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Digital Twin
What is "digital energy" and how can we twin it?
"Digital innovation makes energy smart."
Why Russian cyber-attackers use modular frameworks for VPNFilter and Cyclops Blink malware
APTs have cleverly developed a strategy through modular frameworks allowing them to preserve their own malware “crown jewels.”
Securing the US water supply: Smart people, processes and technology
The OT networks that water utilities depend upon may contain hundreds of different components.
Business Intelligence
Data-enabled energy transition—a quick look ahead into 2022
The key energy challenge will be to balance the integration and intermittency of renewables and distributed energy resources across their grids.
How water utilities can improve cyber-confidence in the OT space
Organizations need to now monitor their full OT systems and all the equipment in it—old and new, multi-vendor, and at all patching levels—365 days a year.
Advanced Control
Why you should simplify your energy-network monitoring
Having data available solely in the control room is no longer sufficient.
Business Transformation
Smart insights on open-source solutions
"Security through obscurity worked, until it didn't."
Asset Performance
The benefits—yes benefits!—of creating a sustainability-first culture
"As data becomes more accurate and automated, the financing of sustainability programs becomes much more achievable."
Advanced Control
Case Study: Smart lighting in urban canyons
Wi-SUN and the City of London partner on an illuminating project.
Human Capital
Storm-assessment services make the difference in utility outage-restoration efforts
Technology-enabled storm assessment services provide a lifeline for utilities hard hit by the forces of Mother Nature.