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Accelerate the Development of AI Solutions

Gain confidence in AI outcomes with AI workflows.

What Are AI Workflows?

AI workflows are cloud-native, packaged reference examples that illustrate how NVIDIA AI frameworks can be leveraged to build AI solutions. With pretrained models, training and inference pipelines, Jupyter Notebooks, and Helm charts, AI workflows accelerate the path to delivering AI solutions.

Learn how AI workflows can reduce the cost of developing and deploying AI solutions.

Get started with NVIDIA AI workflows.
The Benefits of AI Workflows

AI workflows accelerate the path to AI outcomes. These cloud-native reference applications provide a path for developers to quickly get started building AI solutions.

Reduce Development and Deployment Time

Best-in-class AI software streamlines development and deployment of AI solutions.

Improve Accuracy and Performance

Frameworks and containers are performance-tuned and tested for NVIDIA GPUs.

Gain Confidence in AI Outcomes

Business-critical AI projects stay on track with NVIDIA Enterprise support, available globally.

NVIDIA AI Workflows

Generative AI Knowledge Base Chatbot

Generate accurate and cited responses by retrieving information in real time from the company's knowledge base.

Intelligent Virtual Assistants

Engage customers with contact center assistance 24/7.

Audio Transcription

Enhance customer service with world-class, accurate speech-to-text.

Cybersecurity Insider Threat Detection

Implement digital fingerprinting for every user and detect anomalies at a massive scale.

Next Item Prediction

Predict what's next with session-based recommenders and NVIDIA AI.

Route Optimization

Address the vehicle-routing problem and optimize for cost, time, and dynamic constraints.

Multi-Camera Tracking

Multi-Camera Tracking

Track the customer journey across multiple cameras throughout the store.

Retail Store Analytics

Retail Store Analytics

Gain actionable store insights with advanced video analytics for retail.

Retail Loss Prevention

Retail Loss Prevention

Prevent shrinkage and theft at the point of sale.

Start Your Journey With NVIDIA LaunchPad

Get access to NVIDIA AI workflows with free curated labs.