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2262 Resource s
2262 Resource s
  1. For health care providers to make a correct diagnosis, they must be equipped with the right tools, including access to pulse oximetry. These devices are essential for alerting health workers to hypoxemia and the need for urgent treatment, including referral to higher-level facilities and access to oxygen, which can be lifesaving.Lacking these important devices and depending on clinical signs alone, frontline health care providers may be less likely to identify all patients who have hypoxemia and require immediate medical attention. When danger signs are overlooked or not adequately addressed, lives are at risk.This primer is a summary of resources to help decision-makers, implementers, and advocates understand the planning, policies, and technologies involved in pulse oximetry scale-up.
    Published: May 2024
    Resource Page
    Part of a Series, Brief, Report
  2. Between 2019 and 2024, the Tools for Integrated Management of Childhood Illness (TIMCI) initiative worked in collaboration with the governments of India, Kenya, Senegal, and Tanzania to improve access to critical tools (pulse oximetry and clinical decision support algorithms) that help health care providers identify and appropriately manage children who are severely ill.This work included large-scale, multi-country, mixed-method evaluation conducted to address evidence gaps and inform national and international decision-making on scale-up of these devices: a pragmatic cluster randomized controlled trial in India and Tanzania, quasi-experimental pre-post studies in Kenya and Senegal, and complementary sub-studies.This technical brief summarizes cross-country results, interpretations, as well as key takeaways from the TIMCI studies.
    Published: May 2024
    Resource Page
    Part of a Series, Brief
  3. PATH is moving from a siloed, disease-specific approach to person-centric approaches by establishing integrated care models. We actively assist state governments in integrating maternal and child health, non-communicable, mental health, tuberculosis, and elderly care services, and establishing model adolescent-friendly facilities at the urban primary health care level.
    Published: May 2024
    Resource Page
  4. Every data collection system is prone to errors, resulting from design oversights or human errors during data collection, processing, and transmission.When used routinely, a data quality audit is one of the best measures used to improve data integrity once data has been collected and before it is used for important decisions.This toolkit is intended to provide Data Quality Audit procedures and tools to assist users to:1. Assess the quality of reported data.2. Review the health information system processes that produce the data.3. Develop action plans to improve data management and quality.The toolkit includes the following materials:DQA toolkit overview and user guideModule 1 Data Quality Audit template (Excel)Module 2 DQA data preparation tool (Excel)Module 3 Data Quality Audit results data prep (Excel)Tally sheet sample (Excel)Facility performance assessment questionnaire sample (Word)RDQA orientation agenda sample (Word)Data Quality Audit report template outline (Word)
    Published: May 2024
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    Training Material
  5. The Accelerating Measurable Progress and Leveraging Investments for Postpartum Hemorrhage Impact (AMPLI-PPHI) aims to dramatically reduce maternal mortality and morbidity from postpartum hemorrhage—the leading cause of maternal death worldwide. AMPLI-PPHI consortium brings together Jhpiego, PATH, and the International Federation of Gynecology and Obstetrics (FIGO) to support Ministries of Health and ensure sustainable access to quality-assured drugs.
    Published: May 2024
    Resource Page