymore and see if you don't shed a tear.

u/inthekeyofbeast avatar

Clicked hoping to see people getting hit with a giant rubber sword. Was disappointed.

u/autowikibot avatar


A claymore (/ˈkleɪmɔər/; from Scottish Gaelic claidheamh mòr, "great sword") is the Scottish variant of the late medieval two-handed longsword. It is characterised as having a cross hilt of forward-sloping quillons with quatrefoil terminations. It was in use from the 15th to 17th centuries.


Image i - Engraving of a claymore and armour at Dunvegan Castle (from Footsteps of Dr. Johnson, 1890).

Interesting: Claymore ^(manga) | M18 Claymore ^mine | Claymore, New South ^Wales | Operation ^Claymore

Parent commenter can toggle ^NSFW or ^delete. Will also delete on comment score of -1 or less. | FAQs | ^Mods | Magic ^Words

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u/Andrewmoyles avatar

RIP Ryan Dunn

u/Myflyisbreezy avatar

im surprised they let him do it without a face mask.


Johnny Knoxville is a batshit crazy, fearless, son of a bitch.

u/Kierchon avatar

Bam didnt cover his nuts... I dont really know what he was thinking but I bet thats why he was crying on the ground


This is probably my favorite stunt ever. Also, obligatory thanks for putting me on the front page for the first time.

Bam crying because he got hit in the bollocks, ouch.

u/Jk186861 avatar

"... yeah and get killed!" -Ryan Dunn too soon?

u/Radiate_your_balls avatar

"It's going to hurt real bad, but it's just loud"

u/Jk186861 avatar

Kind of like driving 100 mph into a ditch

u/Radiate_your_balls avatar

He had been in trouble in that area before, going to fast.

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u/VideoLinkBot avatar
u/LegendsLurker avatar

Johnny knoxville is a fucking man

u/wazzym avatar

What a bunch of jackasses!

Son of a fuck you

Bams tears taste so sweet


I had to read that title so many times before I could figure out what it meant.


myth busters feat. johnny knoxville BEST.SHOW.EVER

u/Huhshit avatar

fuck that. these guys can stand pain to another level. just giggling and shit. id be down on the floor crying like a bitch. word.

u/darbbycrash avatar

knoxville didnt even fall

u/Walking_Up avatar

Bam got hit in the balls.

u/JestersHat avatar

I really really dislike bam. He is not funny and acts like a dick (not the fun kind)

u/PicturePurrrrfect avatar

RIP Ryan Dunn

u/jhc1415 avatar

Fucking dumbass deserves to rot in hell. How can you drive drunk at 130 mph and not expect to get yourself killed. He's lucky he only killed one other person that day.

u/PicturePurrrrfect avatar

Jesus Henry Christ man, it was only a comment. But you are right. He was still a good man tho, in direct relation to jack ass.

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I have to admit bam has always been a pussy because when he was a pro skater he gave up on hand rails , he could not take the falls of trying to grind on hand rails, thats why he was a bad as at the mini ramp how ever its his pussiness that makes this show come together and how Johnny makes fun of them . I they had all balls of steel like the dudesons this show would not be as funny !

u/BigBoyBlake420 avatar

Bams a pussy


Bam is such a bitch.

Interesting how Ryan Dunn is all like "no way man, this can kill you", then proceeds to race his Porsche under the influence of alcohol killing himself and the passenger.

u/the_dutch_rudder avatar

Bet you get invited to loads of social events

So did he, and look what happened. Drive sober kids !

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u/KCPC avatar

I know you're getting heaps of downvotes but you're right. He was an asshole who drunk drove and killed another person, I'm not saying he deserved to die but everything he got he brought on himself and he could've killed more people. He was an asshole.

u/epik avatar

Porsches love killing actors.

u/AlienGrill avatar


u/rushone2009 avatar

Thanks for bringing that up. You just couldn't resist, could you.

We have to be thankful he only killed one person and not more.

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u/Megaverner avatar

You are awful.

u/inflictedcorn avatar


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u/dogfacedboy420 avatar

Nah brah.

Bam can suck a dick. Dudes such a pussy. Ryan Dunns a drunk driving murderer. Knoxville is cool though.

Who did ryan dunn murder? Zach Hartwell? The guy making a documentary called "8 pounder" about how he weasled over a million dollars by selling cars to widows and lying about their value/condition?

Yeah, everyone has skeletons in the closet, I love how you try to bring dunn down, and the guy he killed up, when the guy he killed was producing a documentary about how much of a scumbag he was.

I didn't up the other guy at all you cocksmith. Point still stands! Next point: my dick your mouth, what up?

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u/FluffyFarts avatar


u/BetterThanYouAtHalo avatar


Decades old reposts now? Awesome....

u/Abroh avatar

10% pain 90% posturing for the camera

can civilians get these? how th hell did they get one lol