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Payment data is core
to your growth

Drive your business with the precision and efficiency required to achieve your goals

Payplug unifies your data to increase your performance

Whatever your sales channel, Payplug unifies and centralises all your payment data, in real time, in your portal. This major asset for your financial reconciliation means you can make better accounting and operational decisions.

  • Detail of each payment cost: network fees and interchange fees, with their breakdown by transaction
  • Single exportable table to view all your flows (online, in-store transactions, received via your payment requests)
  • Payment data available for all European countries
  • Accurate analyses of the performance of your transactions, country by country
  • Unified view between listing of collected transactions and what is actually collected, based on adjustments related to refunds and chargebacks.
réconciliation financièreréconciliation financière

Make customer
knowledge your edge

From transaction history to average basket per sales channel, and purchases made per period, take advantage of in-depth knowledge about your customers, in real time!

Identify your customers on all their purchasing channels
Using the token (unique and secure identifier) and our unified platform, you can reconcile mobile, online, and in-store payment transactions.


Act on the purchase tunnel and the customer journey

With unified data across all your sales channels, any journey becomes possible. Offer more fluid and innovative user experiences: click and collect, ‘try at home / pay later’, mobile and in-store checkout.


Develop personalised loyalty actions

Payment data allows you to conduct customer behavioural analyses. Couple them with your CRM to set up personalised loyalty programmes.

Services dedicated to your payment teams

Payment flows can be viewed in your portal

You can also benefit from an even more detailed view of your payments: bearer data, 3DS triggering, 3DS verification accepted or refused, chargebacks, or even a unified view of the cost details of each of your payments.

payments data

Fight against fraud: controlling
your data is paramount

Our experts are available to advise you on the best options to preserve your conversion. By analysing your payment data, we can personalise our recommendations

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